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She’s A Maniac


February 25, 2011

I am typing at warp speed today as I have a huge proposal review going out the door this afternoon… at this moment, I wish I could stop time like Mr. Zack Morris and get everything accomplished before I wrap up my final day at work this week–oh well, we all know that’s never going to happen so let’s move on.

First of all, I had a few comments asking about our Book Club–last night was our first real meeting and I am happy to report it went extremely well.. we all had lots to discuss on what we took away from the first few chapters and I know this is going to start a change in all of us–for the better!
Tonight, Jeff is taking me to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner… Virago! I haven’t been since they moved to the Gulch so he wanted to wine and dine me a bit–a night on the town…I do believe that sounds like an official date and I am taking advantage of the kindness 😉

Tomorrow, I’ll be spending the day with BFF Meg running around town shopping and such…lots to get accomplished and she is always one of my favorite shopping partners! Saturday night, we’re headed downtown to celebrate my uncle’s 50th birthday–he doesn’t know we’re all coming so he’s in for quite a surprise…and yes, Mr. Robert is a mucho parrothead at heart. Afterwards, we’ll be meeting friends at Broadway Brewhouse for some quality “group” time…can’t wait and I am promising the camera will be my accomplice as I have been horrid at picture taking as of late.

Sunday, it’s off to church, cleaning the house and organizing, crafty time {yes I am attempting some DIY things for the wedding!}, and then spending time at the gym and cooking dinner for the boy. Have a lovely weekend darlings!

  1. LOVE the take a smile…so cute!!! Enjoy your weekend and crafty time!

    Liesl 🙂

  2. Ashley says:

    Sounds like a found weekend!

  3. Tiffany says:

    The "take a smile" picture is adorable! 🙂

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Carroll says:

    What fun weekend plans! Hope you have a fabulous time!! 🙂

  5. Kayln says:

    We're going to Virago tomorrow night!! Hope you enjoyed it, and maybe we'll see you out! =)

  6. Jenny says:

    Love the new virago! Don't u thInk it's so much better?

  7. Sara says:

    Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planed! Enjoy 🙂

  8. Book club is at my house this next month … hmm what to cook 🙂

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