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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Apothica Giveaway!!


February 14, 2011

Nothing like a little Valentine’s Day love for my favorite blogging friends…
For all you beauty/makeup lovers out there, this giveaway has your name written all over it! This one is a fantastic giveaway for a $50 giftcard to use as you please at Apothica, an online beauty boutique carrying some of the best products you can find {and some of my personal favorites, too!}Bobbi Brown makeup, oh-so fabulous fragrances, as well as uber-amazing skin and hair care, too!
Bobbi Brown Makeup

Specifically, I am obsessed with their blushes and lipsticks–these are my favorite pink hues:

So how do you enter? Please do any of the following:
1.) Write on Apothica’s Facebook wall.
2.) Tweet about Apothica
3.) Write something on your blog about Apothica. (Bonus if you write about my favorite Bobbi Brown and link to Apothica)
Then, leave me a comment telling me which one(s) you did and I will enter your name into the drawing.  If you do all of them, I’ll enter your name 3 times!  Also, please be sure to include your email so that I can contact you if you win. 
The contest will be open for 2 weeks and will end on February 28th–good luck friends!!
  1. I love that lip gloss! I posted on their facebook wall.

  2. jayme says:

    heyyy guuurlll!! i tweeted about apothica and you!! XO

  3. I posed on their FB wall (K R Teo).

    email: kittypolishnbags at gmail dot com

  4. BeckyJo606 says:

    I wrote on Apothica's facebook wall. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway!

  5. Danae Jones says:

    I wrote on their wall!

  6. Great giveaway! That Bobbi Brown blush is gorgeous.

    I tweeted, and am now following you (@jointhegossip).

    Happy V Day 🙂

  7. Rachel says:

    LOVE that blush color. I need to look into Bobbi Brown stuff because so many people I know use it!

    I wrote on Apothica's Facebook wall and tweeted about them!


  8. Great giveaway!!! I wrote on their wall and posted on my blog, so 2 entries 🙂 Thanks so much!!



  9. I wrote on Apothica's facebook wall!
    I tweeted (RT'd the contest: @mamavalveeta03)
    valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com

  10. Rory says:

    Hello! I posted a comment on Apothica's wall!


    radaino76(at)cox(dot)net – FB
    radaino76(at)gmail(dot)com – Other

  11. Rory says:





    radaino76(at)cox(dot)net – Twitter
    radaino76(at)gmail(dot)com – Others

  12. Jacqueline says:

    I tweeted about it!!


  13. Monkey says:

    Hi! I'm so excited about this giveaway, and to have been introduced to such a great site! I love me some Bobbi Brown too, so I've got my fingers crossed on this one:)

    Tweeted and wrote on their wall!



  14. Apothica is the best as they offer so much – I wrote on their wall and blogged about your giveaway on my sidebar!

  15. KrispyTinCan says:

    I wrote on apothica's fb http://www.facebook.com/Apothica/posts/501959998062

    and I tweeted about Apothica http://twitter.com/KrispyTinCan/status/32690784645943296

    You are awesome. Thanks for this giveaway

  16. Jenny Stamos says:

    Write on Apothica's Facebook wall.

  17. Dee says:

    1. I posted on their wall as Dee G 🙂


    2. I tweeted about apothica!


    deeg131 at gmail dot com

  18. Anne-Marie T says:

    Wrote on Apothica’s Facebook wall (Anne-Marie T)


  19. Deanna G. says:

    1. I wrote on Apothica's Facebook wall:


    2. I tweeted about Apothica:


    Thanks! 🙂

    (email in profile)

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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