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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Wedding Wednesday…The Early Bird Gets the Worm!


February 23, 2011

This week, I am knocking things out left and right… I am out buying odds and ends to make our wedding celebration unique and I am stumbling upon some fabulous finds! Through blogs, sites, and such, I have found that the most inspiring and original weddings are those when the couple takes time to make it “their own” and really show off their personalities…which is exactly what Jeff and I are attempting to do… here is some of my favorite inspiration:

As for me and my planning, I am happy to report that I don’t have too terribly many “to-do’s” this week, just smaller items here and there including:

  • Completing our “homework” for our pre-marital counseling and scheduling our next meeting
  • Meeting with the event planner at our rehearsal dinner venue–Mere Bulles–to finalize our menu, plan dinner festivities, and work on the event design
  • Shopping for hostess gifts for my March shower hosted by my aunt and cousin
  • And this weekend, Meg and I are headed out on a shopping adventure…she’s going to help me add to my shower/wedding/honeymoon wardrobe and hopefully find some PERFECT and feminine frilly dresses and attire!

Finally, I wanted to mention on snafoo we had last week… I went to pick up our personalized stationery to only notice they had misspelled our street name AND had gotten our house number wrong as well–not sure as to why or how this accident happened, but my favorite paper store apologized profusely and is expediting my order to me. So the lesson is this: if at all possible, order things as early as possible! So glad I did this way in advance so I am not freaking out last minute about not having thank-you cards–make your list, check it twice, and cross things off whenever you get a free moment! You can thank me later 😉

Happy Wednesday to each and every one of you… lots to get accomplished at work through the rest of the week, not to mention everything else we have going on–meetings, book club rendezvous, and then Jeff is planning date night for he and I Friday–yippee!!
  1. Your wedding is going to be like the biggest thing to ever happen in this world 🙂 I cannot wait. xoxoxo

  2. I can't wait to see all of your inspiration come to life on your wedding day…well, in the photos I hope you'll share with us all at least! 🙂

    Have a fabulous rest of your week!

  3. Caroline says:

    So glad you caught the mistakes early. You are on a roll and the wedding will be here before you know it!

  4. Thank goodness you caught that early! I can't wait to see your wedding come to life. It sounds like it is going to be fabulous! Happy Wednesday!

  5. Ashley says:

    thank goodness you did it early!
    My friend sent out invitations for her wedding and didn't read the menu on the RSVP card closely enough…apparently one of the courses being offered was baked children (should have been chicken). OOps =) oh well =) It happens lol
    At least they are expediting and not making a fuss over their mistake =)

  6. Your page is adorable and i love it!!! New reader here.

  7. I love finding inspiration on blogs, such a great way to get ideas. We are going to be starting pre-martial counseling at St. George's in Nashville this summer. Looking forward to the homework 😉

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