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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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26 Weeks and Counting…


December 14, 2011

**All dressed up for my company’s Christmas party last weekend!! As I have a feeling I will get questions on where this outfit came from, my tunic is not maternity {WOO HOO} and I bought it at Blush here in Nashville

How Far Along? 26 weeks, 4 days…double digits=amount of days to go {94!}
Size of Caroline? An eggplant/hothouse cucumber…take your pick! She is over 14 inches and weighs about 1.75 pounds
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes indeed! Those hidden “panels” in pants and leggings are miracles and I can’t imagine not having them. I’ve been shopping away for fun new outfits to wear in NY so I dont resemble humpty dumpty. I may be the only 6 month pregnant person who buys a sequined dress, but it’s NY and I want to be festive and dressy, too πŸ˜‰
Weight Gain? Still at 19 pounds. I’ve really been paying attention to what I have been consuming this week and trying to avoid unnecessary holiday gorging.
Stretch Marks? Nope!

Gender? It’s a girl… as Meg lovingly calls her “CC”
Sleep? Trying to get more than usual. Jeff knows it’s lights out at 10PM or else he can watch the news in another room–haha.
Food Cravings? Fruit, chicken tenders, and anything peppermint!
What I Miss? Sleeping without having to use the bathroom multiple times each night, happy hour, unlimited energy, my waist {haha}
Symptoms? The normal stuff–kicks from the little one, dry skin, muscle spasms 
Best Moment of the Week? Not just one moment, but feeling her move all the time–it’s like she and I are having a conversation when I am talking to her…I just love those little pokes!

And P.S. I am working on another round of the nursery chronicles so you can see our progess so far…stay tuned for next week πŸ˜‰

  1. Faith says:

    you look amazing! i would def. rock a sequin dress if i was 6 months pregant along with sky high stilettos, hehe.

  2. Natalie says:

    You look beautiful, Natasha! Can't wait to see your nursery!

  3. Your bump is so so cute! I am super excited to see nursery progress!! πŸ™‚

  4. Liz says:

    okay you are just TOO cute! Love this outfit, you look amazing!! so fun hearing about your journey!

  5. Meredith says:

    You look so cute!! Yay on the nursery, can't wait to see!

  6. You look adorable! I love your outfit!

  7. Look at that precious bump. You look fantastic. πŸ™‚

  8. Erin says:

    Looking gorgeous, as always! I would totally rock the sequins too, if I were you. No reason that belly can't look festive for NYE! πŸ™‚

  9. Jess says:

    Oh my gosh…I can't believe you are 26 weeks already!!! You look GREAT. I can't wait to see pictures from NY – you are, by far, the most stylish preggo mamma ever!! And, can't wait to see pics of the nursery πŸ™‚

    So fun to watch your progress!!

  10. Shari says:

    You look amazing. I love your outfit. You definitely know how to rock the pregnant thing. Love it. πŸ™‚

  11. I love Megs nickname for her! You look adorable! Can't wait to see the sequin outfit πŸ™‚

  12. Love your outfit! Too cute!

  13. Jessica says:

    I have been craving peppermint like crazy as well!! πŸ™‚ The perfect season for it!

  14. You have to be one of the cutest pregnant ladies, ever. And peppermint…mmmm, just made a batch of homemade peppermint ice cream. So good! πŸ™‚

  15. The Hanlon's says:

    you are adorable! You seem like the happiest little pregnant person ever! πŸ™‚

  16. Yay for all of the wonderful little moments. You are glowing!

  17. amanda says:

    Love your weekly updates. You are so cute!

  18. Mommyblogger says:

    You look amazing!! Your just glowing. That's a good thing too. I sure didn't glow when I was preganant LOL

    I totally remember those sleepless nights due to bathroom trips. I don't miss them!!!

  19. You are just too adorable!! I love that top πŸ™‚ And CC, such a cute little nickname!

  20. Liesl says:

    You just keep getting cuter and cuter…adorable!

    Liesl πŸ™‚

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