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What I’m Loving/Wedding Wednesday


May 25, 2011

I’m sorry, I saw this picture online today and thought it was hilarious so I just had to post…hehe funny stuff!
Combining two necessary things together today to kill two birds with one stone with my blogging. Genius, right? It’s hump day during my last full week of work before the wedding, which is making the long awaited Memorial Day weekend seem like it’s coming even more quickly–woo hoo!

Today, I am loving…
Maxi Dresses–I may or may not have already purchased 4 of these for the honeymoon…relaxing and comfortable, yet still super cute–I cannot wait to wear these!!
via Mod Cloth
Signed and Notarized Marriage Counseling…last night we had our final session with our pastor. And yes, I got a little emotional talking all about the ceremony and what’s to come–it’s really sinking in that in 17 days I’m going to be a Mrs!
Book Club–this has given me an excuse to read more and I am loving this time together with great girls…plus, I am hooked on our current book and can’t wait to finish!
Headbands and Braids–I’m sporting new hairstyles lately to experiment and branch out a bit so today I am trying the side braid…yay for fun new summer hairdos!
And for the weekly hump-day wedding updates, I’ve got these little to-do’s:
  • Pick up Jeff’s wedding gift- he has no idea about this surprise!
  • Finalize rehearsal dinner seating chart and work on placecards
  • Get our marriage license Friday morning!
  • Print pictures for the rehearsal dinner and reception to frame
  • Final planning meeting with Mary Alice and Mom tomorrow afternoon

Sounds easy enough, right? I can’t believe it’s these little details that we’re finalizing and to be honest, I feel very calm and collected. Mom has helped me more in this department than she’ll ever realize, tackling craft projects and painting away…couldn’t do it without her and it’s going to be fabulous!
Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday…a little daily inspirational quote to leave you with:

  1. Kamie says:

    I love that quote! You are getting so close!

  2. Kori Donahue says:

    I want to start a book club this summer! Have a great day doll! Kori xoxo


  3. I am pretty much living in maxi dresses myself…so comfy!

  4. WOW! You're really almost to the wedding now! 🙂

  5. That's Sassy says:

    How exciting!! You are a little over 2 weeks to go until your wedding! I love your inspriational quote!

  6. Can't believe it's so close! So exciting. 🙂

  7. JulesJax says:

    I want to join your book club. How do i do it?

    I need girl time, and I need to start reading more!!
    -Julia W. 615-881-0078
    Miss you girlie, congrats again on your upcoming BIG DAY!!

  8. CHH says:

    Dear Natasha,

    I'm a new friend-follower.

    Thank you for sharing your
    book selections.

    Best wishes on you upcoming marriage.


    Coastal Blue Ocean

  9. LuLu says:

    Love the summer do! I have been trying to find different ways to spice up my hair-styles for the summer and this is one I think I'll give a shot soon! I also LOVE LOVE that maxi dress – Mod Cloth is the best!

    A Candid Life

  10. Jamie says:

    Thanks for playing along!

    I love maxi dresses too…cute and comfy 🙂

  11. Caroline says:

    I dying to learn the braid. I am a horrible braider.

  12. Love that first picture, too funny!

    That maxi dress is great! I can't get enough of those for summer

  13. love the last quote! maxi dresses are so amazing for the summer and side braids! i tried one out last weekend and it was perfect for those small bangs that usually sag! good luck with the last wedding preps!

  14. Kit says:

    You are loving some great things today! Hope that your Wednesday was fabulous!

  15. L.Caroline says:

    Love the quote! You are are so close. 🙂

  16. You're getting so close to your big day! I'm so excited for you! Gorgeous maxi dress, ModCloth never disappoints 🙂

  17. Love you dress! my wedding is in 17 days tooo!

  18. Tess says:

    I'm trying to bring back the braid too….it's so hard to wear my hair down in the summer, and the braid helps mix it up.

    Have a great weekend!!

  19. Miss Chelsea says:

    I love that quote at the end! And the side braid – kudos for trying new styles!

  20. That Howard Thurman quotes is one of my favorites!

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