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We Should be on TV


August 6, 2010

Now that Jeff and I seem to be spending all of our free time working on our home, I think the people at HGTV should give us our own television show… from having to redo our downstairs because of the flood, painting some rooms 2 times because I had a slight change of heart {sorry babe!}, and all the other messes we have gotten ourselves into—this would be a must-watch for sure.
I have to admit, my name is Natasha and I am a home décor/design junkie… I will sit and watch House Hunters, My First Place, Color Splash, Moving Up, Divine Design, and all the other reality shows for hours on end—there are some fantastic and helpful ideas on there and so easy you can DIY, too!
This weekend, we are tackling our 2 guest bedrooms since we’ll be having out-of-town guests stay with us the weekend of our engagement party. I am happy to report that this bed will finally make its debut in one of our rooms and I already have this bedding ensemble to go with it…
Valencia II Sleigh Bed from PB
Pine Cone Hill Bedding via Layla Grace (but I scored it for MUCH less at Homegoods!)
I wanted to keep it neutral so I can throw in splashes of color with décor, art, flowers, and accessories, but I can’t wait to see the finished product. We ended up using Benjamin Moore’s Hush paint color to cover the walls {shown below}, and we still have lots to get accomplished, but it’s coming along!
For our other guest bedroom, we are going more with a cottage/relaxed theme, as I am using my childhood furniture that goes perfectly—we spray painted the white wicker last weekend just to give it a fresh coat and make it pop, and I decided to switch out the first bedding I bought for something with a bit more color…
Sienna Paisley Bedding

We painted this another shade by Benjamin Moore, Ocean Air, and as soon as you walk into the room, you feel happy and relaxed–it is just so calming! I am also going to attempt to make a DIY upholstered headboard, so fingers crossed that works out. I have had a few friends do it before and theirs turned out beautifully, so I am tackling the challenge myself.
Sounds like an exciting weekend doesn’t it?? In between, I’ll be taking advantage of the TN tax-free weekend– I know you’re uber jealous–haha!! Wow, how my life has changed… I just have so much to accomplish before someone’s wedding festivities kick off next week–yes, Meg, I can see you glowing as you’re reading this knowing how much fun we’re going to have celebrating you and Aaron–hehe! Love you!
And one final note: seems like all my posts these days belong to either wedding, working out/diet/fitness, or home decor–I apologize friends… hope I’m not becoming lame on you, I promise to return to fashion, fun, football, and other exciting things ASAP!
  1. mommara says:

    Oh I love our bedding! I think the blog is taking the perfect new path. It's following your life and right now that is wedding, fitness and home decor things. Although, I can not wait for college football to start. Less than a month! Go Dawgs!

  2. Laura Brown says:

    I love all of those HGTV shows too!!

  3. Beth says:

    I really enjoy reading all your decorating adventures, wedding, and fitness/diet/exercise posts. I'm sure that fun and football will be just as wonderful!

  4. oh my gosh your blog is adorable! I absolutely love it! And I see that you are from Nashville! New follower now 🙂

    Have you heard of (or been to 🙂 Wedding 101 @ The Factory in Franklin? Completely free resource for brides but they are having a Bridal Expo on August 22nd with food and cake and an auction benefiting the Fairy Godmother Project of Music City. I just wanted to pass it along! 🙂

  5. Girl, soon enough your house is going to be HGTV showcase worthy! Wow, love all of your gorgeous finds!

    I'm so glad to be home so I can catch up with your blog…I missed reading some fab blog posts! Also love your new design, it is tres you! xoxo

  6. Sherrie says:

    I love that Sieanna paisley bedding! Make sure you post photos when you are done. I'm sure it will be gorgeous. We are on a painting rampage around here too. In the last week my dh has painted two bedrooms (well my parents painted one of them) and the upstairs hall. We use all BM paint. It's the best!

  7. melissa says:

    I love reading about your home decorating! I say write what makes you happy. Though I sure do love football & fashion! 🙂

  8. NAT!!!! My eyes are in AWE of the bedding from home goods. I just saw that last month and wanting to buy the entire set to take with me on the plane since it was so lovely and like Anthropoligie!!!! I am googling it now to try and have shipped to me!

  9. Natasha, excellent choices! That Paisley bedding is my dream bedding! And I loveee Pine Cone Hill Bedding, I definitely need to check out my Home Goods to see if I can be so lucky. I hope we get to see the end results!

    And HGTV? Im obsessed!

  10. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Loving the paint color! It's one of our wedding colors 🙂

    P.s. Love Candice Olson on Divine Design! 🙂

  11. Heather says:

    I enjoy those HGTV shows too. I could watch them all day. I really like the bedding that you selected. Look forward to seeing final pics!

  12. Lindsey says:

    I love that Layla Grace bedding! So pretty.

  13. Both rooms are going to look fabulous! I have been drooling over that same PB bed for awhile. How amazing is HomeGoods by the way? The Layla Grace bedding is gorgeous!

  14. Love that Paisley bedding! Too cute!

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