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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The House as of Late


October 6, 2010

I am abandoning ship this week for Wedding Wednesday…frankly, I am a bit overloaded in that area and don’t feel like spending any amount of time dedicated to the “w” word right now so we’re taking a small break and I promise to provide more bridal fun next week–until then, I am focused on what shall we call them…”other things” AKA my abode:
When we last left off {see this post}, I showed the final product of the master bedroom, progress on the formal living room, 1/2 bath, guest room, and upstairs full bath.
Well, after searching high and low for the perfect lamps, my Mom and I stumbled across exactly what I was looking for this weekend at Homegoods–needless to say, they landed in my buggy in 2.5 seconds before another crazy woman snatched them up! I came home, put them in their proper place, and then Jeff and I hung the pictures we had gotten from ZGallerie… oh how I want to sleep up there because I heart that room so much! Still a few things to be done including a sitting chair, a few more accessories, etc, but then I can move on to another room to occupy my time.
The office… well, my desk is all nestled with my calligraphy goodies, loads of stationery, and backups for tissue paper and gift bags, but you may notice I am missing a little something: a chair! I am on the hunt for a proper sitting chair, but haven’t found the perfect one just yet–well, one that doesn’t cost $500! I am seeking an upholstered arm chair so if you stumble across something uber fabulous, send it my way please. I am also waiting on this chic little rug to make its debut, but sadly the shipping date was moved back to the end of the month… and so I wait.
This poor little office wants some love…and attention! I promise the walls aren’t really THAT bright… poor picture taking abilities from yours truly…haha! I know it will look MUCH better once I get storage, items on the walls, and add some personal touches
 LOVING all the storage in my desk!
My rug that better arrive ASAP!
And finally, the downstairs living room AKA man cave. It was no shocker to my friends that I wasn’t too keen on the colors I had formerly chosen for our entertaining space. The brown couches with bright orange pillows just wasn’t my “thing” persay, so out with the old and in with a much more muted palette–blue, khaki, and ivory….ahhhh much better! I added a new lamp, some new picture frames, a plethora of pillows {which will be the death of my decor budget}, and a new throw for added comfyness. Still a work in progress as we need more on the walls–including a photo collage I can’t wait to work on, a few knick knacks, but we’re getting closer all the time. Obviously this room is all about comfort since it’s where we spend the majority of our time when we’re home relaxing.
My little picture nook
 Jeff’s priority and BFF…the HUGE television 😉
Bare walls=no fun, but a fun project to occupy that space soon!
 I love that it’s very “lived in” and homey
  1. Caroline says:

    Oh, it's beautiful! I love the dark brown sofa. And I am loving your office. How fun?! I so wish we had a Z Gallerie in Memphis.

  2. Chiara says:

    What a fabulous job decorating!!! I absolutely love your bedroom and your rug!!!

  3. Laura Brown says:

    It's beautiful! I looks great and I can't wait to see everything all finished!!

  4. Meredith says:

    I'm with Caroline, and I love the tv table too. It's looking good!!!

  5. I'm in love with your desk! Where is it from?

  6. Mrs. S says:

    i love the bedroom so pretty!

  7. Love the rooms they are beautiful! Great pillows I'm stuck at throw pillows I can't ever commit.

  8. Sarah Mina says:

    So jealous of all the storage in your desk! The whole house looks great! I know how you feel being overwhelmed with wedding stuff, but I can't wait to hear about your plans next week!

  9. Annah says:

    Love the green wall 🙂

  10. The Holmes says:

    Your house is really coming along. I'm totally intrigued and can't wait to see how your office turns out!

  11. Tina says:

    OOoh the house is looking really great! Can never go wrong at home goods and there are some SERIOUS crazy ladys there sometimes! lol and i loooove that rug for the office

  12. Michelle says:

    ohhh your house is adorable! I'm in love with the rug for your office!:)

  13. Melissa says:

    I love that comforter!! Where is it from?

  14. so cute! i love what you've done with everything. your man and my are TV Bff's! haha!

    where did you get that white desk? my master's graduation present to myself is to finish my office and i'm on the hunt for a white desk!

  15. Love your decor and colors. 🙂

  16. B says:

    It's turning out lovely 🙂 I love how fresh and clean your bedroom looks. And you have been tagged!

  17. How beautiful! When I get a house I'm going to hire you to come decorate 🙂 The rug and the lamps are my favorite!

  18. Kerr says:

    the "man cave" looks so cozy and a great place to hang out!

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