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Our Baby Registry…Part I: The Gear


January 24, 2012

Finally, right? I have received all sorts of questions asking about our baby registry so I hope this helps! I decided to break these registry posts down into smaller, more manageable details because too much of this stuff is completely overwhelming. First up, the necessary baby gear.

Of course I must insert a caveat before you read any further: these are only MY recommendations/opinions, based on hours of research online, tips and tricks from other mommies, Lucie’s List, Consumer’s Reports, and countless other blog posts I have read from pregnant gals.  Also, I am already betting some of these essentials will be replaced once Caroline comesâ€Ļthis is going to be an ongoing “experiment” in surviving the daily life of a newborn, and I’m lucky that there is a Target a mere 2.5 miles from my house.

The Britax B-Ready Stroller. I was up in the air between the B-Ready and the UppaBaby Vista, and this was the chosen winner. I wanted a stroller that was easy to disassemble, had a “click-and-go” system with carseat, offered adequate storage {hello shopping adventures!}, and could accomodate another child {if and when friends, if and when}.  Let’s be honest, I also wanted a stroller that was pleasing to the eye-I’m going to use this everyday and I didn’t want something I couldn’t stand to look at. We ended up getting the silver color and I love it!

The Britax B-Safe Carseat. Not only was it a top safety pick, but it easily pops into the B-Ready stroller. It’s also gender neutral, and smaller than other carseats we looked at. We also registered for the additional car seat base so Jeff can pimp one in his ride, too. 😉

Britax B-Ready Bassinet. This was one of those items that isn’t a necessity, but I really, really wanted it. This bassinet is going to be perfect for afternoon strolls in the park, little naps when we are out and about, and a perfect companion for our beach trip in May.

ERGObaby Carrier. I’ve been told this is the Cadillac of baby carriers out there, due to it’s ease of use, comfort level when wearing for long periods of time, it adapts to both mom and dad’s sizes, and how practical it is—you can do normal activities while having the little one attached to you. Friends assured me this one was the winner in their book. A little pricier than others, but something we’re bound to get a lot of use out of. Check!  

Moby Wrap Carrier. For something a little less bulky, we opted for the moby wrap. It keeps the baby warm while my hands remain free, has wide straps for comfort, protects baby skin with SPF 50 material, is easily adjustable with no buckles/snaps, and looks to be fairly simple to use when running errands. This is going to be fun entertaining to learn the proper way to wrap our little bambino up.

Summer Infant BabyTouch Color Video Monitor. We splurged on this item and registered for one of the nicer monitors. It’s has color display, touch screen monitor, a pan/scan/zoom feature so when little miss moves around the crib we can still see her, a 2-way talk back feature {for when she gets older}, as well as a handy dandy docking station. Let’s just hope I don’t get crazy and have to stare at the thing constantly “just in case”.

The Nap Nanny. A friend and fellow mommy recommeded the Nap Nanny to me, and said she couldn’t live without it–the perfect reclining infant sleeper. It “cradles” the baby, weighs only 3 pounds so you can take it anywhere in the house, is ideal for babies who don’t like to lay flat, and is perfect for playtime and lounging. I’ve also been told this helps with reflux and helps preventscongestion, too!

Boppy Pillow and Slipcovers. I’m not sure this needs any explanation as practically everyone knows about this lifesaver. Helpful for feeding, can be used for tummy time, and a way to “prop” up the little one. I also registered for a few extra slipcovers since I’m assuming these get dirty frequently. Some other cute slipcovers I found: here, here, and here.

Fisher Price My Little Snug-A-Bunny Bouncer. Another tried and true absolute from everyone I have talked to. A bouncer, something to keep them in motion when they get fussy or refuse to sleep, and acts as entertainment, too. This one is lightweight with 8 different songs and sounds, portable and sturdy and has a mobile attachment for stimulation. To be honest, I also loved the fact this doesn’t take up a huge amount of space.

Chicco Playard/Pack-n-Play-Romantic. This is one item I am up in the air about and may rethink and go with something else. I love the design of this, yet it’s bulky and I’ve read it’s not the easiest to travel with. I do love the built-in bassinet and changing table as we plan to keep this in our family room for sleep/play time, and it will make it easy to change little miss’ diapers without having to walk up and down the stairs. It also has storage compartments, a mobile, sounds, and a night light. If we decide this one is just too much to deal with, I’ve got my eyes on the Quicksmart or the Aprica Haven OpenAir.  

