Here it is friends…my very last Wedding Wednesday post. Let’s face it, with a little more than a week to go, I know my mind will be spinning next week so posts are most likely going to be few and far between as we finalize all the small details and try to relax and soak in each and every moment!
First of all, I want to say a big thank you to each of you for being so supportive these past 16 months {yes, I know uber long engagement}. Your thoughtful comments, advice, sweet words of encouragement, and genuine care and concern have meant more to me than I could ever explain in words and I appreciate you all. It’s been so fun to write about this exciting time in my life and share a piece of who I am with my blogging friends. Not to mention it will be fun to look back on this crazy wedding planning process to know just how hard we worked to make everything fit our personalities, show our guests a great time, and check off all the details I had bookmarked and saved for what seems to be my entire life. So from me to you, thanks for paying the slightest bit of attention to my little blog…you made this girl very happy!
So I know you’re dying to know: what in the world could I possibly have still to do?
- Finish the rehearsal dinner escort cards and placecards for table assignments
- Wrap all of the bridal party, family, and Jeff’s wedding gifts
- Pick up our wedding rings
- Assemble the OOT gift bags
- Call vendors for final headcount of guests
- Drop off all wedding-related items to our wedding planner
- Get my final haircut and color
- Pick up rehearsal dress from alterations and wedding dress from bridal salon
- Pamper Mom and I with manis and pedis
- Finish packing for the honeymoon!!
I know, that small list seems like nothing compared to what I started with, and what I’ve slowly been checking off recently…now the real fun begins as all these pieces start coming together and I can see our “wedding vision” come to fruition. I know I’ve got to make sure I get my photographers to capture all the details we worked so diligently on so I can proudly show off some of our DIY-savvyness!
So people have started asking me a bunch of questions about the wedding and I compiled them all together to share some fun stuff with you:
1. Are you wearing a veil? What kind? My “classic” wedding does indeed include wearing a veil, especially since I will be walking down this long and gorgeous aisle…I think I would be doing Scarritt Bennett an injustice if I was to forego this crucial detail
2. What is the single most unique thing about your wedding? Wow, that’s a hard one..I think all of the small details that I worked with numerous vendors on. I think our invitations and programs are extremely unique in that I had so much involvement with the design of them…1) because of my fascination with paper and stationery, and 2) because I wanted them to set the tone for the entire theme of our wedding. I also can’t wait to surprise our guests with some of the fun elements we’ll have at our reception!
3. What inspired your wedding? What are your wedding colors? The overall inspiration of my wedding came from timeless, classic weddings. I wanted to incorporate black and ivory which will forever be glamorous and in style, and then wanted to add in a pop of color, hence where the yellow accents came from. I created tons of inspiration boards and perused sites for hours on end finding just the right mix to complement our church and reception venues and I think it suits our personalities perfectly!
7. What’s the nicest/coolest/made-you-smile thing someone has said about your wedding plans? Two things: I had someone I don’t know very well from Jeff’s friends call me one day to say how much they loved our invitations and that they were the prettiest invites they had ever seen–that put a big smile on my face in that I went through 7 rounds of revisions to make our invitations absolutely perfect. Then, I had another someone email me to say they had been reading all of my wedding-related posts on the blog and saying they couldn’t wait to see it all come together because once they got engaged they wanted to hire me as their wedding planner…hmmm new profession perhaps??
So that’s all from me…trying to stay focused at work these last few days wrapping up client events, proposals, and staying on top of all the last minute wedding preparation emails and phone conversations that seem to keep pouring in–in a mere 10 days, I finally get to marry Jeff and I am beaming with anticipation! Have a FANTASTIC day, friends!
AAHHH!!! Wedding one week away!! ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY and have fun! So excited for you!
I have been following the whole time you have been planning and I can't believe its almost here! I can't wait to see if all come together
Enjoy this last week and don't forget to relax! So happy for you!
Omg thats so exciting! I'm so excited for you. It's gonna be SUCH an amazing wedding
Your wedding sounds like it's going to be AMAZING! I love your invitations!
Congrats lady! I can't wait for all of the recaps. You are going to make a beautiful bride!
Eeek! It's almost time. I know it's going to be wonderful and you're going to be gorgeous. I can't believe people ask you how much it costs. Wow.
Congrats – You're in the final stretch! Everything is going to be absolutely amazing and I cannot wait to see your beautiful wedding!
I've had so much fun reading about it! Now I cannot wait to read your recap posts AFTER your dream day! Have a wonderful, fabulous wedding day and enjoy every moment. You'll be a stunning bride! XOXO
So exciting! No one has asked me yet how much everything is costing- I hope they don't- how awkward!
You are going to be such a gorgeous bride!
i hope you'll spill all the secret details on your blog after you get back from your honeymoon
best wishes!
WHOO HOO girl! We are getting down to the nity grity! Can't wait to see everything next weekend… I just got chills
Oh I can't wait to hear a wedding recap once everything settles down after the HM!!
Oh my goodness I can't even believe it's almost here! It was only yesterday (or 16 months) ago that you announced your fab engagement!
I could totally see you being a wedding planner!! You would be amazing!
I am beyond excited for your wedding around the corner and know you are going to make a beautiful bride and that all of your planning is going to look lovely! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!!! Enjoy every moment of your special day!
It all sounds so lovely! Very many congrats!
Very exicted to read all about the wedding soon! Glad to hear your to do list isn't too too long and that you will have a little r and r before the big day
Yay, I am so excited for you!!
I must agree- after reading MONTHS of your wedding posts, I think you would make a fabulous wedding planner! I'm sure you must be bursting with excitement that the big day is so close! Congrats, enjoy every second! Can't wait to see all the recaps after the big day!
SO excited for you!!!! You are going to have the BEST time. You have to come back and answer the questions you can't answer now
I love surprises at weddings – they make them unforgettable.
Can't wait to see pictures!!
I've been following since you got engaged so I have loved watching this wedding unfold, enjoy every minute of it! It passes so quickly!
Where did you order your invitations from? I would love to see what other designs they have.