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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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What I’m Loving Wednesday…2/2 Edition


February 2, 2011

I decided to play along today over at Jamie’s blog on what I’m currently loving this week…

I’m LOVING the fact that my boss is letting me work from home tomorrow…
if only my office looked like this :/

I’m LOVING that we’re leaving on a jet plane tomorrow afternoon for sunny and warm LA to visit this pretty lady–Jeff’s grandmother, Esther, is turning 95 so loads of family are coming to celebrate this huge milestone! {however, I am not loving how I can’t flip a pic–sheesh}

I’m LOVING that the book club Meg and I are starting begins tonight…we’re embarking on the Crazy Love book journey and we’re excited to spend some quality time with the ladies
I’m LOVING that I used coupons today at Wal-Mart for necessities–and managed to save an additional $5…frugal femme right here-haha!  

And finally, I’m LOVING that we have a HUGE Keurig coffee maker at work {30 different flavors} to keep me warm–and attentive/productive when all I really want to do is nap
Until tomorrow my dears 😉
  1. Jenny DB says:

    Sunny Los Angeles sounds fabulous right now!

  2. Annie says:

    jealous you will be in a sunny warm state tomorrow! lucky!
    have a great time visiting with your love and his family!

  3. Baily Jones says:

    Happy Wednesday Natasha! Have fun working at home, and have fun in LA – be safe!



  4. I wish I could work from home, jealous! And yes I wish my home office looked like that pic too:-)

  5. B says:

    Ok a Book Club sounds SO fun. I'm a bit jealous (and sad I don't live closer, because I would totally show up!) That sounds like a ton of fun.

    Enjoy working from home!

  6. Ashley says:

    ah! So jealous of the warm weather you will be enjoying in sunny L.A.! Have fun!

  7. I got to work from home today! I wish I could always work from home. It makes it so much easier to wake up in the mornings. 🙂

  8. CMae says:

    I don't know if I'd get anything done for work if I was at home and suppose to be working LOL I get to distracted with housework, tv, computer… hehe

  9. Tess says:

    I love that office. I worked from home today too, and would have loved to have been working in such a pretty room like that.

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  10. So cool you're working from home! I am going to be able to do a little of that too, and it makes me so happy!! 🙂

    Have fun with the book club! I have met so many great people from mine and it is so much fun!!

  11. Alee says:

    Crazy jealous of your work coffee-maker. One of the few downsides to substitute teaching is that there are no creature comforts to count on at work. Have a blast in LA!

  12. Jamie says:

    Thanks for playing along!

    That office is beautiful!

  13. Joanna says:

    Where were you during my wedding planning process?!?! cute blog 🙂

  14. Cait says:

    I wish I lived where you are ha- your blog is so cute I just came across it! I wish my office looked like the picture too! so cute/organized 🙂

  15. I want that office! Ive heard so much about Crazy Love..I need to read it!

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