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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The 30 Week Bumpdate!


January 12, 2012

**All dressed up for our night out on Wednesday…dinner with Jeff’ and his sales
team to celebrate his big win–such a fun time!! {Dress via Francesca’s}
How Far Along? 30 weeks, 6 days…only 65 days to go!
Size of Baby Caroline? She is a head of cabbage…15.7 inches long and 2.75 pounds

Maternity Clothes? Yes and no. I’ve started wearing a lot of leggings because my belly starts to itch when I wear full-panel jeans for a long period of time…getting tighter in there I suppose.
Weight Gain? 23 pounds…emails say I am going to gain between .5 and 1 pound each week-yikes! All of that better be going to ensuring Caroline is a chunky little monkey.
Stretch Marks? None yet my dear friends…I thank my lucky stars each and every day.
Gender? Girl.
Sleep? I rediscovered the power of a little “help” this week. I have rarely medicated myself throughout pregnancy, so I took 1 regular Tylenol the other night and slept for 8 hours, only having to get up once to head to the bathroom…I felt like a new woman!
Food Cravings? Tangerines, peanut butter, cereal, and sugar free ice cream bars.
What I Miss? My normal energy. Jeff is helping with chores because I am getting tired {although I think he is enjoying my more “laid back view” of housework}. Normally I am OCD about putting things away and everything being in it’s proper place, but I just can’t seem to keep it up like the “old me”.
Symptoms? Sleepiness, leg cramps in the middle of the night, ever-growing belly, food aversions {the thought of red meat makes me sick lately}, and itchiness.
Belly Button: Still hanging there…it’s not out, but it’s definitely not in either.

Best Moment of the Week? As cliche as this sounds, getting daily deliveries from the UPS man have made me so happy! The bedding is here, the glider will be delivered next week, more fun decor has been purchased to hang on the walls, and we selected a paint color. This weekend is our family baby shower and I cannot wait for Sunday!
  1. You are so cute! I love it when the UPS man come to our house. {LOL} Hope your having a great week! xoxo

  2. TaraR says:

    You are wear pregnancy well, you can see that happy glow all over! It's sometimes the little things that make us happy isn't it!?

  3. Jess says:

    You look great!! Are you wearing maternity leggings? I got some at Motherhood and they are SO tight, almost like tights so I want to try a pair from somewhere else.

    I can't wait to see the finished nursery! And pics from the baby shower this weekend 🙂 SUCH a fun time!

  4. Hey hot mama! Cannot wait to see you in a few weeks. Oh, and I promise, this is when time starts FLYING! From 30 weeks on… you can do it!

  5. Kristin says:

    You are too cute! I can't wait to see the completed nursery!

  6. Faith says:

    you are so cute! love that you are wearing pumps!

    can't wait to see the nursery!

  7. Liesl says:

    You. Are. Adorable! 🙂

    …glad you are doing so well too, you will be there before you know it will a cute bundle of joy!

    Liesl 🙂

  8. Allison says:

    You look great!

  9. you are the cutest pregnant girl ever! i hope to do that well one day! looking forward to your nursery reveal……

  10. Awww you look so cute in that dress! So exciting that all the stuff for the nursery is coming in! I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for the nursery reveal! 🙂

  11. You look fantastic! You are glowing! Can't wait to hear more about how everything is going!

  12. Caroline says:

    You're the cutest pregnant person ever!

  13. Kayln says:

    Getting UPS packages in the mail is the best part of my day too :). You look great! I hope you're still feeling well!

  14. Julia says:

    have fun at your baby shower!! 🙂

  15. You look gorgeous Natasha! So excited for you and Jeff! Hope you continue to feel good and Caroline can grow big and strong!

  16. Looking good! Good luck! I had Lainey at 39 weeks…

  17. Love your dress, you are to cute!

  18. Jenn says:

    You look amazing! Love the pumps!
    Just a suggestion to help with the leg cramps…I know it sounds crazy, but my mom always says if you put a bar of soap under your fitted sheet, it will make the leg cramps stop. (You can cut a "sliver", and it will work just as well).
    Enjoy being showered with love this weekend!

  19. Amanda says:

    You may be the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen 🙂

    I've tagged you in a blog game in today's post. Come check it out and play along if you have time!


  20. You make pregnancy look so easy – love the dress!

  21. Laura says:

    You look so cute! I've just recently found your blog and loved reading through it 🙂

  22. Such a perfect dress for a fun night out with your hubby 🙂 So great that you can enjoy life while carrying the little lady!!

  23. Kristi says:

    you look great! can't wait to see the final nursery.

  24. You are So cute!! Congrats on hitting 30 weeks. The dress is perfect, i loved francescas for inexpensive bump friendly finds 🙂

  25. Shari says:

    You are adorable. Love the outfit. Can't wait to hear about your baby shower. 🙂

  26. Tess says:

    Francesca's is seriously one of the best stores around! You look amazing, per usual! I love getting mail and packages too – so I can imagine how fun it is to get packages for your little girl!!

  27. Jamie says:

    You look great, girl! So cute!

  28. Virginia says:

    You look so pretty! Is your dress from Francesca's? If so, I have that too! I can't believe you're still able to wear high heels that high!! Haha + UPS packages are the best, happy almost friday yay!

  29. Virginia says:

    Oh- JK you said it's from there! Cute!

  30. Too cute! I wonder if I will ever look that cute when I'm pregs…we'll see one day! You're just adorable.

  31. Henry says:

    Congratulations (very late!) on the new addition!

  32. TOOO CUTE!!!! Love the dress and your willingness to get up and dress up. I wish I had the energy/dignity to dress up and go out, and I am only 25 weeks. Boo me.

  33. Tiffany says:

    Oh my gosh, you are adorable! Love the dress!


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