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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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New Friends and Weekend Happies


August 22, 2011

Happy Monday friends! Ok, we all know Monday isn’t my favorite day of the week, but I’m making every attempt to have a positive attitude this week…no matter how crazy work is. {we’ll see how long this lasts}
This weekend was so much fun…a whirlwind of a roadtrip adventure and home to spend some time with my hubby all wrapped into one. Friday after work, Meg and I jumped in the car and headed to Memphis to see The Fields and Baby Preston. Once we got into town, us girls thought it would be fun to get out for a bit so we headed to one of the neatest restaurants I’ve ventured to thus far, The Beauty Shop. It’s just that–an old beauty shop from the 50s that has been renovated into a fun little eatery/hangout. So much fun and the food was incredible…parmesan truffle fries and homemade guacamole–fabulous! It was so great to be able to spend some quality time chatting away with a girlfriend we don’t get to see nearly enough.

inside the restaurant..isn’t it adorable?
Saturday morning, we were up early to visit with Baby P…that child has so much personality I tell you. We ate lunch at the infamous Arcade Restaurant in downtown before doing a short walking tour of some of the local attractions–the Lorraine Motel, the Elvis statue, and my favorite Memphis staple, The Peabody Hotel, with ducks and all. It was a short trip, but a fun one at that! We made new friends with Preston and entertained him with our endless amount of Disney songs…yes, our musical stylings were hysterical.
Brian and Baby P…so sweet!!
The Famous Lorraine Hotel where MLK Jr. was killed
Happy baby…loving all that attention
I’m All Shook Up! Yes, I LOVE Elvis
Inside the Peabody…see the ducks??
That afternoon, we headed back to Nashville to meet up with the boys who had been playing golf all day. Fast forward 2.5 hours, and we decided it was time to relax the night away with pizza and a movie. Finally gave in and rented True Grit…interesting movie, but still not sure what all the Oscar fuss was about?
Yesterday could’ve been my favorite Sunday we’ve had in awhile–church, grocery store, nap time, afternoon workout at the gym, followed by cooking fajitas for dinner…nothing fancy, but it let us spend the whole day together and got me rested for the week. It’s official, I know, we’re old.
  1. Sounds like a great weekend! 🙂

  2. Nicole says:

    What a fun Memphis trip! I from there so I always like learning about new restaurants.. The Beauty Shop is going to be on the list now!

  3. Cute! We loved seeing you and Malc. It was so fun! Preston loved you girls 😉

  4. French Lover says:

    Sounds like the perfect weekend. I must be old, too, since your Sunday is my idea of a perfect Sunday :))


  5. Shari says:

    Your kind of Sunday sounds like my perfection too! Glad you had a fabulous weekend! 🙂

  6. Caroline says:

    I love the Beauty Shop. Hope you had fun walking in Memphis!

  7. aw that sounds so fun!!! i love weekends like that. that beauty shop restaurant DOES look freaking adorable! glad you had such a good time!

  8. Rachel says:

    Sounds fun! I went to Memphis and ate at the Arcade not long ago and Jake Gyllenhaal had just left!

  9. Taylor B. says:

    You just made me miss Memphis. We used to eat at the arcade and the beauty shop all the time. Now I'm craving some sweet potato pancakes from the arcade…

  10. Sounds like a great weekend! I feel the same way about our weekends now, the best one's are quiet ones we spend at home together.

  11. Brown Girl says:

    How fun, I want to visit Memphis sometime, I've heard lots of good things!

  12. Caitlin says:

    I'm from Memphis and I've NEVER heard of The Beauty Shop! I will definitely be adding that to my Memphis to-do list! Looks like you had busy but fun weekend!

  13. Sounds like a fun weekend! I've been to see the ducks before 🙂 How silly…

  14. Joanna says:

    Oh I love your last comment. We are not old just a little more domesticated. Gotta love the relaxing days shared with your best friend.

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