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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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California Love


February 3, 2011

We’re leaving the cold tundra behind this afternoon for LA… checking the forecast this morning, I almost peed my pants from my excitement because it’s going to be warm, bright sunshiney, and an overall fun weekend getaway–if I could only break away from working from home to finish packing–ugh oh.

I’m hoping to do a bit of celebri-siting while we’re there–I mean, hello, it’s not LA unless you just happen to stumble across some of your favorite stars, right?? Maybe I can make some new BFF’s-ha! Don’t hold my breath, right?? 😉

So as I mentioned before, last night was our first installment of our newly created Book Club and boy did we have fun. We ate, we laughed, and we got to meet some fantastic women–I know this is going to be a lot of fun! So now I pose a question–do any of you out there do book clubs and if so, how do you structure your meetings, etc? We’re open and looking for any and all suggestions, but just really excited to reach and enrich at the same time.

Oh and I just may have given in the other day and bought my first Valentine’s Day goodie… conversation hearts–yes, I am addicted to these little sweet treats! Although, if I want to be fitting into one of these in a few short months, I assume I need to give these little indulgences to someone else–ehhh, all in moderation!
Is this not the cutest honeymoon bathing suit ever? Courtesy of VS

Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend… I’m signing off until Monday!! Before I leave you, here’s something I am going to try to start doing each day… a quote of the day {we all need a little inspiration/positivity, right??}:
If you knew me yesterday, please do not think that I am the same person that you are meeting today. I have experienced more of life, I have encountered new depths in those I love, I have suffered and prayed, and I am different.

  1. Carly says:

    Have fun in Cali!

  2. MJ says:

    You're going to love the weather out here, its been springy all week!! Have safe travels!!

    Cute bikini…now if only we could get it to be summer already!!

  3. Kristin says:

    Love the quote! Have fun in Califonia!

  4. Have such a fantastic time! So jealous you get the warm weather!

    Book clubs are so fun! Mine meets once a month. At each meeting we plan the next date, book and meeting place. We somewhat discuss the book but end up hanging out most of all! I love it

    Fly safe!

  5. Baily Jones says:

    Have fun! Love the bikini – HUGE fan of white.. it makes rockin' a good tan even MORE FUN! 🙂


  6. Have a WONDERFUL time in CA! I am so jealous because it is still cold here in NYC!

  7. LB says:

    Ohhh cute swim suit!! Have fun on your trip!

  8. Julia says:

    Great quote. Enjoy Cali–a trip there makes for such a great break from the usual routine 🙂

  9. So jealous. Enjoy your trip!

  10. Miss V says:

    Just starting a book club myself. My gf's and I are reading Pioneer Woman's book Black Heels to Tractor wheels! We are only meeting once though at the end of the month to discuss and reminisce about the book over apps and wine! I'm in SF and am wearing short sleeves and sandals all weekend…we are definitely having some amazing weather so glad you get to enjoy a bit of it!! Have a great trip can't wait to read all about it! xoxo

  11. jayme says:

    have a great trip!! …also, for our book club, the hostess usually comes up with acouple discussion questions before we get there. sometimes we actually discuss the book and sometimes we just drink a lot and gossip! either way, it's bound to be a great night! xo

  12. Ashley says:

    Natasha you just made my day. This quote is beautiful and oh so true. I may quote it and reference you if that's okay.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Kristen says:

    I think you need that suit for your honeymoon! It's so cute! Have a great time in Cali, enjoy that sunshine 🙂

  14. Have a wonderful time! Safe travels!

  15. Cait says:

    send some sunshine to the chi- love the post girl!

  16. Kristen says:

    Your soo lucky to be going to Cali!
    And that bathing suit is too cute, I'm treating myself to a new V.S. bathing suit once I get back into shape!

  17. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Have fun!

    How funny, I was also eying that same VS bikini for my upcoming Hawaii honeymoon! 🙂

  18. Lindsay says:

    its beautiful here today! not a cloud in the sky. enjoy your time on vacay!

  19. Laura says:

    Have a great time on your LA visit! I'm hoping the weather is as phenomenal as predicted for both of us. If you need any LA recommendations just let me know, I'm a local. 🙂

  20. CMae says:

    Have fun! I wouldn't try to make BFF's with the "stars" they are often not to nice to gawking "fans". Or so I hear. And def love that bathing suit! 🙂

  21. have a blast in California girly!! i'm here right now too (had to escape Boston – the amount of snow we've gotten is RIDICULOUS!)
    it's definitely warm and sunshiney and beautiful here!

  22. Lindsay says:

    Have fun on your trip! Enjoy the sunshine!

  23. Tess says:

    have a WONDERFUL time! I love LA!

  24. Nicole says:

    Enjoy some warm sunshine for me! 🙂 Over here, it's WAY too cold and snowy!!

  25. Jenny DB says:

    VS bathing suits are the best. That one is especially cute 🙂

  26. Have a blast girlie — soak up the sun!!!!!

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