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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wild for Wednesday


September 29, 2010

As I have nothing too substantial to report this week for the wedding, I thought I would take a bit of time to focus on a few other things… random things I feel like mentioning and answering some questions from some fantastic readers!
1. Skinny Girl margaritas are the greatest concoction ever invented… this allows me to have my girly cocktails without jeopardizing my hours of dedicated time at the gym
2. Reader Question: What is your favorite nail color for fall?? Right now, I am donning Essie’s Chinchilly gray-ish color and I love it–perfect shade for the fall transition, although I equally love OPI’s Ski til We Drop and Chocolate Moose

3. A bunch of us are gathering together next Friday night to explore the Bell Witch Tour here in Nashville and I couldn’t be happier… I LOVE everything about Halloween!!!
4. This weekend, Jeff and I are getting a couple’s massage at the Georgia resort we’re visiting and I couldn’t be more thrilled–my muscles have been aching and a deep tissue massage is JUST what the doctor ordered
5. With discussions all over town about what stores could potentially be entering Music City, I can’t help but wish Ikea and H&M would answer our prayers and open stores in my beloved hometown
6. Reader Question: What are some of your favorite sites/blogs for recipes? On my blog, I feature a number of YUMMY blogs, but I frequently rely on the likes of Our Best Bites, Recipe Girl, Paula Deen, and Kraft Foods…. which reminds me, next week I have some pretty fantabulous meals planned: Classic Italian Lasagna, Chicken Enchiladas, Homemade Pizzas, and Texas Style Chili are all on the menu… so lots of recipes sure to come your way ASAP!
7. Oh OK, a tad bit of wedding news: Yesterday, I received the envelopes for our STD’s and am starting to address!!! I CANNOT WAIT to send them out next month… and I promise to post them here {I know, teaser, right??}–only 264 days to go!!
8. Reader Question: How did you begin blogging? How did you get people to read? Do you have any tips? First of all, when I began blogging back in April 2008, I never dreamed anyone would actually care to read what I had to say {without the exception of a few of my friends}. With that being said, I started blogging for ME… as a way to document my life and everything in it. The good, the bad, the ugly, and everything in between–I think we all get so caught up in our hectic lives that we take for granted just what all we get to experience and this was intended to be sort of a “digital scrapbook” with events, happenings, thoughts, etc. Fast forward 2.5 years, and my blog has changed direction a bit, as I now focus more on wedding planning, entertaining, decorating my home, keeping myself in shape, cooking, and all the fun happenings taking place {still I’m not quite sure why people read–haha!} but I want to make sure I always aim to please myself and hope to help others along the way, too. To make a long story short, write about what YOU love and if people want to read, they will… plus, I think it’s fun to read blogs you find amusing/entertaining/uplifting/educational/etc. so you can step outside your life a bit, and see other people’s journeys, too!
9. And just because, I think we all need a little mid-week quote inspiration:
  1. BakerGirl says:

    I heart those quotations you picked out!
    Also, I'm loving that Essie color….

  2. Love, love Essie's Chinchilly!

  3. simple girl says:

    please let me know how the bell witch tour goes! I've always wanted to do it.

  4. Love that color, I tried it out a few weeks ago. It's a very cool neutral 🙂

  5. Im praying we get H&M in Dallas too! Thankfully Ikea is 10 minutes from my house but it causes some problems since I always feel like I can go pick out new furniture-ha!

  6. Great post Natasha!

    I am a new blogger (just about one week or so into it) and I really liked hearing about how you got started and why, sounds just like and how I started. How did you end up with so many followers?

    BTW I love hearing all about your wedding plans as I am now going through planning withdrawal after our wedding in August!

  7. Love the cail polish color! Thanks for the new blogger tips! I just started blogging and sometimes it is hard to decided where to pull inspiration from!

  8. Essie makes the very best nail polish. I'm currently wearing Essie's "A-list"

  9. IKEA in Nashville………I have my fingers crossed. That would be amazing.

    Have a great week.


  10. I am wearing the exact same color on my nails, weird! I just bought it this week and am in love.

    Your quote bar is awesome, I may reflect on it for a minute or two for inspiration, not going to lie.

  11. SOO cool that your friend works for Dave Ramsey! What a dream job! I am pretty excited about it 🙂

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