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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Thankfulness…I Was Here


November 23, 2011

This year, more than ever before, I think I have an
abounding list of “things” to be thankful for…
An incredible husband–we celebrated 5 months of wedded bliss. Not a day goes by that I don’t thank my lucky stars and God for bringing him in my life…he’s my best friend,  partner-in-crime, and I wouldn’t want to go through this adventure with anyone else.
A close-knit and supporting family. There is lots to say for a family that is as close as ours is. Sure, we’re all crazy in our own ways, but I am thankful for each one of them…they add so much to my life and I am a better person because I have them in my world.
The best friends a girl could ask for. Honest, sincere, caring, and always there when the going gets tough or when we’re celebrating exciting happenings in each others’ lives. There is no one like them and none could ever be replaced.
A job that brings me joy…there are good days and bad days with any type
of career, but my good days outweigh the bad and I am lucky to work for a
company that values and rewards its employees.

My health. Pregnancy thus far has been relatively easy and I am thankful for that. I’m healthy, trying to stay as active as possible, and just enjoying this exciting time in my life.

I am thankful for the men and women who sacrifice day in and day out to protect our country…they are so unselfish in what they give up for each and every one of us and I pray that they can return home safely to their family and friends.

Having a real relationship with God…He’s with me day in and day out and I know that no matter what happens, He is always looking out and watching over me. The older I get, the closer I feel to Him and I am so happy He is in my life.

And most of all, I am thankful to become a mother. A little less than 4 months to go until we meet our sweet Caroline and words cannot express the love, excitement, and joy I have in my heart to welcome this child into the world. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt she will be loved and showered with hugs and kisses and will know how happy we are she came into our lives. Nothing is going to be better than having a child of our own. 

My cup truly runneth over 😉

And on a semi-related topic, has anyone else heard this song from Beyonce titled “I Was Here”? This is an incredible song, a testiment to living each day to the absolute fullest, to touching hearts, to doing everything you wanted, to making a difference, bringing happiness to others, and leaving a mark. We should all be living this way…we’re never guaranteed a tomorrow, so live each day like it’s your last. OXOX

  1. Lindsay says:

    this is a beautiful post! happy thanksgiving! enjoy your time at hilton head 🙂

  2. love this beyonce song! So inspiring! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Nicole Marie says:

    lot's to be thankful for! love those mr. mrs. people

  4. Caroline says:

    Such a beautiful post! Wishing all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🙂

  5. Tess says:

    Your list of blessings is so true – and I'm right there with you on them all (except for becoming a mother, but one day!). I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and wonderful weekend with your family.
    All the best!

  6. Arielle says:

    Such a beautiful post!! I love your blog & would would love it if you followed me too!

    Elle 🙂

  7. Meredith says:

    Beautiful post, Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Courtney says:

    Such a great Thanksgiving post with great reminders!

  9. TaraR says:

    Thanks for sharing your thankful heart. Mine feels the same this year…so many blessings and SO much to be thankful for. <3

  10. This was a great post – very well said! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  11. Amy says:

    Beautiful heart from a beautiful woman!!! God is so good. Happy thanksgiving!!!

  12. Faith says:

    what a beautiful post! thanks for sharing this!

    have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  13. Hailey says:

    Perfect post! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your almost family of 3 :)!

    -Listen to Lady A "I was here"

  14. Nicole-Lynn says:

    So much to be thankful for! Have a wonderful thanksgiving!

  15. Lauren says:

    This is a great list! I hope you have a fun trip and a very happy Thanksgiving! And I hope you will check out the giveaway on my blog that I will be posting on Friday (it's really good)!


  16. A.M. says:

    what a great song-today mary;s the 1 year anniversary of my friend's fathers death…I am going to dedicate this to him. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. this is a lovely post! and many things to be thankful!

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