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Days 9 and 10 of Challenge and Juicy TV


August 30, 2011

OK I’m not going to lie…I’m tired of doing the “all about me” challenge–I’m finishing today because I am ready to move on to posts that I find more entertaining, you know: fashion, food, working out, celeb goosip, and football. {you know where my priorities lie}
To wrap things up, here we go:

Two Songs
1. Wish You Were Here by Incubus: this is my favorite song of all time…very helpful to get you in a good mood, but still thinking about the one you love–this is Jeff’s ringtone so I’ll ALWAYS know it’s him when he calls
2. Meaning by Gavin Degraw: My 2nd fav song…the song that we danced to for our first dance at our reception–love the words to this and the melody is great! Check it out here
One Picture of Yourself
Only one? Just kidding! This is me post Joanna and Rhett’s wedding this past May. I stole the sunglasses from the valet and just “happened” to take the wine glass from the wedding, too–oops! Can you tell it was a fun night?
Back to more important news…last night’s crazy television:
Bachelor Pad: Dear nutso Melissa, so glad to see you go home. You need psychiatric help bless your heart. Blake, you’re really not that cool, and Vienna/Kasey, I vomit everytime you two get “lovey dovey”–GROSS. I’d really like to see Kirk and Ella win the whole shebang!
Most Eligible Dallas: I’ve had my “local Dallas” blogger friends tell me that this is an unrealistic picture of the town…go figure, but I am glad to know the truth. Glenn is too much fun, I think he is adorable and Matt–douche bag. He thinks he has “game”, but poor thing is not that impressive…reminds me of an ex-boyfriend I used to have…LOL.
Did anyone else see the newly revealed cast of DWTS? This season is going to be FUN to watch…Kristin Cavallari, David Arquette, Ricki Lake, and Carson Kressley just to name a few–count me in!
*Obviously you can tell how productive I was at home last night since my entire evening was spent in front of the TV watching mindless junk…don’t judge. I was able to fold some laundry in the process 😉
  1. Ashley says:

    There is an Incubus concert here in Columbus tonight … Im not going but have friends that are goin 🙂

    Also, dont feel bad about watching trash tv cuz thats all i did last night too hehe ..and loved every minute of it!!

    have a good day!

  2. Ashley says:

    I also got really sick of the "all about me" 10 day thing lol

  3. Hannah says:

    Too funny girl! When I saw the dwts lineup I was thinking this is going to be hilarious and awesome!

  4. haha, I like your recap on the new reality shows! 🙂
    <3 Shay

  5. Brown Girl says:

    Don't even get me started on DME, such a stupid show! Ugh! I am excited to see Kristin C on DWTS though, I think she's going to be good!

  6. Lauren says:

    Haha. I hear you. I'm tired of doing it too. I'd stop now but I feel like since I started, I need to finish it! It's okay, there's only two days left.

  7. I totally got sucked into a most eligible dallas marathon…kill me

  8. Mary Eliza says:

    Love the recap of The Bachelor Pad—because I totally agree with it all 🙂 Vienna and Kasey are just creepy.

  9. Nicole says:

    HI! A few things…
    1. Incubus is my favorite band of all time, I have seen them 5 times in concert!
    2. I love Glenn!
    3. Matt is a HUGE loser and he is thisclose to loosing all his hair! Maybe he should take a closer look because none of his "women" are attractive!

  10. I'm all about those reality shows too!! I love the Dallas show, the fashion and the drama, the best!! 🙂

  11. Brandi says:

    Yes, Matt is total douche bag!!! What does Courtney see in him? Glenn is adorbs!!!!!! LOVE thaf stupid show!!!

  12. Joanna says:

    My caterer was wondering where that wine glass went! haha. So glad to see that the night was fun for all! Wish we could do it all over again.

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