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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Feels Like Home


August 18, 2011

Last night was so much fun…my house filled with incredible women, yummy food, and giggles and laughter from us having an amazing get together–bunco seems to do that for us. Although we had a little intruder {AKA Jeff who had been traveling all day and desperately wanted to be home}, we kicked back and entertained ourselves…days like that make me have a happy heart.
For the menu, as I know some of you have requested it, here it is: {nothing fancy this go around, just some of my favorite tried and true recipes}

Baked Brie Bites
Favorite Pineapple Cheeseball
Summertime Strawberry Salad with Champagne Vinaigrette (similar to this, but without the almonds and chicken)
Chicken Poppyseed Casserole with Rice
Park House Style Yeast Rolls
Banana Pudding Trifle

I cannot lie–I’m a little tired today…it’s been awhile since we’ve entertained for a bigger crowd so I think I got a bit frazzled trying to make sure everything was done on time, etc…am I losing my touch?? Haha–I know I won’t be trying to run a catering business any time soon, that’s for sure!
As promised, I finally got around to capturing a few snapshots of the finished gallery wall in our family room. I love the end product…it took me a great amount of time to get the exact look I was going for, but I really think it makes the room more comfortable and cozy. Not to mention I bought some custom quote signs and such to print off via Etsy for some contrast from just having pictures–yippee!! Still a work-in-progress, and we’ll be adding bits and pieces to other walls, but I think this helps present the overall idea.

Ampersand Sign: via Hobby Lobby and spraypainted silver
Photo Frames: via Pottery Barn and Target
Custom Etsy Prints: via Olive You Always

And finally, I think I have finally come to a blogging funk my friends…it seems I can’t think of anything noteworthy/fun/exciting to post here lately and I am stretching thin–does this happen to anyone else? So now I ask you {since obviously you’re the audience I write for}, what posts would you like to see? More fashion related, recipe collections/party ideas/food fun, back to fitness and working out regimes, etc? I am ALL ears for this one and would love some helpful recommendations!! Thanks friends 😉

  1. Mrs. Lovely says:

    Take break if you need to! I had a blog leading up to my wedding last year and after we were married I took 3 months off to just enjoy things (and TN Football season!). I've since deleted that blog and started over. Do whatever makes you happy! Oh, and I love the pineapple cheeseball, it's my go to recipe for tailgating!

  2. The wall came out great! And, your menu sounds awesome. 🙂

  3. Love the picture wall!! I have been working on/wanting to construct one for about 2 years now!! Ha! I need to finish it!

  4. Julia says:

    I like when you post fashion finds. Maybe you could do some super inexpensive finds like magazines do! 🙂

    By the way I need an invite to one of these bunco nights or your book club thing. I am really needng girl time and some hobbies. I feel like all I do is spend time at home with my hubby.. which is GREAT…lol just you sound like you're having so much fun!!


  5. BeckyJo606 says:

    Thanks for the menu! The brie bites sound so delicious! And, your gallery wall looks so fantastic! I love the idea of mixing quotes and pictures together to make the perfect wall!

    As for what I'd like to see more of…
    -recipes! I think you always post the yummiest things
    -fitness for sure! I think so many of us are trying to drop a few pounds, or just get out of a workout rut.
    -I've seen a couple of girls post gameday outfits. I think that's a cute idea too!


  6. Kayln says:

    I love that wall collage!!! You should definitely blog more about your home :). It's so cute and I want to see more pics as to how you decorated – it's adorable!

  7. Love the gallery wall! It turned out so good…I know how hard it is to get those frames straight! We printed that same grey and white print for our house too…I just love that quote. Especially for us newlyweds! 🙂

  8. Shana says:

    Oh lovely girl I have these days too! I start to feel as though no one should want to read my blog becasue I gave absoluetly NOTHING interesting to say lol! it does pass 🙂 and I had no idea you felt funky…I loved your post!

  9. Caitlin says:

    LOVE your gallery wall!

  10. Fantastic gallery wall, friend! I'd love to see more home decor pics!

  11. Fitness! Or maybe just how you managr your time, it seems you are able to live a balanced life socially and professionally. I struggle with that!

