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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Love Love Love Wednesday

wedding festivities

April 6, 2011

Though today started off a bit rough around the edges, I want to be positive and thankful for all the GOOD things I have going on right now… remember, the glass is ALWAYS half full, but if all else fails, I can tell myself this:

I love how every week we get to venture over to Jamie’s blog to talk about all the things we love…and this week is no different:

I LOVE the new show on Bravo called Pregnant in Heels–Rosie Pope is just adorable and she is having to deal with some whacked-out prego ladies…this one nutso had a focus group, thinktank expert panel, and dinner party with friends to decide on a name, and STILL chose the name no one liked…Bowen?? Makes me think of the airplane company Boeing…I think this show is going to be hilarious!

Ummm I know I am talking about Britney 2 days in a row… but hello, new video alert! LOVE LOVE LOVE this one and talk about a new song to add to my iPod–yes please!! Somebody’s training workouts are working

I LOVE that a mere one month from today, we’ll be headed to Chicago for my bachelorette weekend party!!! Cannot wait to see what the MOH/BFF has in-store. I know she {and others} have been working on some fun activities and I know we’re going to have one FABULOUS time!!! Bring on the fun Windy City

And I LOVE that I finally found my dream rehearsal dinner dress as well as what I hope will be the perfect WHITE bachelorette party dress… my Visa doesn’t love me, but oh well–this is a 1-time wedding deal, so come what may when Jeff sees the damage I’ve been doing 😉

  1. MJ says:

    I loved Rosie too! That show is hilarious!! 🙂

    Can't wait to see pics of the dresses you have picked!

  2. Shana says:

    Ooohh what a fun sounding bachlorette!

  3. I've seen previews for that show and keep forgetting to record it! Looks hilarious though! AND your bach party sounds too fun!

  4. omg i love the pregnant in heels show as well!! I stayed up WAY past bedtime to see the whole episode 🙂 I cant believe the chick who didn't bond with the baby or speak to it while its in her belly. As a mom that is SOOO weird! Im glad they got to the root of it and they ended up being lovey goo goo gah gah parents.

    can't wait to see the dresses you chose! you have the best taste 🙂

  5. melissa says:

    Okay, so you know I haven't seen Pregnant in Heels yet but I'm so intrigued! Who does a focus group for a baby name? Crazy people, that's who! But…I do like the name Bowen.

    I had my bach party in Chicago too and it was so much fun! You're going to have a blast!

  6. MarshMellow says:

    I am loving the new Britney song!!! Great work-out song if you ask me 🙂

  7. capperson says:

    I love everything about this post! I loved that show, watched it for the first time last night when I couldn't sleep and cannot believe they named that baby Bowen!!! UGh!
    I love that song also and it is an amazing workout song!
    Yay for your bachelorette party!!!

  8. CMae says:

    I hadn't seen the new video to the song till today! Thanks for posting! I wish they had dressed her better…the red ripped nylon outfit wasn't really so stylin on her so I thought..

  9. Yay for wedding events coming up so soon!!

    I haven't seen the show but I always see the previews! I'm
    Gonna have to check it out!

  10. Cait says:

    woohoo! love that you're coming to CHICAGO for your BACH party girl 🙂 you'll love it! where are you fabulous ladies going too?! xo

  11. Tess says:

    1. I love Miss Rosie Pope, too! She is absolutely darling. Even though her clients are total whack jobs, I find her refreshingly normal and very sweet.

    2. I love that you are having your bachelorette party in Chicago! That's where I live, and it's an amazing city. What are your plans? I'm looking forward to hearing all about it. There are great restaurants and bars all around so I'm sure you'll have an amazing time!

  12. i can relate..it was quite a day for me! now i have that "mama said there'd be days like this" song stuck in my head!

  13. Jamie says:

    Thanks for playing along girl!

    I love Brit's new song too 🙂

    Can't wait to see your new dresses…I bet they're beautiful!

  14. Liz says:

    I SO needed that poster yesterday. Yikes. I was in a funk. A little better today, thank goodness. I can't wait to see the dresses!!! Yes, don't worry about your Visa right now 🙂

  15. Katelyn says:

    the video reminded me the young britney)

  16. i'm a little embarrassed to admit i actually teared up a bit watching the new brit video. Not that the video was a tearjerker of course but i was so proud to see her back in action! This is the first time she's looked completely happy and healthy and she even had that old spark in her eyes! I was as proud of her as i am my own kids!

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