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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Me and You… Just Us Two


August 2, 2010

This weekend, it was all about spending time with just me and the boy…since this rarely happens, we wanted to take advantage of a relaxed weekend at home and get a lot of to-dos checked off our list–Friday night, we had planned a hot date downtown, however, since we were both exhausted from the work week, we decided for a laid back dinner at Jackson’s in Hillsboro Village–and since we ate later, we were able to sit outside and people watch… so fun!
Afterwards, we let our wild side out and went to Home Depot, Pier 1, and Sweet Cece’s for yogurt–yes, we’re wild and crazy I know.
Saturday morning, I got up early and ventured out to Cool Springs to get some much-needed birthday shopping accomplished. I was able to get everything I needed, so I spent some time shopping for ME…and by that, no I don’t mean for the house, I mean for ME! It was so enjoyable to be able to shop at a slow pace for once and not be rushing around… after 4 hours, I walked out with a new pairs of shoes, 2 new dresses, 2 new shirts, a new purse, and a scarf for fall–yay!! That night, we met my family at Bricktops to celebrate my cousin’s 21st birthday!! We had so much fun toasting her adulthood and wishing them well for their Vegas trip…
Sunday morning, we were up to knock out a few more house chores…we painted my white wicker furniture because it will be used in one of our guest bedrooms, picked out new bedding, finally chose the paint colors for the 2 guest rooms, and office, and then hauled off an entire carload of more unnecessary “stuff” to Goodwill–love that feeling to get everything we don’t need O U T! Hope everyone had a WONDERFUL WEEKEND…
But now on to more important things–who is ready for the “Ali Finale” tonight??? Me and my girls are having a mexican fiesta tonight so we can all pretend like we don’t know whats going to happen and who Ali is going to pick? or not pick? All I know is I can’t wait to find out and see those highly anticipated previews for Bachelor Pad-score!!
  1. Mrs. Hesson says:

    Well, it sounds like you and your honey had a fabulous weekend 🙂 I am so looking forward to tonight (don't let us down, Ali!) but am prepared for anything. Ha! That is the name of the game, I suppose.

    P.S. I have a new blog layout in the works and I took your suggestion. I am pumped!

  2. how fun!!! I have stayed away from all the magazines and reality steve so I have no idea what will happen tonight! I cant wait for Bachelor Pad!

  3. I love weekends where you have QT time with your love!

  4. Sounds like a great weekend! I'd love to see the fall pieces you picked up too 🙂

    I can't wait for the Bachelorette finale…and for the Bachelor Pad!

  5. Ahhh me and my girlfriends are doing the same thing! Mexican + Bachelorette should be a good time!

  6. date nights with the Mr are the best!!! and let me tell you how much i love hauling stuff to goodwill! last week i made 3 trips..no joke and have another one planned for today!!!

    happy monday! ps..love the new bloggy!

  7. Mrs. S says:

    Brick Tops is the best!
    Looks like y'all had a fab weekend!
    Love the new bloggy!

  8. The Holmes says:

    Sounds like a fun weekend! I'm getting together with one of my girlfriends tonight for Bach. finale as well. Mexican meat cups are on the menu! They are delish!

  9. Jessica says:

    I'm soooo excited for the Bachelorette finale tonight! I just hope she picks someone…I would be disappointed if not because I think both of them are great guys!

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