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Thirsty Thursday and Beauty Must Haves!


May 26, 2011

I need Jeff and I need to venture to a Sounds baseball game this weekend so I can partake in all baseball-related food…beers, hot dogs, and ice cream in mini helmets would be lovely right about now. This is cleverly entitled Thirsty Thursday because I am thinking about the crazy week I’ve had and how I could use a drink {or two} to get me to Friday afternoon…I present to you some new favorites of mine–that are calorie conscious too!

Skinnygirl Margaritas–via Bethenny Frankel…love her and love her drinks!
100 calories per drink=amazing
Champagne Pomegranate Cocktail via My Recipes
125 calories per serving
Salty Chihuahua via Eating Well
188 calories per serving
Slushy Watermelon Mojitos via My Recipes
119 calories per serving

I love how I am seeing all of these blogs featuring their favorite summer beauty trends and such so I am here to offer my two cents as well on the certain items I just can’t live without:

Alterna Caviar Hair Treatment–helping tame my damaged ends from all that straightening

Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer…this stuff works wonders and helps to eliminate shiny skin on hot summer days 
Clairol Shimmer Lights Shampoo–amazing hair color system that helps brighten your roots between colorings for us blondes
Australian Gold Sunscreen with Bronzer…gives you that glow while still protecting your skin
There you have it!! Now tell me what are some of your favorite cocktails and beauty products??
We all need suggestions for new fun!!
  1. Love all of these drink recommendations. I need to try me some Skinny Girl. I cannot believe with my Bethenny obsession that I have yet to give it a try. That needs to change asap.

  2. Caroline says:

    I'm dying to try the SkinnyGirl Margaritas!!

  3. L.Caroline says:

    Loooove Bethenny and her maragaritas!

  4. A baseball game sounds perfect today!!

  5. Raven says:

    loved this! thanks for sharing these summer goods, LOVE LOVE LOVE my some skinnygirl.

    LOVE smashbox photo finish.

  6. i love the photofinish primer too!

  7. Meredith says:

    I've bought two bottles of Skinny Girl so far and I'm hooked. Love it!!! So glad places are starting to offer low cal alternatives to drinks, I saw some 100 cal ones at TGI Fridays the other. Makes me happy

  8. Shana says:

    Oh I really want to try skinny girl margarita! i need to see if they sell it in Canada!

  9. Abbie says:

    My favorite drink is cranberry with vodka. i have been meaning to try skinny girl products. the drinks you had on your blog made me very thirsty and ready to start the long weekend. 🙂

    As far as the beauty regiment, I have to use many products to make myself presentable. I say I sand, spackle, smooth, and shine to my husband. My favorite is Bare Minerals makekup.

    Enjoyed your blog and Best wishes to your upcoming wedding.

  10. Skinny Girl is the bomb.com!!! AMAZING!!!

  11. OOOH, I might have to try and concoct some of those drinks at the lake this weekend!

  12. Julia says:

    those drinks look divine!! Too bad i can't drink for several more months!! BTW I am updating my blog now as well.. http://juliasmess.blogspot.com/

  13. I am going to have to attempt one of these cocktails this weekend! Thanks for sharing. Love your blog and I am your newest follower.


  14. I want your take on the SkinnyGirl as I only wish I could drink it. It needed a sweet n' low or something, lol!!!

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