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Holiday Lovelies…Valentine’s Edition


January 30, 2012

The ever-so-sweet Christina over at Carolina Charm requested this post, so I have to thank her for giving me the idea! I posted some fun gift ideas during the holidays, and she asked if I would devote a post to finding perfect presents for that sweetie-whether it be a friend, a beau, or your life partner {that’s how I’m lovingly referring to Jeff these days}.
Seeing as though I think Valentine’s Day is a mushy gushy all out Hallmark holiday, I wanted to show some exciting ideas that don’t require a lot of cash to execute-I think the majority of us out there are trying to cut out unecessary spending so I am attempting to make this budget-friendly for everyone!

Breakfast in Bed
I did this for my sweetie last year and he raved for weeks about it. I picked up some heart shaped muffin tins from the dollar aisle at Target and then made his favorite poppyseed muffins for breakfast-easy peesy and I got to eat, too!
Coffee Talk
If your Valentine is a lover of caffeine, buy a coffee mug that lets you profess your love everyday! Write a sweet message on the cup in celebration of V-Day and then you can always add a little something fun inside like a Starbucks gift card or a chocolate dipped pretzel covered in pink and red candy.
Movie Date Night
Instead of the traditional movie night out, buy some of the fun popcorn holders (I’ve seen them at World Market and Target recently), and stuff them with bags of popcorn
and movie size candy and then tie a little note saying it’s time to cuddle on
the couch and you’re letting him pick the movie!  
Other non-traditional dates/gifts could include a trip to a comedy club, venturing to see his favorite sports team play, a couple’s massage, an afternoon adventure  to a winery, or a fun cooking class…Jeff knows I am  all about “doing” rather than “receiving” on Valentine’s Day, so I’m interested to see what he comes up with this year!
On the other hand however, if he decides he just has to get me something, any of the following will make me a very happy wife 😉

via Gap
via Pottery Barn

{yes, I’m a nerd and need a new set of hand weights}

via Amazon

  1. Breakfast in bed always works for me on Valentine's Day! 🙂

  2. Shari says:

    super cute ideas. thanks for sharing these. 🙂

  3. Noelani says:

    This is a great post, filled with fabulous ideas. I'm more about "doing" as opposed to "receiving", as well :b

  4. Vicky says:

    Love all the ideas! There are a couple that spark a little inspiration 🙂

    I also enjoy how you through the subliminal messages for him 😉 Clever.

  5. This post makes me SO happy! Breakfast in bed is a must! xo

  6. Emily says:

    My hubby and I just got a couple's massage this past weekend and it was awesome! Highly recommended! Who wouldn't love a massage?!??

  7. Meredith says:

    I love that umbrella the colors are too cute.

  8. Allison says:

    These are such cute ideas! Especially for those of us who are budget conscious!

  9. Loving all these cute ideas 🙂 My hubby would love a little breakfast in bed… we can't stand the crowds of people out to eat on Vday. So much more romantic this way!

  10. Love the breakfast in bed idea! So sweet! I am new to the blogging world, but have loved reading yours! Congrats on your baby girl!

  11. Liesl says:

    Can't believe it is almost February already…this year is already flying by! Hope you had a Marvelous Monday, Natasha and that is going well with you and the bun in the oven! 🙂

    Liesl 🙂

  12. Tori says:

    Hey girl, the weight link takes me directly to Amazon and I'm interested in those weights. Do you have a direct link?

  13. Amber says:

    Thank you for all of the ideas! I want to do the breakfast in bed one and make a deck of cards "52 reasons why I love you" thing I saw on Pinterest 😉

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