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Weekend Recap and Bumpdate…15 Weeks!


September 27, 2011

This past weekend was all about relaxing…after being out of town for a week, things at the house needed to get in order–groceries, endless amounts of laundry, de-cluttering to make way for the contractor starting TODAY, and getting out the fall decor to spiffy up a bit. It was by no means glamorous, but it was much needed due to the fact that we have only 1 more weekend until Thanksgiving where we are in town with no plans…WHOA.
Friday night, I spent some time with me, myself, and I. Jeff was at a important meeting golf tournament in Knoxville and wasn’t getting home until late, so I whipped myself up some dinner and spent most of my evening on the couch catching up on TV.
Saturday, we slept in and then headed to the gym before I disembarked on a shopping adventure. I started by searching out cribs to save some $$ though I am fully aware I am most likely going to break down and buy what I desperately want from Restoration Hardware Baby and Child {if they would ever have another promotion on furniture!}. Then it was on to another store to scope out baby strollers…lordy lordy! Are you aware of how many strollers there are to choose from? This lady got overwhelmed after I couldn’t figure out how to get one assembled and called it a day–Jeff gets to come back with me next time ;).
On Sunday, we were bad and skipped church because I couldn’t seem to get up and moving…so instead, we made homemade belgium waffles and relaxed around the house the rest of the afternoon until our shows came on. The season premiere of Boardwalk Empire {AMAZING just as I expected} and then Pan Am which was really good, too–new shows, yay! 

Alright, now onto the baby stuff:

How far along? 15 weeks, 3 days…172 days to go!
Size of the bambino? A navel orange
Maternity Clothes? I used the Bella Band for the first time last week and it works wonders I tell you. I can still wear my regular jeans–and yes, this makes me think I am still that small, though the tummy, butt, and thighs are ever expanding 😉
Weight Gain? Ewww…the bad part–5 pounds
Stretch Marks? Nope–that cocoa butter/prego lotion seems to be doing the trick!

Gender? See my new little addtion to the right? I’d love to hear your thoughts/votes and see what you think the little peanut is…I cannot WAIT to find out! We are having our gender reveal party on October 22 with friends and family, though Jeff and I will find out earlier that week on the 18th, only to keep the secret for a few days. We went back and forth on whether or not we wanted to know before everyone else, but thought this could be a fun moment for just the two of us to enjoy together. 
Movement? I swear I thought I felt something the other night, but I think it was just my stomach grumbling–haha.
Sleep? This isn’t going so well this week. I officially have passed the “I can still sleep on my stomach” portion of the pregnancy and sleeping on my side for a whole night just isn’t working. Fail. =(
Food Cravings? The most random things…chicken nuggets, grapes, and cookies–hey, there is some nutrition in there. Do alcoholic beverages count as cravings?
What I Miss? Working out regularly–lately, I am so tired I can barely keep my head up at work, not to mention getting up for morning rendezvous at the gym aren’t happening as frequently as I would like–this week’s goal: 3 days of gym time! I also miss going to late dinners with Jeff. He knows if I don’t eat by 6:30 it’s game over.
Symptoms? Insomnia, indigestion, and I swear I am getting cankles–gross.
Best Moment of the Week? Jeff and I were laying in bed Sunday morning watching TV and I couldn’t help but think that in a mere 5.5 months, we’ll have a little snuggle bear to spend our mornings with…happy heart!
Oh, and I sent out our gender reveal party invites–take a look! I worked with Jen of Blackberry Graphics on Etsy to design them and they turned out perfectly with the colors we are using for the party…I think it’s going to be a lot of fun! {just showing the top part of the invitation, as the bottom features our contact info–not necesasry to show–lol}

  1. Kayln says:

    You are not getting cankles, I'm sure!!! Such an honest post I love it! And alcoholic cravings count lol

  2. So exciting! You're almost halfway there!

  3. BeckyJo606 says:

    I love your invites! So cute! You are starting to just get a cute baby bump! 🙂

  4. Shana says:

    You are not getting cankles! You look lovely and glowy in your photo 🙂

    I am so excited to have a gender reveal party…now to just get pregnant…lol!

  5. Love the invitations! How fun! You are too cute and cankles….what cankles?!!

    If you haven't already, you might want to try the Boppy Ultimate pillow (you can get one at Target). It has really helped me sleep on my side!

  6. Desi says:

    UM what the?!? I haven't been by your blog in awhile and I come back to visit and you are PREGGERS?!?! I can't believe it… I had just checked up on how your wedding went! Now you are a happily married and now pregnant woman! Wow how time flies. Congrats to you and Jeff! You are the cutest prego woman ever!

  7. Kristen says:

    I don't see a bump there at all – give it a few months and you will look back at these pictures and think to yourself, "I wasn't even showing!"

    Glad everything is going well!

  8. Shari says:

    That invite is so cute! I'm weighing in girl.

  9. dyyyying over those invitations!!!! LOVE.LOVE.LOVE.

  10. I think alcoholic beverages count but I like how your getting all the non alcoholic stuff lol just as equally fun..

  11. Ashley says:

    I have seriously been so far out of the blogging world!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How exciting! and aren't you just THE cutest little pregnant thing EVER?!

  12. Karah says:

    Just catching up on your blog. Congrats on the baby news. That is so exciting!!! Can't wait to see what your having.

  13. Kristen says:

    I loved my bella band! Definitely worth it, but when you finally cave and buy maternity jeans you'll wonder what took you so long..haha 🙂 LOVE those invites! I'm wait a couple more weeks to cast my vote!

  14. Looking great Natasha!!!

  15. Awww!!! a BABY! I am so excited for you!! 🙂

    LOVE THE INVITES! Too cute!

  16. Heather says:

    I don't want to a bubble-burster but, sometimes they aren't able to find out the gender during the ultrasound. I know personally – I was so excited to find out at my 20 week sonogram, but the umbilical cord was between the legs & as much as the tech tried to get a better angle, the baby just wouldn't cooperate! We weren't able to find out until my next appointment which was a MONTH later! Again, I don't want to distract you from your joy, just want to give you a heads up to maybe have a creative back-up plan for the Gender Reveal party in case your little one decides to be modest at the appointment. : )

  17. Day Old News says:

    You are so on top of it – from wedding planning to baby planning! Haha, the invites are adorbs.

  18. McKeever says:

    So excited for y'all. You look fabulous!

  19. Nicole says:

    You are going to have the cutest bump ever!

  20. Faith says:

    you are so beautiful! happy 15 weeks!

  21. Kit says:

    You are super cute….love the dress.

  22. Mateya says:

    Oh you look so cute!

    I am sure the cribs/strollers/everything is just so overwhelming!

  23. You look great – do NOT worry your pretty little head about gaining weight…. it's all part of it (and I know, everyone says that…but really). I can't say ALL of my baby weight fell off immediately, but now 3 months post partum, I more or less look just like I did…. minus some tiny stretch marks. (I didn't have a single one going into the hospital and came out with a few…weird!).

    LOVE the gender reveal party invites! Adorable.


  24. Nicole Marie says:

    oh that invites are too cute! do we get to vote/guess too??!

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