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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Hola Thursday… So Glad to See You!


August 26, 2010

First and foremost, I logged on this morning to see I had reached 500 FOLLOWERS—never in a million years did I ever think so many people would care what I have to write, but thank you so much for taking a small peak into my daily life… I know it’s not all glamour and I say rando things at times on a wide range of topics, but I appreciate your love and comments more than you could ever imagine! Can’t wait to see what’s in store next!
Speaking of opportunities, the lovely team at CSN Stores contacted me to do a product review. With so many options at their 200+ stores, I can’t wait to see what I can find to complement our home…maybe some Corelle for entertaining, some fun new lamps for a guest room, or maybe a new blanket for our lazy couch downstairs perfect for a nap!
I just got in a BIG BOX of supplies delivered via FedEx so that I can teach myself the fine art of Copperplate calligraphy…. I ordered it from the MAJOR online calligraphy superstore and can’t wait until I have some free time to get to work—practice makes perfect!!
Copperplate Calligraphy Sample via Betsy White
AND, tomorrow afternoon, this wonderful desk will be arriving at my house so I can set up shop—yippee!! I am so excited to have a place to write/work/blog in our house rather than on the kitchen island…
Last night, a few of us girls got together to hear all about Meg’s Mexican honeymoon adventure… we had ladies’ night cocktails at The Wine Loft (the best baked brie in town!) and went through the slideshow on her camera of all their pics—looks like they had a BLAST!!! So lucky to have such great friends =)
Today’s high temperature in Nashville is a mere 85…say it ain’t so??? It’s August 26th and we can NOW go outside and enjoy the weather since we weren’t able to all summer—so glad fall is fast approaching, which means football every weekend, decorating our house for fall, and spending way too much $$$ on Starbuck’s Pumpkin Spice Lattes =)
I just bought this OPI nail color to wear to our party Saturday night because it matches my dress… no, not fall at all, but can you say girly????

Enough of me and my mindless ramblings for today… Happy Thursday friends–so very close to the weekend, though I have too much to accomplish before it gets here, and I can’t wait to let the fun begin =)
  1. amy anne says:

    Congratulations! I, too, cannot wait to spend a ridiculous amount of money on pumpkin spice lattes, they are so worth it!

  2. Love the desk, love pumpkin spice lattes and I love the nail color! So perfect! 🙂

  3. Meredith says:

    I love, love, love pumpkin spice!!! I drank way too many while in D.C. last November (2 or 3 a day), let's just say I think D.C. Starbucks made more money off of me then my hotel!! New follower!!


  4. Ooh love the new desk! I think I might need to go grab a pumpkin spice latte today!

  5. Ashley says:

    Wooohoo! Congrats on hitting 500 followers, we all read because you are full of interesting random things. 🙂 Mmmm, starbucks!

  6. Congrats on 500 followers ! thats awesome.
    oh i just saw your wedding is June 11/2011. my sister is getting married that day too =)

    Have great rest of the week!

  7. Marian says:

    Congrats on 500!!

    I am loving that desk. Where did you get it? Details please:)

    And though I'm kind of hoping time will slow down so I can get last-minute wedding stuff done…I am anxiously awaiting pumpkin spiced lattees:)

  8. Kristin says:

    Yay for 500!!

    Where do you buy OPI at?? I can never find it!

  9. LindseyLove says:

    Congrats on 500! : ) Love the nail color and I just told my husband that after seeing your blog I want to try the pumpkin spice latte!


  10. no surprise really, but i have the EXACT same desk in my sewing/craft room!!! pottery barn porter desk in white! 🙂 i LOVE it!! the large drawer is my absolute fave!

  11. capperson says:

    Congrats and yummy pumpkin spice lattes!!! Love the color!

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