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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wedding Wednesday…Small Things, Big Things


February 9, 2011

Before I say anything else, I have to have a little show and tell… our engagement pictures were featured on another wedding blog recently and I was beaming so I wanted to share–hehe!
Check out Pretty Little Weddings’ highlight of our photoshoot here. {P.S. do you not love the way Jillian writes? So eloquent and sophisticated–I can only dream}

OK back to the issue at hand, right? Planning, planning, and more planning–122 days to go.
Yesterday afternoon, I met with the Catering Manager from Chef’s Market and we finalized everything food and food decor/design/set-up for the reception… we were so on the same page it was a tad bit freaky, but Jessica totally understands what we’re wanting–sophisticated southern cuisine and I know our guests are going to love!

Check out some of Chef’s awe-dropping food scapes:

In other news, we all know that Valentine’s Day is next Monday, right? Well, my day of love will come just one day early on Sunday because our engagement announcement will be printed in the local Nashville newspaper–The Tennessean! Mom has been working on this item for weeks and I can’t wait to see the finished product…I promise to share the link and take a picture, too–eeek with excitement!

And to make my week purely happy happy joy joy, as of last night, I sent the final approval and thumbs up for our custom wedding invitation suite over to Joni at Chocolate Butterbean… cannot wait to see these lovelies printed with our actual names written on them–a bit surreal I do declare. They are so reminiscent of our save-the-date design which makes my heart smile, too.

So that’s all for now… on this weekend’s agenda is to shop for shower dresses, hopefully purchase some of the bridesmaids and other wedding party gifts, order our guest book, and confirm a meeting with our florist for March to finalize all out bouquets, centerpieces, and ceremony flowers–yay!!

  1. Lindsay says:

    Your engagement pictures are absolutely stunning!

  2. How exciting! Everything is really coming along on the planning!

  3. Emily says:

    your engagmenet pics so so so lovely and charming! i shared them with my friend who is a wedding planner and she just adored them too! love your blog girl!

  4. Your engagement photos are absolutely gorgeous!

  5. Jocelyn says:

    YAY! Can't wait to see the invitations!

  6. YAY for being featured! 🙂 I love your photos!!

  7. jayme says:

    beautiful! can't wait to see them! ..so i opted for chicken and pasta and broccoli for dinner but i'll definitely have to keep those sandwiches in mind!! sorry about your vols…

    what are you getting jeff for the big v day?!

  8. Your pictures are just perfect!! Looking forward to seeing the invitations!

  9. Yay!!

    Lots of good things to look forward for!!

  10. Jenny says:

    WOW!!! Beautiful pictures, they are perfect! The scene, your dress, YOUR RING! Stunning!

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