We’re also planning to get a jogging stoller (here or here), a highchair (this or this), an exersaucer/jumper, but we’re waiting on those items for a bit to figure out what Caroline likes/dislikes and what we actually need.
I hope you enjoyed the first installment of the fascinating world of a baby registry…next up, the feeding/diapering/bathing/cleaning essentials…and yes, I guess this is where I have to talk about breastpumping and dirty diaper disposal…the not so glamorous part of motherhood ;).
  1. Nicole Marie says:

    so glad you got the ergo. it's AMAZING! i carry my 2 year old brother in it stil! my back never hurts even when i carried him all around disneyland all day in it when he was one. only my feet hurt.
    the boppy pillows are great for everything too and my parents still use the video monitors watching the boys sleep even though they are 4 and 2 now

  2. KY says:

    Eeek! This is so exciting! …and lucky you that Target is 2.5 miles away. That sounds dangerous 😉 How are you feeling mama?? I love seeing all of the new baby products that are out now- my brother is turning 10 this July and it feels like my mom was pregnant and I was helping her with her registry just yesterday. Sending happy thoughts and well wishes your way!!

  3. chelsieast says:

    Great things so far! You will LOVE the baby carrier and it will safe your life, you can totally unload the dishwasher and have little lady sleep on you…AMAZING! Love your stroller and also a little jealous of it! The little bouncy seat is also a lifesaver! Great for shower time, dinner time and just about any other "don't want to hold you forever time!" I also have a Nap Nanny, but my little lady was a belly sleeper early so we didn't use it for all its potential but it is great now for her to sit in and I feed her in it time to time! LOVE your stuff!!! OH and the monitors, best. invention.ever! So good you got the scanning one because it won't be long before she is cruising her crib 🙂

  4. Jess says:

    So glad you posted this!! We have registered for a lot of the same stuff and am happy to hear that they have gotten numerous great reviews! I researched and researched and researched….here's to hoping that our babies like what we do! Haha 🙂 Can't wait to read the rest of the posts!

  5. Oh these are all so helpful!! Where did you register? Love that you're doing this!! 🙂

  6. Mateya says:

    This is really helpful…I just started working on ours!

  7. Tess says:

    I love that little snug-a-bunny seat. A lot of those seaters can be a wee bit…ugly – but I think that one is subtle, sweet, and will still keep baby Caroline happy.

    Looks like you've found some great items! I think you'll have one happy camper!

  8. Bethany says:

    I am 14 weeks pregnant and this is very helpful! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Amy says:

    I've heard wonderful things about the Ergo. We got a Bjorn and it's worked great for us but the Ergo was my first choice.

    This might be a little TMI but another use I found for my boppy pillows: to sit on after the baby was born. I was pretty uncomfortable for the first little bit and that thing was a lifesaver!

  10. Angela says:

    I am a nanny for 2.5 year old twins and we just switched to that monitor and I love it!! I love that I can see both of them in their separate rooms at nap time (it scans back and forth every 10ish seconds) and I love that I can give a gentle reminder to get back in bed and go to sleep without having to run up the stairs 50 times!! Best monitor ever!

    I also adore the BOB stroller, we have a double and it is so easy to run with, even now that each girl weights 27 lbs!!

  11. I've never seen a Nap Nanny before, but it looks so cool!

  12. Thank you so much for this! I jotted down everything! This is so helpful and I LOVE the nap nanny & bunny bouncer!


  13. I am bookmarking this post for when the time comes that I will need to start making this list 😉 Looks like baby C will have everything she needs- and more!

  14. GOod call on the ERGO! Love mine

  15. Julia says:

    I have the pack n play and couldn't have done without it. I have stairs in the house and when I had to get an emergency C-Section I had to keep that downstairs to change his diapers or lay him down for a few minutes. Then when I came back to work I gave it to my mom to keep over there so while she babysits she has a changing table and crib which it's perfect for 🙂 Jonathan put it together and took it down a few times and said it was not difficult

  16. so exciting…these are so amazing! i think i want to save all of these for when my time comes!

  17. Hannah says:

    Those all look like really good baby things : ) I love registering for things!

    Also, I tagged you in my post! You should come look! I hope you play along!


  18. meso richie says:

    safety and precautions for baby always necessary for any mother, that`s why i have car seat on top of my baby registry list.

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