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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Coffee Talk


December 6, 2011

First of all, I wanted to say a big thank you to so many of my sweet blogging friends out there who has such kind things to say about our Christmas cards and pictures. It meant the world to me, and Jeff couldn’t believe so many of you would take the time to say such sweet words. We’re trying our best to docuument as much as we can during this special time, and it’s been fun to share with you along the way, too.

OK, now on to other things:

This past weekend was a productive one…so nice to be home with not too many things planned out in advance. I scored my last few necessities to bring to NYC and I can safely say I’ve got everything I need now. That afternoon, I met up with Mom and Dad for a bite to eat so we could catch-up and then Jeff and I settled in early–Papa John’s and a movie…life of a pregnant person, right? We rented Friends with Benefits, which turned out to be really good. Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake were perfect together and this was even given two thumbs up from Jeff, so boys would enjoy as well.
Sunday, we finished the Christmas decorating at the house, which I will be showing off very soon… it’s quite festive and I wouldn’t have it any other way. That afternoon, I focused on tackling 5 loads of laundry, started wrapping Christmas presents {one of my favorite activities!}, and then baked another pumpkin pie…I just hadn’t had my fair share yet. This is the recipe I use, and it is the tastiest {and easiest} version if I do say so myself.
no, this is not my mantle, but one can dream, right?
This week has so much fun in store…tomorrow night is our bunco group rendezvous, though this go-around we’re switching things up to play Dirty Santa which I cannot wait for, Thursday we’re meeting with a possible pediatrician, and Jeff is planning a date night for just the two of us on Friday–yippee! Can you tell we’re trying to get as much couple time in as possible?
And remember, today is the last day to enter the giveaway sponsored by Miss B Jewelry Designs…you can enter here! Good luck and I’ll anounce the winner tomorrow!
  1. Shari says:

    I love that Jeff is planning a date night for you two. So cute. Get in all the time together you can! 🙂

  2. Caroline says:

    You're going to have so much fun on your date night! Can't wait to see the Christmas decorations!

  3. I want to see that movie…glad you liked it! And your mantel looks great!! Can't wait to see the rest of your decorations!

  4. Kelly B. says:

    We watched Friends with Benefits this weekend as well and my Hubby and I both like it too! Two thumbs up for a movie we both liked! 🙂

  5. Lauren says:

    That sounds like such a funny movie. Definitely on my list.

    And can you believe I've never been to NYC (or NY in general)? I'm only a couple of hours away too.

    My Aunt just went there for the day last week and bought back some chocolate from (I think it was called..) La maison du chocolat. It was so good! If you go there, you should definitely try it. I know it's in the Rockefeller Center.



  6. I need to see that movie!! I can't wait to have a date night in and watch it 🙂

    Loving that mantel, can't wait to see pics of your decorations!

  7. Tiffany says:

    Sounds like you had a great (and productive) weekend! I need to rent that movie…I've heard it's good. And I am so jealous of you being done Christmas shopping! I feel like I made my decisions a month ago on what to get everyone but haven't had time to go shop. This weekend is my weekend!! I'm a woman on a mission! ha ha.

  8. Mateya says:

    Can't wait to see the decorations!

  9. Lauren says:

    I love date nights! 🙂 I can't wait to see your house all decorated!

  10. Meredith says:

    Sounds like a great productive weekend!! Can't wait to see all the decorations!

  11. Date nights are so much fun!! I've been wanting to see Friends With Benefits, it'll have to be on my "to do" list this weekend. I love the picture of the Mantel, so pretty! I'm glad I came across your blog, I'm a new follower!

  12. The Hanlon's says:

    I love the Mantel!! Where did you get the letters and the lighting?? Check out my little family blog sometime. Merry Christmas!

  13. Jamie says:

    We liked that movie too. I love date nights. Too bad we never get them anymore. 😉

  14. Lindsay says:

    I rented Friends with Benefits too this last weekend. Super cute and funny!!! 🙂

  15. Tommy says:

    I also watched that movie over the weekend. Redbox? 🙂 It was way funnier than I thought. I love that the kid from Modern Family was also in it.

  16. Tess says:

    I've heard great things about Friends wiht Benefits. I really liked No String Attached, with Natalie Portman, and Joel got a kick out that too – so this one is going on our list.

    And I love that your group is doing Dirty Santa – Have fun!!

  17. Val says:

    Date nights are the best!!! I heart that movie.

  18. Faith says:

    i loved the movie too! really good! i LOVE wrapping presents too … hubs is so happy that i do because he absolutely hates doing it, haha. can't wait to see your Christmas decorations!

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