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Thoughtful Nonsense


January 20, 2011

It’s Thursday, but it’s not thoughtless in my book…although considering this is a 4-day work week, it is DRAGGING by and I am in some desperate need of relaxation time this weekend. 

Last night, I went and had dinner with my sweet friend Jenna–she is one of the most incredible women I know and I so value our time together, though it never happens often enough. I love how when we’re together we can start from where we left off and things are just as fun as always. After dinner, I somehow encouraged her to “taste test” Sweet CeCe’s yogurt because she had never been… I know, I have to be their #1 customer from how frequently I indulge. Just as always, it didn’t disappoint. 
Afterwards, I headed home to take the rest of the night off and watch a few of my favorite shows– dear Modern Family, thank you for being the funniest show on TV–no matter what my mood is, you never fail me. And the story lines from last night, particularly Gloria’s “cupcakes” made me giggle away. 

I also finished reading my 1st book of 2011–20 days in and already done so I am very proud of myself… toot toot! I read “The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted” by famed author Gary Chapman and I assure you, for anyone out there getting married OR already married, you must read this book… it helps put so many marriage issues into perspective and relates it back to the Bible and I love that. It also has “assignments” at the end of each chapter to keep you accountable and I’m bound and determined to have Jeff read it soon, too!
Now I am moving on to reading “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”–I have heard really good feedback from others on this book so I am uber excited!
Unfortunately, I learned late yesterday afternoon that we have to reschedule my first wedding dress fitting.  Arzelle’s alterations specialist–bless her heart–is having to venture out of town for a family emergency. Obviously this was a little disappointing, but we reschedule to next Friday, so fingers crossed this new time works out, and we’re still on top of it schedule wise so no worries here. {P.S. thanks for all your sweet comments and words–I am VERY excited!}
And finally, please tell me some of you ladies are getting excited for the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season finale tonight… I am ELATED and can’t wait to see all these cat fights and the reunion show that’s already been stewing up controversy on the celeb sites–guilty pleasure=check! Happy Thursday friends…
  1. Caroline says:

    I may have to get that book. We've been married almost 3 years and everything is great, but we all could use a little advice every now and then. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Nichole says:

    I just got done with The Girl Who Played With Fire (it's the 2nd book after The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo), my only advice is fight through the first 115 pages bc they are TOUGH to get through but after page 115 you won't be able to put it down! I'm about to buy the last book and start reading it! They are GREAT!

  3. kate funk says:

    The first 100 pages of most books suck, I wish it wasn't always the case!!
    velvet cupcakes

  4. LeAnn says:

    Love Love Love Modern Family!!
    and I am also eagerly awaiting the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills finale! as well as the reunion episode!! 🙂

  5. Carly says:

    For some reason, today feels like a Friday for me. Ha, not a good thing!

    Modern Family was great last night!

  6. I am also very excited about tonights season finale of the housewives!!! Can't wait to see what happens..

  7. Kristen says:

    I am so with you on needing some relaxation. Can't wait for the weekend. PS I tagged you in a little post on my blog, play along if you'd like 🙂

  8. Totally hear that! This week has been killing me. So excited to relax and lay low this weekend!

  9. jayme says:

    secretly i called in sick to work and i'm in bed watching the entire season reruns of the housewives of beverly hills to prepare myself for tonight! to say i've been obsessed with this season is a complete understatement! haha xo

  10. I LOVE Modern Family, too. OMG, it makes me crack up. The writers of that show are brilliant! And, that book looks really good… maybe I should look into it! Things are good, but why not? And, good luck with your dress fitting. As long as you are on schedule, NO stress 🙂

  11. Jocelyn says:

    AMEN sista — oh the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills! I'm even most excited for the 2 part Reunion!

  12. Megan says:

    Just stumbled across your blog…and I LOVE. I triple heart following young women getting married so i can live vicariously through them (i am a twenty something been married for three years in august) but i really want to get married again (to the same man) just so i can plan another wedding..

    the husband isn't going for it…


  13. BeckyJo606 says:

    Thanks for the heads up on the good book by Gary Chapman. I loved Five Love Languages! Sorry you didn't have your first dress fitting–I know how much I am looking forward to mine! 🙂

  14. I can't wait for the RHWOBH tonight!! One of my favorite seasons ever!

  15. AllyceR says:

    OMG, I am almost done with "…Dragon Tattoo" and I LOVE it, I hope you do too! AND I cannot wait for the finale of Housewives tonight, loved this season!

  16. I cannot wait for the finale! I'm watching the episodes right now! but I think I'm going to switch over to Sex and the City for an hour then watch the final of Housewives. Just to get a nice rounded evening of totally girly tv.

  17. I am so excited too!!! I am going to miss that show, except I think the reunion show next week will be GREAT!!

  18. Nicole-Lynn says:

    I'll have to look into the marriage book. Thanks!

  19. Mrs. SE says:

    Obsessed with the beverly hills housewives! Of course I made sure to DVR What Happens Next. I was devastated to miss it after the DC Finale. Can't wait for the reunion this Thursday!

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