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A Healthy Tuesday…Cocktails!


October 5, 2010

If you managed to have a horrid day yesterday and joined the likes of me in partaking in an alcoholic beverage {or two} just to de-stress once you got home, did it happen to occur to you to account for those calories you just happened to consume?
This is when it gets hard for me… I stick to a diet that is easy for me to maintain–until the weekend or entertaining comes my way! Make way for the endless hours of tailgating and beer {or jack and diets whichever you prefer}, and then all that hard work goes down the drain, so I did some investigating to see just how much calories some favorite out there add to the daily intake:
12-oz beer: 150 calories, 6 oz. white wine: 120 calories, rum and diet: 133 calories, martini w/ 1 olive: 184 calories, 1.5 oz. tequila/vodka shot: 100 calories, gin and tonic: 178 calories. So then I decided it was time to find some alternative cocktails that will help keep me on track:

For the brunchinista: Mimosa Lite (120 calories)
2 oz. Minute Maid Light Orange Tangerine Juice
4 oz. champagne
Juice of 1/2 medium-size orange, or 1 to 2 oz.

**add several ice cubes to a tall glass; squeeze juice of the orange intoglass; pour in orange tangerine juice, followed by champagne and stir; garnish with fresh orange rinds

For the latin lovers: Mojito Makeover (140 calories)
2 oz. light rum
1 oz. Splenda syrup or Da Vinci’s Sugar Free Sweetener Syrup
1 oz. lime juice
7 mint leaves
Splash of club soda
**in a shaker, muddle mint leaves and lime wedge; add ice and other ingredients and shake; pour into tall glass and top with soda

For the dessert divas: Choco-lite Cocktail–similar to a cholocate martini (227 calories)
1 oz. Godiva chocolate liqueur
1 oz. vodka
1/2 cup nonfat milk
1 teaspoon Hershey’s Syrup Lite (for lining rim of glass)
**in a shaker, combine chocolate liqueur, vodka, and milk with crushed ice; shake to mix; pour into glass

For the gals who like a sweet treat: Sour Apple Martini (160 calories)
2 1/2 oz. sour mix
3/4 oz. vodka
3.4 oz. sour apple liqueur
**mix ingredients together in martini shaker with ice; drain liquid and pour into glass

**sources: Glamour and Fitness Magazine

And just because it’s fall and we need a seasonal treat, here is this from Hungry Girl.
Spiked Almond Joy Hot Cocoa–yummy!
1 1/2 oz. (3 tbsp.) coconut rum
1 packet Swiss Miss Sensible Sweets Diet Hot Cocoa Mix
1 drop almond extract
Fat Free Reddi-wip
**in your favorite mug, prepare cocoa with 3/4 cup hot water according to package instructions.; addrum and almond extract; stir and top with a generous squirt of Reddi-wip

  1. Brown Girl says:

    I'll take one of each please!

  2. emmalee says:

    amazing! thanks for this!

  3. I will most definitely be trying these!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Yum yes please I'm with BG on these! I want that Sour Apple Martini that sounds good!

  5. Caroline says:

    Pass me one now!!!

  6. I am the same way… I love to endulge myself with a little cocktail… these are some great ones! And nothing wrong with a light beer 😉

  7. Meredith says:

    OMG, thank you for this!!! I SO have to make me mojito tonight!!! ; )

  8. I am hosting a girl's night soon and these look FABULOUS! Thanks for sharing healthier options…I do love a good mojito!

    Liesl 🙂

  9. Can I take a moment to tell you that I love you. haha. These look delicious!

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