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Top 2, Training, and Nonsense


January 25, 2011

Hola lovelies!! Happy, Happy Tuesday to each and every one of you… it’s raining and a tad bit dreary here in Music City this morning, but I am keeping my fingers crossed the snow blows right on by us–too many things to do this week for weather to get in my way so take that Mother Nature.

Today, it’s all about diet and nutrition–thanks to Taylor for her Top 2 topic…
Top 2 Healthy Recipes and Snack Ideas! {I’ll give you 2 of each}
 1. For healthy snacks, I am all about the fruit–we load up each time we go to the grocery store and its always best to think about what’s in season to help save money, too… favorites for our house are always bananas, grapes–put them in the freezer as a treat, blueberries, as well as apples… mix it up and add some variety to keep it interesting so you don’t get bored.
Another item that is wonderful for snacking that I have found tasty are the Fiber One bars–they’re only 150 calories and they have a touch of chocolate so it’s almost like a dessert, but healthy for you with 35% of your daily fiber!
 2. As for healthy recipes, sometimes these can be hard to come across, but
2 of my favorites include these easy peasy recipes:
Oven Baked Chicken Parmesan via Kraft Foods
 And because I must have dessert, Lemonade Pie via Tidy Mom
 I also wanted to invlude some helpful hints and tips & tricks…little things I have stumbled across that make life {and trying to watch your weight/cut calories} that much easier:
Dottie’s Weight Loss Zone–lists hundreds of chain restaurants and calorie counts for popular food and drink items… think Starbucks, Panera, PF Changs, Subway, Olive Garden, etc–VERY helpful so you can plan ahead to order something not too bad  
Eat This, Not That books–yes, you’ve all seen them at your local Target/Barnes & Noble, but these books are WAY educational and there to help… different versions exist: grocery store, best/worst foods, kids, etc…check them out! They are fool proof and provide pictures for easy reference–switching out a few things here and there can really help you lose a few pounds in no time flat!
  1. Caroline says:

    Love Dotti's weight loss zone. It's so helpful! And I love fruit. It's the best because it's sweet and healthy!

  2. Brittany says:

    I bought those books for my mom for Christmas. She loves them! Especially since she only wants to eat healthy 🙂

    I'm going to have to check out Dottie's website! Thanks.

    Fruit is the best. You're getting a yummy, healthy snack, all in one.

  3. I just blogged about the Fiber 1 bars, I'm obsessed…they are so good!

  4. I LOVE Eat This, Not That books!! They are a life saver 🙂

  5. Lisa says:

    i love that you added a dessert on here, i'm the same way…. always have to have something sweet!

  6. Savanah says:

    I'm going to have to try that pie! Sounds delicious! I've never heard of Dottie's weight loss zone before but I will have to bookmark it for my next meal out. 🙂

  7. Kate says:

    I love "east this not that" — my husband have every book in the series!

  8. Carly says:

    I subscribe to the Eat This Not That email newsletter and it sends great advice every morning.

    Thanks for the tips!

  9. Love Dotti's and Eat This Not That I have the Grocery Store and Fast Food edition in my car at all times!

  10. Day Old News says:

    My Aunt gave me that book, which tbh kinda offended me at first, but then I realized how valuable it is! Love it.

  11. Ashley says:

    definitely going to try that chicken parm recipe! happy tuesday lovely!

  12. OceanDreams says:

    hmm, i'll have to check out those books – they look very helpful and i love fruit too! it's the perfect snack and it's tasty too!

  13. I have that book too! Its so interesting to read everything.

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