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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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What I’m Loving Wednesday


August 31, 2011

Ahhh! Back to normalcy around these parts…forgive me if I am boring today, for I was woken up in the middle of the night by the husband whose plane had been delayed for 3 hours and didn’t get home until 1AM–boo airports!! Definitely didn’t get my recommended 8 hours of beauty sleep.
It’s Hump Day: so many exciting things that I am loving this week… 

Celebrating great friends! Friday night, Jules and Jon are hosting a fun cookout to show off their new house and show off her brand new bling. I cannot wait! Going to be the start of a fantastic weekend in Knoxville.

Football…need I say any more? My bags are packed {yes 2 days early!} and I’ve somehow managed to bring along 5 different options for gameday–hey a girl needs choices for such an important event 😉

Boom’s Day…a yearly tradition in K-town, which we haven’t been to in years. Think carnvial style food and drink, tons of people, and gorgeous fireworks lighting up the sky–hooray!!

Short Work Weeks…next week is a 4 day work week because of Labor Day, the next is a 3 day {because we’re headed to the beach}, and the next week is 2 whole days–a girl could get used to this!

Fall…bring on the Pumpkin Spice lattes, brisk mornings, crock pot dinners, festivals around town, autumn/Halloween decor, and plenty of comfy sweaters and boots–afterall, it is the last day of August!
So, what are you loving this week? Visit Jamie to tell her all about it!
  1. I am soooo excited for Fall!! I want to start decorating so bad but it's just way too early..especially here in Texas! The Boom's Day celebration sounds like so much fun! My family loves vacationing in Knoxville…mostly cuz my mom's adoration of Pat Summitt, but it is a great town!

  2. sSe says:

    Words cannot even express how excited I am for the spiced pumpkin lattes later this season. Just thinking about them has brightened my day!

  3. Sounds like the best weekend!! I'm excited for all the football that's been on too!! Remember to snap a pic of your gameday outfit and share 🙂

  4. Mateya says:

    Sounds like you have some fun stuff coming up!

  5. Shari says:

    Sounds like you have some great weekend plans! 🙂 And I agree, bring on the pumpkins.

  6. Taylor B. says:

    I'm so ready for fall too! And thank you for your post a while back about being positive when others are negative. I had one of those days yesterday and my mind wandered back to your post…made my day a little bit better

  7. Jamie says:

    Thanks for playing along girl!

    I have a long weekend too and I'm SO excited about it!

  8. Sarah Mina says:

    I am so ready for college football, too! Definitely starts feeling like fall once football season arrives!


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