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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Baby Bumpdate…22 Weeks and Counting!


November 16, 2011

How Far Along? 22 weeks, 4 days…122 days to go!

Size of Our Little Darling? Miss Caroline is a spaghetti squash–whatever that is. She is 11 inches long and weighs a little more than a pound
Maternity Clothes? The majority of my wardrobe this week is still pre-baby tops and dresses, but integrating maternity pants/leggings/jeans…so thankful empire waist tops and tunics are in style right now
Weight Gain? 15 pounds, but feeling great and I think my regular workouts are helping me stay in shape!
Stretch Marks? I am constantly looking in the mirror each day to monitor for these and so far {knock on wood}, we’re still looking good in that area. Those lotions and oils are well worth the money.
Gender? Another girl to take all of Jeff’s hard earnings 😉
Movement? Mostly in the afternoon and evening…I get so excited when she is awake since she apparently all the websites say she sleeps so much {12-14 hours a day}
Sleep? This situation is getting worse as the weeks progress–preparation for what’s to come I assume
Food Cravings? Still with the apple cider, pizza anytime and all the time, and I am wanting nothing to do with my routine cereal for breakfast…I have switched to english muffin, egg white, and turkey sausage sandwiches and waffles–random!
What I Miss? Cocktails with dinner, staying up late night, and sushi
Symptoms? Itchiness, dry skin, basketcase full of emotions…I totally broke down and started crying the other day for no reason at all. Jeff just sat there and hugged me because he knew I was being a nutso and then when I was done, we totally laughed about how my “episode” came out of nowhere.

Best Moment of the Week? Ordering the nursery furniture and buying her first personalized bibs and goodies…it’s starting to feel VERY real!

Obviously today was update-us-everything-we-need-to-know-about-baby-day on the blog…back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow I promise!! 😉
  1. Sole Matters says:

    I dont know if you've mentioned this, but what lotions and oils are you using? what normal workouts are you doing?

  2. Kayln says:

    Awww you're soo cute!!! And even though I'm NOT pregnant, I have meltdowns like this all the time lol! Hopefully that makes you feel a little better 🙂

  3. You are so adorable! I hope I look half as good as you do when we decide to have kids!

  4. Jessica says:

    Looking good! Your bump came out of no where! 🙂 We are so close in weeks, I love following your progress as well!

  5. Shari says:

    I love that you are sharing your progress with us, but also appreciate that you aren't make it EVERYthing on your blog. You are doing well with the balancing lady. And you look so adorable! 🙂

  6. Nicole says:

    I hope I'm as cute as your when I'm prego! Love seeing the progress!

  7. McKeever says:

    You look fabulous! Makes me miss being pregnant!

  8. Katelyn says:

    u look sooo sweet!!!

  9. Amy says:

    You are way too cute for words!!! Love all of these sweet updates!!!

  10. KimP says:

    You look adorable!! Love your ideas for the nursery also! Xo

  11. you look great!!! cant wait to see what you get!

  12. Liesl says:

    You could NOT be any more adorable…such cute shots and what a cute outfit too!!! I think pizza anytime and all the time goes for me too and I'm not pregnant! LOL!

    Liesl 🙂

  13. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Glad you're doing well!

    Wanted to stop by and let you know you've been "pinned"


  14. Lindsay says:

    You are such a cute pregnant lady!! Ahhh 🙂

  15. Megan says:

    you are adorable!

  16. Laura says:

    You look great! Monogramming things is so fun when you are pregnant…I loved seeing Grayson's name on things!

  17. CMae says:

    You are seriously the cutest little preggo girl ever…I wish other pregnant gals would just SMILE and take pics of their beautiful baby bumps and not hide from the camera!! 🙂 Can't wait to see if you blog a pic about the nursery furniture you just ordered!

  18. Okay youre seriously the cutest preggo EVA!!! I also love the photos on the Nursery Inspiraiton! Its gonna be so amazing!!

  19. OMG- you are too cute! Making pregnancy look so good!!

  20. Abbey says:

    You are too cute!

  21. Jamie says:

    SO cute as always!

  22. Oh and you're pregnant! How exciting!!! Congrats! 🙂

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