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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Thankful for Caroline…23 Weeks!


November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving from our little turkey!

How Far Along? 23 weeks, 5 days…114 days to go! Yall, time is flying by these days.
Size of Our Wee One? A LARGE mango—I love how they differentiate between small and large. Yummy, mangoes are one of my favs, too.
Maternity Clothes? I’ve bought a bunch and I am starting to bring them into my wardrobe…saving a lot for our NYC trip and holiday shindigs and celebrations, but I did score from Gap last week (yes, again). If Jeff thought pregnancy meant my shopping addiction would go away, poor man was wrong. Check out my new goodies:

Weight Gain? 16 pounds…really watching my caloric intake this week—just because it’s Thanksgiving doesn’t mean I want to look like one 😉
Stretch Marks? Nope—I thought I saw some the other day, yet, low and behold, it was just the remnants of my spray tan—oops.
Gender? Baby girl…When people ask if I know what we’re having and I say girl, I can’t help but smile and get supremely giddy.
Movement? Caroline loves to kick and play for her Mommy and Daddy, yet it seems when anyone else puts their hand on my tummy, she gets a little shy…it’s quite funny as there are a few that are VERY anxious to feel her kicks
Sleep? Better this week…Jeff was gone one night, so I had the bed to myself and definitely took advantage of all that space…I could get used to that!
Food Cravings? Apple ANYTHING, sweets, sweets, and more sweets—the homemade cranberry sauce was just icing on the cake!
What I Miss? The energy I once had…I get so tired and I have to sit down and rest…it’s just not in my DNA, but I know I need to. However, I will be fully rested for my Black Friday shopping extravaganza. Poor Jeff has to try to fill Mom’s place this year, and I don’t think he knows what he signed up for.
Symptoms? Itchy belly ALL the time, endless amount of trips to the bathroom, and I think I am starting to resemble Humpty Dumpty—or so I feel when I roll out of bed.
Best Moment of the Week? Thinking HOW different the holiday season is going to be next year—we’ll have a 9 month old and if I think life is good now, it’s just going to get amazingly better come March.

  1. Elena says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! Your baby girl will certainly be beautiful!

  2. Abbey says:

    I think that you get cuter each week of your pregnancy!

  3. Lindsay says:

    Aww that last answer was so sweet!!!! ? so happy for you. You are going to be a great momma!!!

  4. I'm sure sweet baby Caroline enjoyed her first Turkey Day in your tummy!

  5. Meredith says:

    You look so cute!!

  6. Kate says:

    The background in this weeks photo is beautiful! It goes without saying, but so are you! Pregnancy looks amazing on you!!

  7. melissa says:

    Hope Caroline enjoyed all the Thanksgiving yummies! Glad you're still feeling well!

  8. Samantha says:

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with Jeff and family! Love reading your weekly update on little miss Caroline 🙂 she's going to be one lucky lady! xo

  9. Oh my goodness! I've been gone too long…Congratulations, you look amazing. Pregnancy is the next best thing to holding your baby girl!

  10. Liesl says:

    You are looking beautiful and adorable! What a cute thought to think about the holiday next year with a little one…so exciting!

    Liesl 🙂

  11. Amy says:

    I have several friends that are pregnant and when talking with them we always say, "this time next year your baby will be this old," or "you'll have a little baby next year during this time." It's so amazing and beautiful how life changes in one instant. So happy for y'all!!!

  12. The Hanlon's says:

    Congratulations!! I am new to your blog. you are a very adorable pregnant mama 🙂 I swear, everyone is having a girl these days

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