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Weekend Recap and Challenge Day 8


August 29, 2011

Happy Monday friends! Another weekend, come and gone, but I’m smiling a little bigger this week because it’s ALMOST football time in Tennessee..my beloved Vols kick-off this weekend in Knox and I cannot wait to be surrounded by 100,000+ fans in orange…a perfect day if you ask me! {so this week better fly by!!}

This past weekend was JAM packed…Friday night, Jeff and I had date nigh to The Yellow Porch! INCREDIBLE…not only was the food ever so tasty, but the atmosphere is cozy and quaint. We really enjoyed the fried cheddar fritters, the leg of lamb with parmesan risotto, and the homemade peach cobbler was icing on the cake.
Saturday, we headed to Leslie and Dusty’s new casa for their housewarming party–a great time spent with friends we hadn’t seen in awhile {Lindsay and Shibahn–SO happy to see you both}. That night, we took my parents out to a big “thank-you” dinner for everything they did for our wedding… a late dinner to Park Cafe and then dessert at Melting Pot!
Sunday, we went to church and then Jeff gave in and accompanied me to go see The Help…and just as everyone had told me, it was a great movie! From reading the book, it was fun to see who they cast to play specific roles and I think they did a fantastic job…of course I was the lady balling in the theater like a crazy woman ;). Last night, we took it easy at the house, working on projects, cleaning, and then watching the VMA’s which made me realize a few things:
1. Lady Gaga is the epitomy of crazy, but I still love her. Katy Perry and Nicki Minaj, please stop trying to be like Gaga…she’ll win every time
2. Adele is TRUE talent…her voice–WHOA! And Chris Brown, though your flying was entertaining, your lack of even trying to look like you were singing was poor
3. Britney Spears needs to take public speaking classes. Your thank-you speeches are horrid
4. Beyonce…the cutest way to announce your prego–she had that “glow” and Jay-Z looked like a proud papa!

For today’s challenge, you’re to list three films…I’m assuming this is to be my 3 favorites which is hard because we love to watch movies:
1. Love Actually: the best feel-good love/holiday movie… I have to watch it every year
2. Braveheart: best war/love movie ever made (before Mel Gibson went crazy)
3. Forrest Gump: because Tom Hanks is the best, and if it’s on, you can’t help but watch it
  1. Cait says:

    omg i LOVED when Beyonce did that last night. I seriously screamed so loud haha!!

  2. Ashley says:

    I keep hearing about Beyonce's baby anouncement – I feel like the only person who didn't watch the VMA's lol

    I can't wait for football season! College starts THIS WEEKEND WOO! =)

  3. It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! I loved the way Beyonce announced her pregnancy too and Jay Z's reaction was adorable!

  4. That sounds like a fabulous weekend! I still haven't seen The Help–my mom and I have been planning to go but Mother Nature keeps stopping us (i.e. earthquake and hurricane)!

  5. Love Actually is on my Top 5 list as well. I love it!!! I was obsessed with it in college when it came out!

    And agree with you about Beyonce, she looks sooo happy!

  6. Can't wait for the Vols to kick off this week!!! Love Neyland in the Fall……….nothing like it.

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