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Top 2 Tuesday and My Other Randomness


August 3, 2010

Over at Taylor’s blog today, she wants us to take a moment to reflect on the simple
things we enjoy in life…
Top 2: Simple Pleasures
1. Clean Laundry
I know that may sound strange, but I just love the smell of clean laundry…it’s one of the household chores I actually don’t mind doing, and I love wearing Jeff’s tshirts just so I can smell like him when he’s out of town for work–it just makes my heart happy
2. Girl Time
Though it may not happen as much as we all would like, any time I get to spend with my best girlfriends is a definite simple pleasure… whether we’re at the beach or snuggled up watching movies, just having those companions in my life is something I try not to take for granted.
It’s the little things in life, right?? =)
In other news, who all watched the Ali Finale last night??? Were you all as shocked as I was?? Didn’t see that blow coming to Chris right then and there, bless his fish-kissy face heart… he looked just plain devastated =(.
But I do have to give it to Ali, at least she didn’t lead him on and let him think he was going to be the “the one”, only to declare her unending love to Robert-o–although  was it not obvious to you that she was in love with him from Day Numero Uno??? Congrats Ali–now let’s all cross our fingers this one lasts so we don’t have to see her cry and whine and plop herself down on the beach/hotel room/stairs ever again
And in other WAY MORE important news, look what was delivered to my house this past weekend via Mr. Postman…
Our Engagement Party Invitation!!
Isn’t it adorable??? My {I mean our} WONDERFUL hostesses–Bev, Meg, Candice, and Lauren–picked them out and I am just so excited for August 28th to get here! It was such a weird feeling seeing my name on an invitation for something wedding-related and it made me realize this next year is going to be oh so much fun! Thank you SO much ladies… you know how obsessed I am with all things paper-related, and I know the party is going to be incredible… I am blessed with some amazing bridesmaids!! Love you all! 
  1. Sarah Mina says:

    YES I watched the Bachelorette last night and I definitely didn't see that coming with Chris! I think it was a pretty noble thing to do, though, and I totally know what you mean about her and Roberto from the beginning! I feel like he was always the first one she would give a rose to during the rose ceremonies and he is just oh-so-hot!

    That's exciting about your engagement party, can't wait to hear more of the details!

  2. Mrs. Hesson says:

    I couldn't believe it either! Broke my heart watching Chris. And that rainbow. Amazing! Who wants to be that Chris is the next Bach? Ha. 🙂

    Those invitations are SO cute.

  3. CMae says:

    I wanted Roberto from the second she gave him the first impression rose!!! 🙂 He was sweating so bad when he was about to propose……Tahiti must be extremely humid/hot when they filmed!! 🙂

  4. I love the engagement party invitations!

    Check out my blog for a giveaway!

  5. The invitations are adorable!!

    The bachelorette ending was what I expected. Chris did look hurt, but she was in reality doing everything nicely.

    Have a great day! 🙂

  6. Jordan says:

    Love girl time! 🙂

    And yes, I watched last night. I have to admit, I was kind of disappointed that she didn't pick Chris.

  7. Love those invitations! They are too cute!

  8. ~jacquelyn says:

    those invitations are just darling 🙂 going to wedding parties is way fun, you'll feel so loved and blessed, its amazing!!!

  9. Nicole-Lynn says:

    I watched the finalie and my heart went out to Chris! He was such a sweetie! I thought for sure he'd be picked, but the chemistry just wasn't there. Her and Roberto look great together and I hope they last! I hear they're planning for a spring wedding! How exciting 🙂

    The engagement party invite turned out so cute! You're going to have so much fun.. we had a great time at ours and it was so nice seeing all of our friends and family there supporting us!

  10. Sarah Wyland says:

    Cute invites! They kinda match your blog. :p

    I love clean laundry as well. Especially clean sheets at bedtime.

  11. I totally agree girl time is great and sometimes hard to come by!

    Those invitations are so pretty! Totally almost matches your blog too!

  12. Those invitations are so cute! I love them!

    I can't wait to see what your lovely hostesses do for the party!

  13. Jennifer says:

    I was not expecting her to eliminate Chris right then either…It broke my heart!!

    I love your blog and I am your newest follower!


  14. Such a cute invitation!! And couldn't agree more about the bachelorette, I felt so badly for Chris, but the chemistry between her and Roberto was undeniable ~ could have done without the Lion King soundtrack after the proposal though 🙂

  15. Love your top 2! and I felt so bad for Chris! and those invites are to die for!

  16. Kristin says:

    Your party invitation is soooooo cute!

  17. Melissa says:

    How exciting! The invitations are too cute!

  18. melissa says:

    THe invitations are beautiful! And I LOVE your new blog design. Lindsey does the best work!

  19. I think 8/28 is the perfect day for a party, that's the day my handsome hubby and I celebrate our 6th anniversary!

    PS – the invites are super cute!

  20. Lindsey says:

    The invite is so cute!!

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