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Top 2 Tuesday… Dream Kitchens!


October 5, 2010

Oh, anything to give me a reason to peruse through House Beautiful, Southern Living, Coastal Living, and other decor and design sites is a great topic for me! {way to go Caroline!}… this week over at Taylor’s blog, everyone is invited to show their: 
Top 2 Dream Kitchens
Easy peezy for me… give me an all white kitchen decked to the nine’s in gourmet appliances and a GIANT island workspace and I will be one happy lady. This is the one space in our home that I wish I could change…with cherry cabinets, dark granite, and paint that resembles a semi-tomato red, I doubt my all white kitchen is going to happen in this home without a major kitchen renovation… oh well, something to think about for house #2

Sorry, I couldn’t pick just two =) 
  1. Oh how I enjoy a nice kitchen even though I don't cook…hehe! Great choices!

    Liesl 🙂

  2. Jenna says:

    Love these kitchens you picked out!

  3. Lindsey says:

    i'm loving your second choice! its gorgeous!

  4. Ashley says:

    ADORE the 4th and 5th — I can't wait to get a new house and have a sweet kitchen =)

  5. AndreaLeigh says:

    the first picture is gorgeous! love!

  6. Love your picks! Im adding that third picture to my list of ideas for renovating my kitchen!

  7. I love the first kitchen. We actually almost used that southern living floor plan when we were going to build a house. Instead we are renovating and most of my inspiration pics look like the second one!

  8. Meredith says:

    I love them all!!! Great picks!!!

  9. Oh love these kitchens.

    I'm your newest follower! 🙂

  10. I loooove that first kitchen. It has a really "warm" cozy feel to it and I love the way the colored beverage glasses pop from behind the cabinets. Haha – I'll take an island anyday too! I love how open they make the room feel.

  11. funny story – that last photo is a picture of my parents kitchen.

  12. those are gorgeous!!! we are looking at renovation options for our current kitchen and to say i'm pumped is beyond!

  13. GirlSunday says:

    I'd be happy with any of them…. or even half of one!

  14. oh I love love love the white! And the island. The kitchen is where people congregate anyway so might as well make it a party right! Beautiful!

  15. I love your pics! I am a sucker for white kitchens!

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