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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Charming…and Stylish Details


January 13, 2011

Last night, I continued the “winter cleaning” as I am calling it, because let’s face it, due to inclement weather, I am stuck at home most of the evenings and I am trying to accomplish anything other than watching mindless TV… I decided to go through my stack of old magazines and organize what I want to keep, what I want to recycle, and what I want to toss.
Southern Living has some of my favorite recipes, so I simply cut them out and am going to buy a fun binder to keep all of them in for easy reference! This will make finding new favorites so much easier than having to skim through old issues…
While I was cutting out decorating ideas and all the holiday tablescapes, I stumbled upon an article that I thought was perfect to share on my blog… cleverly entitled “How to Write a Charming Thank-You Note” {via September 2010 issue}. In this day and age, so many people forget to write handwritten notes and I thought I would take a moment to mention a few specifics to make it easier, and more fun:

1. Start with the date and salutation: Send your note, written in black ink, within a week of receiving a gift. P.S. If you pass the 1 week mark, don’t stress it–etiquette is actually 2 weeks so they’ll forgive you once they open that beautiful note anyways =)

2. Say thanks right off the bat: Be specific about why you are writing the note. If you’re thanking someone for a monetary gift, refer to their “generosity” rather than mentioning the amount.
3. Compliment the kind gesture: Don’t be afraid to go over the top—everyone loves an effusive compliment, as long as it’s heartfelt.
4. Allude to the future: Anticipate another get-together, or if you’re writing about a gift, be sure to tell them how you plan to use it.
5. Finish with sincere regards: Reiterate your gratitude, then close the letter on an intimate note, signing your first and last name. Don’t forget to proofread before you postmark! {We all have a final touch we like to add–mine for instance is “Best” because it can be sent to a number of people in a lot of different circumstances…not too personal, not too formal, but use a salutation that works for you}

And I wanted to send a special thank you to both blogging friends Teaching in Heels as well as M at I Made My Bed for passing on the “Stylish Blogger Award” to me…I have my days where I don’t believe I am stylish whatsoever, but that is so sweet of both of you–so then I have to share 7 stylish things about myself/my philosophies/etc…

1. I love to mix brown and black together–yes, I know, some people would never do this, but mixing neutrals together works well {in my opinion} and it offers some contrast–throw some gray in there, and you’re golden in my book!

2. Fashion icons I adore include Reese Witherspoon, Jessica Alba, and Jennifer Aniston…classic and tailored, yet refined and hip…they aren’t afraid to throw in color either, which I heart!

3. If I could switch places with one person in the fashion industry for one single day, I would most certainly choose Anna Wintour–yes, she is the woman from “The Devil Wears Prada”, but that woman has the fashion world at her fingertips and I would die if I were able to play dress up for a day from the infamous Vogue closet.

4. My favorite thing to wear–which will come as no surprise to most of you–are dresses… they’re feminine, fun, show off your figure, yet can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion…not to mention they are the most comfortable garments to me. In going through my closet recently, I had to count them and I had more than 100…yes, I know, a bit ridic…
5. If you’re wanting new highlooks at a fraction of the cost, subscribe to Rue La La, HauteLook, Gilt, Ideeli, and any other fashion feature website. You can get this season’s look for up to 50% off which helps our money go a little farther…
6. I am obsessed with fingernail polish… if I have nothing on my fingers, I feel naked… it always helps you look “complete” in my eyes, especially when people see your hands all the time–give me some OPI You Don’t Know Jacques or Pinking of You and I am all set.
7. And most of all… have fun! Shop around your closet for fun mix and matching pieces–you don’t always have to look “matchy matchy”… brighten your wardrobe with fun accessories {jewelry, scarves, purses} that don’t break the bank, but still incorporate current looks with timeless pieces
  1. Caroline says:

    Such a cute and fun posts!!! 🙂 I love receiving thank you cards.

  2. Super cute! I love nail polish, too…I'm a huge believer that a well-manicured nail can change your attitude!

  3. Carly says:

    I need to subscribe to Southern Living! Right now I tear recipes from Real Simple. They have a lot of delicious, simple (hah, obviously) meals.

  4. Kate Gene says:

    I love giving and receiving thank you cards or letters. I thought I was the only one who still took the time to send them anymore! LOL!

    I am all about nail polish! (Maybe it's the Asian in me. Bahahaha!) I am a health care worker, so unfortunately, when I'm at work, my usual polish is a no go. However, on my own time, I love rocking vampy nail polish or a classic french manicure!


  5. I'm obsessed with having my fingers painted too! I put on a new coat almost every day….little crazy.

  6. This is a fantastic post! Thanks for sharing the great tips about thank you notes! Jennifer and Reese are at the top of my fashion icon lists as well. And, I 110% agree about trading places with AW — you said it best, she has the world of fashion at her fingertips!

  7. Heather KA says:

    can you tell me where those brown boots are from in the picture of brown and black together? thanks!

  8. I love your post today!!

    "Thank you" cards are something I hold dear to my heart! I love writing them, and making them personal.

    PS. I too love to match black & brown's together. I think it gives black a little edge!

  9. MJ says:

    I'm always tearing out recipes, inspirations for decor and fashion. I keep them all in a sketchbook and in a recipe binder…love it!

  10. Jenny DB says:

    Found your blog via miss kelsey's. (we do CF together) anyway, your blog is lovely.. if your handwriting is anywhere as lovely as that in the thank you note, i'm profoundly jealous. the only problem with handwritten notes for me is my awful penmanship! 🙂 anyway, look forward to seeing more from you! and happy new year.

  11. Laura Brown says:

    OPI You Don't Know Jacques is my go to nail polish for the colder months!!

  12. Brown Girl says:

    I love all of your style icons, all very chic women!

  13. Ashley says:

    I love mixing colors. I also love mixing silver and gold!!

  14. Inna xoxo says:

    I love this post! It came at the right time! I am wayyy behind, but im just about to write my Thank You cards for Christmas! Great article! And i love the idea of getting an album for magazine recipes! I do that as well, and they just get all disorganized and im deff gonna have to try this!

    Im a newbie to blogging! Stop by and say hello sometime! 🙂

    xoxo Inna
    @ http://www.innasdailyfix.blogspot.com

  15. You are so charming yourself little lady AND classy!!! That's why I love you through the www!

  16. Tiffany says:

    I've never been a "mixer" of black and brown, but you've inspired me! I'm going to try it out tomorrow! 🙂


  17. Kayln says:

    I love love love your blog – it's so adorable! =)

  18. Love the thank you note tips…now if only I could write like on that note! Wow! I bet YOU could girlie!

  19. I do the same thing with my Southern Living magazines! I tear out decor and entertaining inspiration and recipes and put them in their respective binders. By the time I'm done, there are very few pages left in my favorite magazine 🙂

  20. Tiffany says:

    I loved that article on the charming thank you note! So fun that you shared it. And I'm with you on mixing black and brown AND You Don't Know Jaques! Love it. Have a great weekend!!

  21. OceanDreams says:

    i love Jen's style, so classy and polished and i love OPI, except i need to be better about painting my nails, i spend WAY too much money getting manicures!

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