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What I Love This Wednesday


June 22, 2011

In the attempts to post about something non-wedding related, and yes, this is going to be a hard one for a bit, I wanted to hop on the train and join in Jamie’s weekly blogging fun to discuss what I’m loving today…here goes nothing:

I am loving that my boss is kind enough to let me work from home today–with all the traveling and airport hopping, a day to get back in the swing of things was MUCH needed. Not to mention I am dressed to the nines in comfy pajamas which screams professional, right?

I am loving that after a diet-free week on honeymooning {and trust me there was lots of giving into temptations of food and drink}, I have finally got Jeff back on the train of eating heathier and not wanting to stock up on processed foods…yay for grilling fish, chicken, and shrimp this week. Not to mention my morning run at the gym this AM felt AMAZING!

I am loving that I get to see friends tonight and tomorrow night to play catch-up and have some major fun time. Our neighborhood bar–interestingly enough called Neighbors–tonight with Lauren and Andy and then Taco Mamacita on Thursday for ladies’ night with fabulous friends. Uber pumped!

I’m loving that in the past week, I have finished 3 books–reading on vacation is the absolute best way to sit in the sun and soak up some rays while keeping myself mildly entertained.

  • Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin was a great girly read. Loved how the story brought up old characters from the Something Borrowed series, and was a quick read.
  • Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo–both Jeff and I read this on our trip and absolutely couldn’t put it down…a true story of a boy that travelled to heaven and what all he saw, who he met, and how he relayed details back to his mom and dad…this is a definite must read!!
  • Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore–finally finished our latest book club read and this was another tale of a true story between a millionire art dealer and a homeless man, and how their lives are changed by the art dealer’s wife–heartwarming and really makes you think how we could all do a little more to help others.

I am loving that the weekend is quickly approaching and we have some fun things lined up…shopping for house stuff, catching up with the family, getting back to church finally, and cleaning out the house to drop off hoards of items to Goodwill to make room for fun new wedding gifts are all on the agenda–P.S. can you tell “relax” is not a word in my vocabulary when I’m home and things need to get done?
Happy Hump Day friends…back tomorrow with the first pre-wedding recap…The Bridal Brunch!!
  1. Welcome back! How does it feel to be a Mrs.?!

    We read a ton on our honeymoon, too. It was HEAVEN. I was reading The Help and Ian was reading Lone Survivor. Ahhh, to go back to the days of reading poolside or beachside with not a darn thing scheduled. That was the life! 🙂

  2. Jamie says:

    Thanks for playing along!

    You're loving lots of great things 🙂 I've heard Heaven is For Real is really good…I guess I need to check it out!

  3. Can't wait for your catch-up wedding posts! 🙂

  4. Ooohh! I was looking for some new reads, thanks!
    Can't wait to hear about the bridal brunch!

  5. AllyceR says:

    So glad you're back and can't wait for wedding recaps to begin! I agree, there is nothing better than reading on vacation in the sun!

  6. Laura:: says:

    So I've read Heaven Is For Real twice now in the last month and I think it's amazing. Whether you are religious or not, you can't help but imagine a wonderful place that could never compare to anything we've ever seen here… and coming from a little boy. Changed my life. Seriously.

    And I plan on buying Same Kind of Different as Me ASAP – I had it on my to-read list for summer but wasn't sure if I could get in to it or not… I will definitely check it out!

    So glad you had a great time on your honeymoon!

  7. I really enjoyed Heart of the Matter too. Now I just can't wait for Emily Giffen to write another great book. Thanks for recommending Heaven is For Real. It's going on my Summer reading list!

  8. ashley says:

    thanks for sharing your reads and reviews. I always like to know what people thought of their books not just what they've read!

    Can't wait to see wedding pictures. (and I know it's not a "wedding blog") lol

  9. Can't wait to read some of those books you read–my summer reading list seems to keep getting longer and longer!

  10. First off: Congratulations on your wedding! Your pictures are gorgeous and I know I'm not alone when I say I can't wait to see some more!

    I finished Heaven is For Real this week too—great book. I love to feel like I've had a glimpse into heaven 🙂

  11. i just read heaven is for real too! so adorable! I've also got Same kind of different as me on the next to read list! Hope you have a wonderful wedding

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