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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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I’m So Excited I Might Pee Myself


June 6, 2011

Yes, I know…I’m not an old lady quite yet, but the excitement that has built up in me for this week is making me overcome with emotion and happiness–I can finally say…

Last night was absolute torture for me, knowing I only have 2 days left at work to wrap up deadlines before I leave, but all I could think about was everything we need to complete this week–little odds and ends, but I think I’ll be having to use the assistance of some Ambien/Tylenol PM to get some shut eye this week with my crazy mind wandering at all hours of the day (and night!)

This weekend, we solicited the help of the MOH Meg and our HMOH (husband of the matron of honor) Aaron to finish last minute details…lucky us that we have incredible friends so willing to take off water bottle labels, bake, and assemble favors for an entire day. But thankfully, Mom and Dad rewarded us all with a fantastic cookout that night, complete with bottles of yummy red wine and Sweet Cece’s–yes, we know how to party, don’t we?

Yesterday, I attempted to rest and take it easy, with minimal effort–my only activities included stocking up on honeymoon essentials and reading material at Target, gettinng my Vitamin D fix at the tanning bed, letting the boy cook  fabulous mango porkchops for dinner, and then partaking in the crazy spectacle of the RHOC finale…perfection!
Tonight, I am helping Jeff finish groomsmen gifts, finish packing {Lord, packing 3 suitcases for the weekend/the wedding night/and the honeymoon is a lot of work}, and then calling it a night–gotta take full advantage of this, right?? Happy Monday everyone!
  1. Happy packing! Funny story, I packed all of my pretty lingerie in my honeymoon suitcase for our wedding 2 weekends ago … left the honeymoon suitcase at home and headed 1.5 hours south to our wedding destination! Thank goodness for sisters and a last-minute lingerie shopping. 🙂 So when packing, keep that in mind! Whoo-hoo, almost here!

  2. Keri says:

    Happy Wedding Week pretty lady!

  3. Jamie says:

    Happy wedding week to you and Jeff! I have been following along with all your planning & I can't wait to see all the pictures and see how everything comes together..I'm sure it will be amazing! Congrats 🙂

  4. Michelle says:

    Happy Wedding Week!! 🙂

  5. Stephanie says:

    Aw what a fun week ahead!! Soak it all up and milk it for all it's worth!! Congratulations!

  6. So close, so close!!!! Hooray! 🙂

  7. Caroline says:

    Happy Wedding Week! 🙂 It's going to be wonderful! Enjoy this time!

  8. Sarah says:

    Enjoy every minute of this exciting week!!

  9. Sarah says:

    Enjoy every minute of this exciting week!!

  10. Happy wedding week:)

  11. Hailey says:

    Happy Wedding Week!!! I am so so so excited for you.

  12. Kristen says:

    yay it's finally here!! make sure you soak up the little moments this week, it flys by! enjoy darling!

  13. Ahhh!! Good luck!! I can not wait to see pictures of you!! You are going to make a beautiful bride 🙂

  14. Happy Wedding Week! 🙂

  15. Happy Wedding week! Enjoy it. 🙂

  16. Kori Donahue says:

    So exciting! Hope you're having a fantastic Monday. I have some great news on my blog today…I'd love for you to check it out! Have a wonderful day honey! Kori xoxo


  17. How exciting! I'm just like you–when I'm busy and have a lot on my mind, I can't sleep either! Good luck with it all!

  18. Julia says:

    Congrats again! After listening to you about all of this I wish I could be there to see it!! I'm sure it will be an awesome day.


  19. Nothing stresses me out more than logistics! 3 suitcases would really confuse me! This week is going to be so great! I can't wait to see pictures!

  20. How wonderful, it's finally here!!

  21. Tess says:

    I am getting SO excited for you – I can read the excitement you must be experiencing in your post.

    I hope you can get some good sleep this week!

  22. CHH says:

    Dear Natasha,

    Enjoy every moment.

    Decide that this will be the best day no matter what.

    It will be your perfect day!


    Coastal Blue Ocean

  23. Jenny says:

    ahh, how exciting!! Happy Wedding week! Enjoy it and try to get some sleep – can't wait to hear all about the wedding & honeymoon!!

  24. KimP says:

    Happy Wedding week! Enjoy every moment-it's all about you and your hubs to be! It's the best time in the world 🙂

  25. Amy says:

    YAY!!! Happy Wedding Week! So excited for you guys. Praying nothing but blessings over y'all!!!

  26. Kayln says:

    Congratulations Natasha!!! I"m so happy for you =)

  27. I am so excited for you!! Been reading your blog…mainly creeping. HA! But am just so happy that your day is almost here. And I will be creepin for all the awesome pictures!! Many blessings to you two!!

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