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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fashionable Friday…Block It Out!


January 20, 2012

Color blocking seems to be all the rage as of late, and what’s not to love? It is flattering on so many body types and a look that everyone can pull off… plus, it’s a way to mix in bright, bold colors with traditional wardorbe staples. Even better, I managed to find some fun looks at great price points–check these lovelies out:

The Bottom Line Dress via Lulus
Coney Island Bag via Francescas
Time to Split Sweater via Modcloth
Blue Cloudburst Dress via Lulus

Teal and Mustard Top via La Posh Style
Lakeside View Dress via Shop Ruche
Caslon Tee via Nordstrom
Banana Ballet Flat via Francescas
 Colorblock Tote via Gap
TGIF friends! I am so happy the weekend is here…dinner at the popular Holland House tonight, major home organization and baby gear assembly tomorrow, celebrating Julie’s birthday Saturday night with our fantastic group of friends, and then spending Sunday with the hubby running errands around town. Hope you all have a fantastic few days off 😉
  1. cerniks says:

    You always have the best picks! I am in LOVE with the Blue Cloudburst Dress!
    Happy Friday,


  2. Tiffany says:

    Love this! Especially that tote!

  3. Erin says:

    Ooooh, I LOVE that teal/mustard shirt! DSW's main page is bragging about all their new color block shoes and I'm looooving all of those too 🙂 Happy Friday!

  4. Love the flats and totes! And your weekend sounds fun! We're hoping to run errands and organize too! 🙂

  5. Haley says:

    Oh my gosh I want so many of those items! Love the post.

  6. Shari says:

    That Coney Island bag is gorgeous! Happy Friday friend!

  7. These are all wonderful finds! I love that first dress!

  8. Lori Supek says:

    I am in LOVE with those flats! super cute!!!


  9. I love color blocking too! Especially with dresses, I think they are more flattering! I also love the shoes and bag! Have a fun weekend!

  10. Color blocking really is the latest thing! It's so pretty! It works for anyone because even if one of the colors doesn't look the best on someone, there's always that other color to make up for it, and look FAB next to the others. IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE. Haha! Loving the outfit choices.


  11. Tess says:

    Hope you are off to a great weekend! I really love that navy blue and camel top – it's such a good casual weekend go-to. I'm on the hunt for more tops like that so thank you for the lead!

  12. meghan says:

    Cute choices!!

    I'm a new follower via Google! =) A blogger friend and I are interested in hosting a Nashville blogger meet-up! We'd love to generate some big interest and turn it into a fun event. Interested?

    megs [at] Shine On

  13. Allyson says:

    Just found your blog, and I am so looking forward to being your newest follower! I am loving all of these picks…I may have to go shopping soon!


  14. I was slow to get on the color blocking band wagon – but now I see what all the fuss is about. I love it (especially that last bag!).

  15. amazing finds! love all the colors.

    xoxo navy & orange

  16. I love these!! I'm so in love with color blocking right now…

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