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Wedding Wednesday… Beauty and the Beast


January 12, 2011

The work week is 1/2 over, and yet we are still covered in snow…seriously Mother Nature, can we have a break? I enjoy winter playtime and getting dressed up in my favorite coats and scarves and gloves, but when I get in my car this morning and the temperature reads 18 degrees, that is just too low for a southern gal like myself. Maybe I’ll just go home this afternoon and indulge myself in some homemade hot cocoa and sip my cares away…  
In other news, yesterday was a HUGE success!! I met with the uber: fabulous Mary Malone at Brides by Mary and we talked through everything hair for wedding day… she totally gets the look I am going for and thankfully, this is when my thick coarse hair will actually be beneficial for once considering TN in June= humidity central! She’ll also be working on beautifying my Mom, the bridesmaids, flower girl, and anyone else that needs a little “styling”. Another item to check off my list–woop woop!

So let me vent here for a minute or two…let’s just say that recently I have had to “deal” with a wedding vendor that has been somewhat troublesome. First of all, let me preface this by saying that this isn’t the 1st “run-in” we have had with a certain individual, and I am thinking this won’t be the last. As someone who plans events for work and in my personal life, you are providing a service to your customers, are you not? And we are paying you major bucks, are we not? I just think some people don’t understand the idea of “customer service” therefore either Jeff, Mom, or I will have to jump in and play bad cop to get things back on the straight and narrow…with a cheery disposition {like Mary Poppins} of course. Have any other brides out there has run-ins with wedding vendors–if so, how did you manage and overcome??
For now, it’s back to more wedding organization/budgeting/strategizing/making to-do lists for me… 150 days and counting til the fun!! Happy Wednesday friends!
  1. I totally know what you mean about "dealing" with some vendors…I feel like brides get a bad rap and are immediately stereotyped as being "bridezilla" if they have strong opinions about something. We are allowed to feel strongly about the way we want things to be…it's our wedding! It's kind of a big deal! I've kind struggled with how to express my opinions and feelings without being labeled that way.

  2. GRIL!!!! We fired our awful wedding planner six weeks before the wedding…she was seriously not a nice person. AND she had a B.A.B.Y. two months before my wedding and never bothered telling us! BLAH!

    Sorry, had to vent there. I understand…5 more months and then all the fun really starts 😉

  3. {av} says:

    Congrats on getting another piece of the puzzle nailed down…my make-up artist pulled out six weeks before the wedding, so I can definitely relate to troublesome vendors. Hang in there…some people just don't understand the importance of treating people kindly, especially when they are receiving mucho dinero from you! I managed them by remembering people have egos and sometimes it's best to ignore it and remember what's really important. Easy to say, tough to do, but that definitely helped! Happy (less than!) five months ! xoxo {av}

  4. Caroline says:

    Sounds like Mary is fabulous. All of my vendors were great until after the wedding when my photographer kept lying to us about what package we bought. Ugh!

  5. I had a horrible wedding planner! We actually fired her before the wedding and found someone new who was absolutely perfect for the job!

    Good luck!

  6. melissa says:

    Brrr – 18 degrees is cold!

    Glad you were able to check "hair stylist" off your list of wedding to-dos! I certainly know what you mean about tough to deal with vendors. Most of ours were great before the wedding but the baker who made our cake was a nightmare after. I had one hard rule for the cake – NO FONDANT. Well, the cake showed up covered top to bottom in fondant. When my mom called to discuss it after the wedding he basically told her "too bad" and acknowledged that while he knew I did not want fondant, he thought it would look better. It certainly didn't put a damper on my day but it is mind boggling how some people lack any sense of good customer service! Hope it all works out for you and your trouble vendor!

  7. Amy says:

    Hair stylist- so important!! Make sure you go through a few trial periods- I did that and it made my wedding day hair a snap to do and even more beautiful then I could have imagined!

    WIth your vendors – coming from a family who is in customer service and catering to be honest! Stay strong – fight for what you want! Customer is always right! 🙂 Don't worry about bad cop/good cop – be the bride cop – it's YOUR day – no one else's!

  8. Inna xoxo says:

    Im not married yet but ive been in many weddings so i know how that goes. Sometimes it seems like the most bitter people work in the happiest feild! how can you be such a butt? haha, your working with ppl in love, making their dreams come true! i dont get it…

    xoxo Inna
    @ http://www.innasdailyfix.blogspot.com 🙂

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