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Daily Nonsense and Things I Heart


September 30, 2010

Rise and shine dear friends!! It’s Thursday {technically my Friday since we’re leaving bright and early to head to Georgia} and I woke up extra chipper for some reason… although I do believe it may have something to do with the coffee I consumed when I arrived at work.
Are you as shocked as I am that today is the last day of September? This year has flown by at warp speed and I can’t believe we’re approaching the true fall months of fall followed by the holidays–be still my heart as I am so excited to decorate and cook and shop for presents for friends and family.
What I’m currently loving:
1. How I am totally going to meet my running goal for 2010– gotta run 56 miles each month for the next 3 months, but I will reach my goal of running 600 miles… so close, yet so far away!!!
2. These adorable envelopes to carry your cash for certain items–groceries, gas, entertainment, etc.–thanks Design A-Peele
3. Browsing home decor and design inspiration at some of my favorite blogs/sites: Coco + Kelley, Pepper Design Blog, High-Heeled Foot in the Door, The Decorista, Belle Maison, and Design*Sponge
4. This Mary Poppins Jolly Holiday party theme over at Divine Party Concepts
5. This recipe for oven baked Peanut Butter Smores via Eat at Home
6. The fact that even though my work has blocked Pandora, I can still listen to music courtesy of Yahoo Radio… and the oldies station is so much fun!
7. A night full of brand new TV shows: bring on My Generation, Grey’s, and Jersey Shore
Have a GREAT weekend friends… I promise to take loads of pictures on our fun adventure and tell you all about it come Monday morning! And crossing my fingers for a miraculous win over those LSU Tigers on Saturday too!!
  1. oh my gosh…peanut butter smores! those sound soo good! and right up my alley when it comes to baking. as easy as it gets! Thanks for the love!

  2. Ashley says:

    I'm glad o see I am not the only person shocked that it's the end of September.
    That's quite a running goal you have accomplished! congrats! I am inspired to come up with a number — how did you determine 600 miles?

  3. The Holmes says:

    I love the idea of cash envelopes for certain items. I take out a certain amount every pay period and work off cash, I've found I don't spend as much this way. I will have to go check her blog out! Thanks!

  4. Dining Diva says:

    Love all of the things you mentioned! Life is good and it's nice to celebrate all of the little things that make it so special!

  5. Miss Chelsea says:

    Love those envelopes!

  6. Melissa says:

    I have been needing to get my budget more organized lately, and these envelopes are perfect! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  7. Julia says:

    cheers to peanut butter s'mores! a, YUM! have a great weekend getaway!

  8. those peanut butter smores look amazing!

  9. Chiara says:

    peanut butter makes everything better!


  10. Shelley says:

    Thanks for the link! Hope you have a great weekend!!!

    Shelley @ http://divinepartyconcepts.com/

  11. I love the cloth envelopes for different categories!

  12. I met your friend Meg this weekend at the Dave Ramsey conference! She's really sweet!

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