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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Holiday Gift Guide…Gifts Under $25


December 9, 2011

I’m not going to lie, I struggled with this one a bit dear friends. This is where I had to get really crafty, but that is what makes it fun–there are so many ways to assemble an adorable holiday gift without spending a fortune…here are some items that are sure to be a hit for your list, or make fantastic stocking stuffers:

Stay tuned…I’ll back next week with the final installments of this year’s holiday gift guide: gifts for the couple, for the babies and kids, and little jollies under $10!
  1. Savannah says:

    Once again you have such fun ideas. I love the team ornament and gloss from Sephora. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I actually own that shot glass ice mold — it is always a hit when you whip it out at a party! Plus, you can freeze things in the water … like little sprigs of greenery for a Christmas party – how cute would that be?!

  3. Chelsea says:

    Those gloves are a steal! Thanks for sharing. love your blog!! XO.

  4. Shari says:

    Great under $25 ideas, can't wait to see what you come up with for under $10. Happy Friday friend. 🙂

  5. Ashley says:

    great ideas! =) I LOVE that calendar!

  6. I love these gift ideas! I have had my eye on the measuring spoons from anthro for a while now!

  7. The trays are a great find!! And I love the Philosophy lip shine set!!

  8. Erin says:

    I agree Natasha– GREAT find on those trays. I've been wanting a few and hadn't really seen any that I liked, in my price range. These are PERFECT, thank you 🙂

  9. Arielle says:

    such cute ideas! 🙂

  10. Emily says:

    great gift pics! loving the new blog name but youre still Nashville Tash to me!

  11. Tricia says:

    These are so fantastic gifts for under $25. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

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