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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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What I’m Cooking This Year…


November 22, 2011

Growing up, I rememeber helping my Mom prepare Thanksgiving dishes to bring to my Grandparent’s house and how we would spend so much time in the kitchen, making sure each dish was prepared perfectly…afterall, turkey day is a lot about the food, am I right?
Even now, I am just like her in that I agonize over each and every detail of what I make, as food=love. This year, the dishes I am making are a little different than usual since we’ll be in Hilton Head, though I just have to make some of my most treasured favorites so that it’ll feel like home. Here are the items on my to-do list for tomorrow night and Thursday morning:

**this time, I’ll be using pumpkin butter and pecans instead of preserves
Sweet Potato Casserole {my family’s famous recipe}
Autumn Chopped Salad {via Espresso and Cream}

German Chocolate Heath Bar Cake {via Cookbook Jungle}
And because you all love to hate me when I post the infamous “Eat This, Not That” series, I read that the average person consumes more than 4,500 calolries and 229 grams of fat on Thanksgiving…obviously the “fattest day of the year” by a landslide. However, check out these quick switches to help keep yourself on track during turkey day! Enjoy your time with family and friends 😉
  1. Leslie says:

    Yumm…the baked brie with pumpkin sounds DELICIOUS!! And Sweet Potato casserole is one of my absolute favorite dishes at Thanksgiving! 🙂

  2. Meredith says:

    sounds yummy, have a great Thanksgiving, I love sweet potato casserole, but prefer the pecan topping vs. the marshmallows.

  3. This post just reminded me of my love of baked brie! I am going to have to go back to the store to get the ingredients. Pumpkin butter and pecans sound like great additions. Thanks for adding me to your blog list!

  4. Oh my goodness this all looks delicious! We are having sweet potato casserole too, my favorite!!

  5. Faith says:

    yikes, that many calories?! fun, fun! hopefully i can keep an eye on all the million things i want to put in my belly.

    that cake looks amazing! i want some now.

  6. Oh I just made baked brie for the first time this week…featured it today! It's SO tasty! Wow! And that is really scary about how many cals we consume in one day…EEK!

  7. Do you use a brie baker? If not, you should definitely add it to your Christmas list! http://www.crateandbarrel.com/kitchen-and-food/individual-bakeware/brie-baker/s672630

    Also, I am switching up my brie recipe this year with this one: http://pinterest.com/pin/105553184986129293/

    As for calories, I work for healthcare system, and our Wellness team advertised today that the average weight gain for the holiday season is 7-10 lbs! Yikes!

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  8. Emily says:

    Love that you put up the caloric savers…so I can indulge in my favorites Smoked Turkey and Mashed Potatoes. Sigh. The Baked Brie looks delish as does, well everything else, but especially the dessert!!!
    Happy Tuesday.


  9. Yummy! Thank you for making me hungry now at work. Oh and also, I'll be showing up at your place to eat some of this on Thursday 😉

  10. Ashley says:

    holy calories!! that is a TON to intake on Thanksgiving! wow…i'm definitely going to have to go into moderation overload lol =)
    Your recipes sound divine — especially the baked brie!

  11. Becca says:

    Everything sounds delish! I'm making Sweet Potato Casserole to bring over to the in-laws! Excited for my first Thanksgiving as newlyweds! 🙂

  12. Caroline says:

    That salad looks divine. My MIL needed another veggie since she douses the green beans in cream of everything. Maybe I can persuade her to let me bring something like this.

  13. Yummy!! That all looks so good!! Im so excited for Thanksgiving!! 🙂

  14. Carroll says:

    yummalish! These dishes sound divine!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! 🙂

  15. Carroll says:

    yummalish! These dishes sound divine!! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! 🙂

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