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This Week’s Shenanigans


November 17, 2011

Seriously? It’s Thursday already…this week is flying by, quite possibly due to the amount of extra-curricular activities occupying my time.
Monday night we had training for Junior League, which was a discussion about social media–interesting to see others’ opinions of how we interact online and just how all of us are “building our brand” whether we think so or not. The lesson I took away is to know your end goal/result and stick to your guns!

Tuesday brought a much-needed hair appointment and another JL Meeting where the big thing on everyone’s mind is Tis the Season coming up this weekend. If you’re in or around Nashville, drop by the Convention Center to check out the holiday marketplace of more than 100 vendors to stock up on holiday goodies and gifts. The money raised benefits our community so it’s a great reason to shop! Tickets are available at the doors.
As for last night, my time was devoted to household chores, the weekly mani/pedi {which is getting difficult already–how do you reach your toes when you’re 30 weeks pregnant?}, and watching Revenge…glamorous, wouldn’t you say?

This time next week, I’ll be cooking and baking away for Thanksgiving festivities…the only hard part is that I won’t be home with my family. Rather, we’re headed east to Hilton Head to celebrate with Jeff’s family. I know we are going to have a wonderful time, though I have to admit, my heart is a litle sad to miss Thanksgiving at my parent’s house–I’m 28 and this is the first year I won’t be at home. Does “trading off” holidays get easier? As an only child I have to admit, this is a hard one for me to bear.
However, the hubby promised me loads of Black Friday shopping madness as he knows this is where my adrenaline gets pumping! The outlets are calling my name and I’ve been scouring the websites for sneak peaks of this year’s ads–go here now to check them out! {P.S. anyone seen the crazy Target lady commercials are back? I love her!}
And because we all need a little inspiration to keep us going…see some of my favorite quotes! This ALWAYS helps me with positive motivation.

That’s it for today my friends…back to the daily grind, but starting to work on some VERY fun posts in the coming weeks–stay tuned, and thanks for listening to me babble on about nothing 😉

  1. Oh no 🙁 I can't imagine not being with my family for the holidays. I am so scared of the moment Andrew and I get married and realize that we can't drive 4 different places for Thanksgiving and Christmas- but honestly, it takes the fun out of it trying to be every where in one day! I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving. And lucky you for having a husband to go black friday shopping with you!

  2. Pamela says:

    Aww! I'm an only child too & would be the same way about missing a holiday from my family!! You will still have a wonderful time though! Have fun shopping!! Love the pins.

  3. Mrs. W says:

    I'm very sorry to say that NO it doesn't get any easier. We are going on 4 holiday seasons as a couple and it's always a little sad. I actually posted about this this week, it's sad/difficult sitation. I'm not sure what your plans are once the little one arrives but I've already made it clear that once children arrive we will be staying home and everyone is welcome to come see us!

    Anywoo…black friday shopping sounds like a blast! Have fun!

  4. Amanda says:

    I come from a broken home, and although trading off holidays doesn't get easier, you get use to it. I just got married this year as well, but the best part is our mothers live in the same town. Lunch for one, and dinner for the other! The best of both worlds.

    I know sometimes my mom's side of the family celebrates the holiday not on the actual day. Instead, we pick a random Sunday before or after and all get together for a non-traditional meal. This often happens at Christmas as well so everyone can join!

    PS. Outlet shopping in HHI is the best 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    You are always up to something and I love it!!! The trading off holidays does get easier as the years past. I was very sad to miss my first thanksgiving but as you learn and take part in the other half's routines and traditions it builds new memories and a stronger relationship. Happy Thursday! 🙂

  6. Emily says:

    Girl, I was pregnant our first married Christmas so I feel your pain! Sadly, it hasn't gotten that much easier to trade off holidays but I am hoping it will. At least you will be in Hilton Head!

  7. Mrs. Lovely says:

    My husband is an only child and I can tell you it gets easier. Last year we tried to appease everyone and went to 5 Christmas celebrations and by January I was exhausted. This year he seems more open to missing a few of his family plans so we aren't killing ourselves to do everything.

  8. I didn't know you were in JL! I am the social media chair for Junior League Sac! 🙂 I think the holiday thing is really hard, it may get harder when you have baby C, but I think it will get easier!

    Happy Thursday!

  9. BeckyJo606 says:

    Being with your spouse's family during the holiday can be really tough! We spent Easter with my husband's family and I was sooo homesick for my mom the whole day! I tried to think about the importance of becoming close to their family, but it's still hard! I'll be thinking of you!

  10. Olivia Ellen says:

    I will be in Nashville December 6th-9th. Is there anything fun going on? As in fun shopping like Tis the Season y'all are hosting?! 🙂 Thanks!

  11. Sarah says:

    Girllll – Revenge is. so. good. Are you addicted? As for the holiday switching, I am not sure how you do it?! The thought of not being with my family, namely my mom (as juvinelle as that sounds)sucks. I dont know what I'll do when that time comes – hopefully black friday deals will cheer you up!

  12. Elena says:

    I'm an only child also and can't imagine a holiday without my parents! I haven't had to yet (and probably won't for a while) but I'm definitely not looking forward to it! It's good you'll have your husband there with you during the holiday! Hopefully you'll be able to spend Christmas with your parents though! And Black Friday shopping never hurts!

  13. I totally understand how hard trading holidays are! No fun! What will you be cooking/baking for Thanksgiving!?! 🙂

  14. Im so ready for Thanksgiving!! And just to let you know I still think your preggo pic in the last post is the CUTEST ever!! I scrolled down to comment and loved it all over!! haha!

    Have a great evening!

  15. Lu says:

    I'm spending my second thanksgiving away from my family this year and it isn't getting any easier!

  16. I used to find holidays away from my family excruciating but I'm so used to it now that I kind of find them annoying! Lol. That's terrible, I know, but being away from them most Christmases (and every Thanksgiving since we've been married) for the last five years, I've developed my own traditions and I'm starting to turn into a stubborn old lady about them.
    Excited to hear what you rake in on Black Friday. 🙂

  17. I love the crazy Target lady commercials too!

  18. Caitlin says:

    Those Target commercials are my absolute favorite ones!
    And Thanksgiving in Hilton Head? I think the pretty scenery might make being away a teeny bit easier. And of course the promise of plenty of Black Friday shopping and outlet malls wouldn't hurt either!

  19. Jamie says:

    I love the outlets in Hilton Head! Hope y'all have fun visiting his fam 🙂

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