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Hodge Podge


January 26, 2012

1. It’s official, after this week’s episode, I simply can’t tolerate The Bachelor anymore…these poor darlings don’t know how stupid they look on national TV, and Ben’s personality is just boring. However, I’m ready for the summer to roll around when we can watch Emily Maynard as The Bachelorette…that girl is just too cute for words. And her fashion savvy…even better!

2. When is it suitable to buy stationery for a baby/child? I was browsing through my favorite paper store the other day talking with my go-to gal that works there and she is already sending me ideas for custom paper goods for Miss Caroline…proper etiquette from an early age my friends is essential 😉

3. In celeb-worthy news, I am just devastated by the demise of Heidi Klum and Seal’s marriage…breaks my heart because they always seemed SO in love. And then there is the fact that Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler have got a bun in the oven–this ensures if they can tackle this parenthood thing, Jeff and I could potentially win parents of the year!

4. Hubby was featured in a local newspaper the other day talking about a big business acquisition he worked on, and I couldn’t have been happier to see him all giddy…he loves his career and I was so proud. I might be displaying the article on the fridge. 😉

5. The holidays are over, but I may or may not still be burning all my Mistletoe/Balsam Fir/Christmas Tree candles…I just can’t get enough of that favorite smell!

6. Valentine’s Day treats and sweets are taking over at the stores, and I have to admit, those chocolate covered marshmallows are calling my name-maybe Jeff will take that as a hint? Who needs flowers when you can have chocolate?

7. Speaking of V-day, the movie I have been DYING to see is finally approaching…The Vow, with Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams-I almost cry everytime the trailer comes on, so I’m assuming this is going to be a real tearjerker…perfect date night!

Could I have jumped all over anymore with this post? I warned you though-hodge podge at its finest. Wish us luck…we have our breastfeeding class tonight so I am sure I am going to have some entertaining stories once that is complete. Can’t lie-the thought of talking about this type of stuff with complete strangers in a classroom makes me giggle, and Jeff is just SUPER excited, too ;).

  1. Ashley says:

    I haven't seen a trailer for that movie but everyone wants to see it lol

    I simply can't get into reality shows – everyone I have seen on one is just ridiculous. I also have a hard time with people who won't go out and meet people the old fashioned way =)

    I have a candle at the house called "Christmas in Paris" and I'm still burning it — oh and our Christmas decorations are still up =) no judging lol

  2. Amber says:

    I am SO excited for The Vow, too! Planning to watch in on Valentine's night. Have fun at the b-feeding class 😉

  3. Congrats to your hubby on his impressive newspaper mention! Exciting!

    I am so excited for the next season of the Bachelorette. Emily is in my bible study and is seriously too cute! While we always come in our gym clothes, that girl arrives looking like she walked out of a magazine – every Tuesday. I cannot wait for her season to start filming in March!

    PS – Caroline definitely needs stationary asap for "thank you" notes for all her new toys!

  4. Pamela says:

    Yay for Emily!! Can't wait! 🙂

  5. Amanda says:

    I think a girlfriend and I are going to see The Vow opening night. It looks so good and I can't wait to take my tissue box to the theaters to see it 🙂

  6. Ahh love this post! Totally agree about Bach…ick! But SO excited for Emily to be the next Bachelorette! Also DYING to see that movie too! Need to get all my chick flicks in now! 😉

  7. In no particular order…

    1.) The Vow – be still my heart. I am beside myself with excitement. The hubs will go w/ me, but I'm hoping I can make it a girls night — I think my girlfriends and I will enjoy it together more.

    2.) Emily – yayyyy!

    3.) Personalized stationary for a babe: this plagued me a little too (when is it suitable to have such a thing?) I finally took the plunge and just ordered some (I designed his thank you cards, bookplates and birth announcements to match…I loved them!!!). Anyway, I did use the thank you notes (with an orange elephant and "jackson" in lower case letters) on them before he was born. I don't know if that's considered proper or not, but they were cute and I was sick of caring. Everyone LOVED them. And we shared his name with the world early on, so everyone asked about "baby jackson" throughout my entire pregnancy.

    I say go for it! 🙂

    OKay, must run!! Love the random post… sometimes you just need to get all of that out there (like I did yesterday – ha!).

  8. I cannot wait for The Vows to come out! I love Rachel McAdams! And congrats to your husband for being featured in the local paper! That is very exciting!

    As for stationary I say start a collection now! Good quality, and classic stationary never goes out of style!

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  9. Brittany says:

    Congrats to your husband. I can't wait to watch Emily on the Bachelorette either. And that movie.. it looks amazing!!

