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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Candy Kisses


February 7, 2011

Around V-Day {only a mere 1 week to go friends}, I get to be this emotional basketcase… call me crazy, but I love everything about this holiday–not so much the overly done “Hallmark Holiday” persay, but the thoughtfulness behind, and how you can come up with something creative and homemade, which to me is way more special.
This February 14th, Jeff and I are foregoing the typical “take me out to a romantic dinner” fuss kind of night. Instead, we are going to skip the not-so-sentimental gifts and we’re going to spend time at home together cooking for just the two of us. With that in mind, I know the key to my fiance’s heart and it’s all about the food…
He isn’t aware {and I am doubtful he’ll venture on here to read} that I already bought heart-shaped muffin pans from Target a few weeks ago to surprise him with breakfast in bed that morning… I know he will love this and I am perusing my favorite shops on Etsy to find the perfect card–here are some of my favorites:

You Make My Heart Happy Card Via Lucky Duck Designs

Me + You = True Love Card Via The Paper Peony

Fish Kiss Letterpress Card via Wiley Valentine
Peas and Carrots Card via Studio SloMo

That night, we’re planning to cook a gourmet dinner and then end with a baked goodie, or two… there are SO many holiday-ish desserts I am wanting to bake right now that this is going to be hard to narrow down:

Chocolate and Strawberry Filled Cupcakes via Tidy Mom
 Oreo Ice Cream Cake via Southern Plate
 Cinnamon and Sugar Toasted Fruit Nachos via Picky Palate
 White Chocolate and Cherry Shortbread Cookies via Recipe Girl
Rice Krispie Valentine Treat Pops via Skip to My Lou
 Valentine Confetti via This Blessed Nest
What do your V-day plans involve this year??
And of course… leaving you with a daily quote chocked full of inspiration:
But love, I’ve come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day
  1. Mrs. Lopez says:

    All of those look sooo yummy!

  2. Pam says:

    Hello Chocolate and Strawberry filled cupcakes…. get in my belly! 🙂

  3. Tiffany says:

    All of that looks so good! I would make a disater in my kitchen! SO glad others know how to cook! Have a great Vday!

  4. Morgan says:

    Loving the woodgrain card… so pretty and unique!

  5. These treats are making me hungry! They all look so good. My hubby is keeping our plans a surprise. Can't wait!

  6. MJ says:

    Those all look so yum!! Not sure what our Valentine's Day plans are, but we are having an All You Need is Love cocktail party this Saturday…can't wait!! 🙂

  7. Ooooh look at all these treats! Lovin the cards too:-) I LOVE V-day and am soooo excited!!!

  8. Those cards are darling, and the treats look delish! 🙂 Sounds like the perfect Valentine's day to me.

  9. Kristen says:

    those cards are all so adorable! you can't go wrong with any of them! sounds like a perfect v day 🙂

  10. wow, such an awesome collection of valentine's goodies.

    thanks so much for the shout out. i appreciate it so much.


  11. Brown Girl says:

    I'm really wishing we could come spend v-day with the two of you, haha, sad but true. I don't want to bother with it this year.

  12. Kelly Marie says:

    Love the quote! That oreo cake looks delicious!

  13. OhioGirl says:

    Oh super cute! You are making me realise that I am seriously behind on my V day plans… now to see if they have heart shaped muffin pans in Sweden!!

  14. Those are some yummy treats!!!

    We are foregoing the traditional V-Day festivities, and enjoying a weekend filled of fun.

    Have a great V-Day!!

  15. cards + treats = pure bliss 🙂

  16. jayme says:

    um, hi, i'm obsessed with that first card.

  17. meghan says:

    The be mine fish card is too cute!

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