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Home Time and Holiday Plans


May 27, 2011

Yes, you heard it right…my dear boss allowed me to work from home today, hence, so much is getting accomplished around the abode–thank the Lord I can get it all knocked out AND then let the long holiday weekend celebrations commence!!

As we speak, laundry is in the dryer, dishing are in the dishwasher, a fresh pot of coffee is being prepared, I’m working on a client event for a conference, guys from Home Depot are downstairs fixing carpet, I’m QC’ing a proposal, and I’ve got the iPod on in the background–multitasking at its finest friends!

I’m also receiving all these not-so-budget friendly emails showing me how each and every retailer is offering discounts and sales this weekend which is calling my name…Victoria’s Secret, Old Navy, Gap, Pottery Barn–oh the list goes on and on!

This morning, Jeff and I took a little trip downtown to get our marriage license–talk about feeling real, well that summed it up for me and the “holy moly, it’s getting closer” talk I keep having with myself. We’re almost married!!

This long holiday weekend has much relaxation in store. On our agenda is the typical time spent at the gym, working at the house, cooking, having a fun afternoon picnic, and most of all trying to find some pool and outside time to enjoy the weather. We’re so excited to not have to travel out of town {though we are jealous of certain friends venturing to the beach and the lake!} but a weekend at home sounds superb as we enter the last stretch of our engagement. I do believe The Hangover 2 will be on our to-do list and I’m excited!!
Hope you all have one fantastic–and long–weekend. OXOX

  1. Lindsey says:

    I'm working from home today too! I feel so much more productive at home, because I can do laundry and clean on my breaks! Happy Weekend!

  2. CMae says:

    The Hangover 2 is on our list too Mister Wonderful and I don't see movies "together" very often! Last one we saw was "Inception" so I hope this one is good! 🙂

    So once your marriage license is all filled out then you get to go through the grueling process of trying to change your name on your social security card too right? I hear that's a blast (sarcasm lol) Have a great weekend pretty one! 🙂

  3. Julia says:

    Watched it last night!!! It's SO much like the last one.. however, it's still HILARIOUS. You will definitely enjoy it. IT'S A MUST SEE.

  4. Amber says:

    I will be at my parents all weekend, you all are more than welcome to come over 🙂

  5. Caitlin says:

    I saw your tweet this morning about getting your marriage license, so exciting! I hope you enjoy these last days of your engagement!

  6. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Marriage license! Yippe! How fun!

    Also, I just got married and changed my name on the drivers license and s.s. it wasn't as hard as everyone makes it out to be. I guess it just depends on where you live. It's exciting being a Mrs.! You're gonna love it!

  7. Ashley says:

    Sometimes I wish I could work from home but I don't know how super productive I would be lol!
    Sounds like an amazing weekend!
    I remember when we went to get our license,…I was nervous and excited. while we waited to be called up, we talked about just getting married right then. I didn't want to wait another 30 days! haha =)
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  8. Jocelyn says:

    Yippe for the marriage license! One step closer girl! The weekend picnic sounds just perfect, have a good one! 🙂

  9. Look at you accomplishing so much over the holiday — I'm impressed!!! I cannot wait for Hangover 2!

  10. Katherine says:

    Wow, congrats on the marriage license and the upcoming nuptials! Great to discover another bride to be blog 🙂

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