  12. Erin says:

    LOVE your gallery wall. Would love to see a tour of your home! It looks like we share the same style! 🙂

  13. Pamela says:

    Your gallery wall looks great! We have a big wall, with nothing on it & I have recently decided that is what I am going to do with it!

  14. Tiffany says:

    Your gallery wall is wonderful! I'll be glad when I get my own place so I can do cute things like that!

    xoxo – tiffany @ tldetwiler.blogspot.com

  15. Nicole says:

    Your living room looks so happy and homey! And your bunco menu sounds YUMMY! It really doesn't seem to me like you're in a blogging funk. I love reading all of your posts!

  16. Caroline says:

    Your menu sounds devine! Yum! Love the wall. So cute! And I'm in a funk right now too. It's so hard.

  17. That menu sounded delish! I must try pineapple cheeseball and the salad.

  18. Natalie says:

    Your menu sounds perfect, wow! And I love, love the gallery wall. It looks fab!

    Don't be afraid to take a blogging break if you don't feel inspired. I've taken plenty. We'll still be here when you get back. 🙂

  19. Liesl says:

    So glad your night of hosting was a success and what a yummy and cute menu! Love baked brie bites! YUM! Also loving all your framed pictures as art on the wall of your family room…my sister did the same thing and I love it!

    Liesl 🙂

  20. Britt says:

    What a wonderful way to spend the evening and the food sounds delish!

    I would blog about what is next for you and Jeff? Any trips? SEC football tips for tailgating? How you balance your life? Fitness is always a great one! What is next for ya'll as a married couple? A tour through Nashville? I love your blog so I hope you don't take a break:)

  21. Jamie says:

    Your gallery wall looks GREAT! I've been wanting to do one on our big living room wall and after seeing yours it really makes me want to 🙂

  22. LC says:

    I love your gallery wall!!! Might have to copy this idea! 😉

  23. Love the gallery wall! I have been wanting to do one so bad but I can't decide if I should do it up our staircase, in our large hallway, or the living room! Your post reminded me to get going on it 🙂

  24. Poppyseed Chicken is HUGE in our household! My favorite meal by far!!! Love that other people love it too!!!

  25. Miss V says:

    I love reading your blog so whatever you do don't stop!!! I love your home and agree with some of the other comments that I would love to see more pictures, small details, maybe things that inspire you when you decorate etc! Whenever I'm in a blogging funk I tend to do some of the weekly posts such as "What I'm Loving Wednesday" or "Five things on Friday" etc the link ups even if it's random and minor it's still fun to read and you never know how those "jump start" posts will get you inspired to write about something else later on! Also I bring my little snap and shoot camera with me EVERYWHERE this way I can always click away at things that inspire me and future posts! Love your menu for Bunco I'm hosting some friends for apps and a book swap tom and really looking forward to hosting the ladies as well! xo Thanks for sharing lady!

  26. your gallery wall looks FANTASTIC! LOVE the ampersand sign!!!

  27. Ummm – love this! Great job on the gallery wall … your house is such a home (sounds cheesy, but you know what I mean). Okay, I'm a huge dork apparently this morning and just got randomly emotional thinking about how blessed life is — you're growing your fam / home and I just added to mine! I guess it's fun to see others at each stage and "cheer them on", too! 🙂

    And as far as future blog posts, I vote for party ideas / health and beauty, etc… but truly, you do a great job and blog about so many different things already!

  28. Lindsey says:

    Love your wall!

    I love your blog and it never gets boring to me! But if you're feeling in a funk, a few ideas:
    -fashion posts/What I Wore
    -nutrition info – how you keep in shape, eat, etc.
    -Love the recipes you feature – how about focusing on a few and showing how you make them?
    -And of course more about your beautiful wedding!

  29. Lindsey says:

    Oh yeah and beauty product reviews, love those!

  30. Carroll says:

    So glad you had such a fun time with bunco. The menu looks delish! Love the gallery wall, too! 🙂

  31. I know what you mean! I've been in a blogging slump since I found out I'm pregnant…has lots to do with the fact that until recently I've felt too tired or sick to even imagine cooking and blogging about it.

    Take your time…it'll come to you!

  32. Faith says:

    what a fabulous menu!

    love your gallery wall! i can't wait to figure out mine!

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