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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wedding Wednesday…Lots of Catching Up!


August 18, 2010

It’s my favorite day of the week—well, during the work week at least…it’s Wedding Wednesday and I love getting to update everyone on all my planning—I know, I am a bit obsessive/compulsive about making lists and keeping everything organized, but that will lead to a stress-free zone come next June, right??
So much to update on…
1. Last night, we were able to meet with our photographers to have our “image premiere” for our engagement pictures! Jeff and I were so excited and we couldn’t wait…we were like little kids on Christmas morning smiling and laughing once Adrienne played our slideshow—so many great images they were able to capture and we’re both extremely pleased with the end product. I can’t wait to post some of the images {soon I promise!}
You can see their blog post sneak peak of our pictures here—and please leave comments, they love them!
2. My Mom and I have had a busy few weeks…between everything for Meg’s fun festivities we have been meeting with local wedding florists, and attempting to figure out who we’re going with. This has been an aspect of the wedding where I was really interested to see if a floral designer really “understood my vision” and the look I am going for… southern chic with a touch of glamour—haha, or at least that’s what I tell myself!! We have narrowed it down to 2 fantastic ladies and we’re trying to decide which route to go…obviously budget, style, and personalities are all important details and we know either of these will be a wonderful choice! {more on that to follow!}
3. And, my favorite part of the ENTIRE wedding is drawing near… the paper/invitations!! We have finally started collaborating with my dream designer for our save-the-dates. I found Mrs. Joni Lay—also known as Chocolate Butterbean—via the world-wide-web months ago {in April to be exact} and happened to stumble upon her custom wedding signs… see below, aren’t they incredible? Well, once I stumbled over to her website and blog, I soon realized she did invitation and stationery design, so I contacted her immediately.
She has been a breeze to work with and I can’t say enough about her fabulous designs! We have already received the first draft of our save-the-dates! I cannot wait for us to finalize the design, get these printed, and let my little fingers go to work on hand addressing our envelopes. Here are just some of her samples—ahhhh swoon!!!
That’s all for now–hopefully I’ll have more fun details to update you on next week… 😉
  1. I love the invitations all of them are beautiful! I just got engaged and I agree that the paper/invitations are going to be my favorite part also!

  2. Sarah Wyland says:

    I LOVE those signs! Precious. Arrington Vineyard is wonderful – your pictures are beautiful by the way. Love the chalkboard save the date one especially!

  3. Tatum-LeTard says:

    I am loving those invites!!! The print is simply beautiful! Where is the designer located? I am so happy to see all your wedding plans are coming along so smoothly and early! Whew… you are doing great, way ahead of time! I love it! Just don't let the little, annoying things sneak up on you (that's what I did!)! have fun!

  4. All Stunning!! The invitations are amazing:) So glad to hear that planning is going well

  5. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Looked at the engagement pics on your photographers site and they are so cute! Can't wait to see more girlie!

    We're trying to find a florist right now too! It's definitely something I don't want to settle on. Doing a post about it today! 🙂

    Yey for wedding progress 🙂

  6. The engagement pictures are gorgeous! The vineyard looks like the absolutely perfect setting. Can't wait to see more 🙂

  7. Thanks Natasha!! Can't wait to see more of your engagenment pics!

  8. Love those invites!!! What's the price range on those…if you don't mind me asking:) trying to nail down who I'd like to do our invites.

  9. I just left a comment on the photogs site, your pictures are STUNNING! You are going to be such a beautiful bride!!!

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