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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Ready, Set, GO!


October 3, 2011

It’s the beginning of another month…October is in full swing and so am I. This weekend marked another successful few days for us and it feels so good to keep making progress on the home, on baby necessities, and just trying to knock things out so we have time to relax during the holidays and such.

Jeff and the boys spent all day Saturday planting trees to line our driveway and they look FANTASTIC–9 in, 2 more to go, and it already makes such a big difference for more privacy next to our neighbors. To reward them, we picked up Ruth’s Chris for dinner because they had worked so hard…and luckily, Mom and I got to partake in the deliciousness, too! As for us girls, we spent all day scouring Nashville…I purchased new prints for the master bathroom that we hung last night, new accessories for the built-in bookcases in our family room, and a few more fall items to beautify the house.

Then, we switched gears and moved to all things baby. Mom helped me select the stroller and infant car seat system {BIG relief there!}, and then I ordered a wood swatch sample to see what the color of the nursery furniture will look like. We also stopped into some of my new favorite boutiques…especially The Plaid Rabbit {oh that place is going to get me in trouble}.  

Yesterday, I did laundry, caught up on TV, ventured to Target and Kroger, and then we joined the Grunkes for dinner for the first chili of the season…Aaron was kind enough to whip up a batch with Meg’s soon-to-be famous cornbread and it was the perfect way to unwind after a nice weekend–so sweet of them to have us over!

So as for today, it’s Monday meaning another full week of jam packed activities: Junior League provisional meeting, hair appointment, working on gender reveal party items, finishing our wedding album proof to get the order complete, getting ready for our tailgate this weekend in Knoxville, and then packing for the weekend festivities! And yes, I know Halloween is a few weeks away, but I get so excited to see the kiddos dressed up and trick-or-treating…just knowing I need to keep that candy out of my house as long as possible 😉

Happy Monday friends! Back tomorrow for a fun little game to play!

  1. I can't wait to see the landscape additions! I'm getting my hair done on Tuesday – oh tell me I'll see you?

    Happy October to you!

  2. BeckyJo606 says:

    Sounds like a great weekend! I think a good weekend helps out so much when it's time to face Monday! 🙂

  3. Chrissy says:

    Can you please tell us what stroller and infant car seat system you picked. Please show us items you purchase for the baby. We would all love to see 🙂

  4. Mrs. W says:

    Sounds like a great weekend. Monday's are always a little bit easier after a productive weekend.

  5. Sarah says:

    I need to know what stroller and car seta you picked too! I am having a hard time deciding…

  6. YESSSSS and more yessss for october.

  7. Erin says:

    I so miss Kroger! Thats one thing I hate about moving from the south to the pacific northwest is no Krogers!

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