  10. I ordered personalized stationary for Preston, just before his first shower. That way, all the thank you notes had his name on them. I ordered a bunch and still use them to this day!

  11. My hubby always wins when it comes to which movie we see, but he will definitely be seeing the Vow with me!

    Congrats to your hubby! Thank is exciting news!! Keep a copy of the paper to show your little girl some day.

    As for the Bachelor, I am so over it! I hope Emily's season is good because I actually stopped watching this season. It's just so sad

  12. Congrats to your hubby! That's awesome! And as everyone else has said….I can't wait for the Vow to come out too! Oh and for Emily to be the Bachelorette!

    I'm still watching the Bachelor but I totally agree…Ben is so boring!

  13. Cassie says:

    I love this whole post and just have a few things to mention:

    I think the idea of Caroline having her own stationary is necessary. My best friend Anna just had a baby girl and she had her own stationary to send her thank you notes out on and wrote it like Aubrie Kate was writing it. I wrote a post about it on my blog if you want to check it out; I will always cherish that note and I think it is a fun way to already showcase your little one. 🙂

    Also, I cannot wait for The Vow. I tear up every commercial too!

  14. Katie says:

    I'm so excited for Emily as the bachlorette too! She seems smart and level headed so I think she will do well at picking the good guys. I agree this season of the bachelor is pretty ridiculous but I can't help but enjoy watching those train wrecks haha

  15. I can't wait for the Vow! It looks amazing. Plus I love Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum.

    I jumped off the Bachelor bandwagon this season- to crazy and awkward for me! But I will definitely be jumping back on to watch Emily's season- hopefully will be much more classy.

  16. Meredith says:

    Haha love your comment about Jay and Kristin. I am so sad that Heidi and Seal split, they were so cute together.

  17. Caroline says:

    I totally want to see The Vow. I love Rachel McAdams. I think Fred will be taking me. 🙂

  18. Kate says:

    Love this post! I'm so excited for "The Vow", it looks so good 🙂 Congratulations to your hubby!

  19. Bunnie says:

    I love this blog!!!! I cannot wait for Valentines Day, The Vow, or to see Emily as the Bachelorette!!!


  20. Julie says:

    3 things….
    1. Chocolate trumps flowers everyday!
    2. Good luck keeping a straight face in your class 🙂
    3. Can't wait to see everything you have picked out for sweet CC!


    p.s. I used one of your friends for party photography recently, it's my post today, check it out!

  21. Lauren says:

    I can not wait to see The Vow! 🙂 I'm so excited for that and for Emily being the next Bachelorette!


  22. Mary Eliza says:

    Blech–I am so over The Bachelor too! But can't wait for Emily-yay!

    I can't wait to see The Vow either!


  23. CHH says:

    I'm really looking forward to seeing the Vow! Love Channing Tatum.

  24. Shari says:

    I like hodge podge posts. Sometimes it is a good way to organize your thoughts. Those marshmallows are awesome. I hope your hubby takes the hint! 🙂

  25. Your funny.. I love the idea of Miss C having her own stationary! Adorable! Also can't wait for Emily and The Vow!

  26. Kristin says:

    Ben is SO boring, and doesnt seem to rememebr to shave either. SO ready to watch Miss Emily!

  27. Allison says:

    I am over this Bachelor too! I can't wait for Emily's season!!

  28. I can't wait for Emily to be the bachelorette either and am also dying to see The Vow! Congrats to your hubby!

  29. Haha love this post..ahh can't stand this season of the Bachelor anymore either! Love Emily though so am excited for the Bachelorette too! So sad to hear about Hedi and Seal 🙁

  30. Samantha says:

    check out my post today on etiquette you will love it!

  31. CMae says:

    Last night you recommended a book for me to read and I'd like to recommend to you the book "THE VOW" which this movie is based on. It was a short read, I read it in like a day. I would recommend reading the book so you know the "real" story of what happened as so often in movies not everything is depicted… 🙂 Just a thought!

  32. there are so many good Valentine's Day movies coming out – I definitely want to see The Vow!

  33. lori says:

    u just came across your blog… it is SO super cute. and i am now following and looking forward to reading more!

    i cannot wait for the bachelorette this summer… emily is such a class act. love her!

    and i cant wait for the vow either!

  34. Liesl says:

    I have been watching "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" since they started years ago…how is it that I missed that Emily was going to be the next one! Oooh…this should be good!

    Liesl 🙂

  35. Mrs. SE says:

    OMG I bawl every time that trailer comes on too

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