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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Thank the Lord


January 27, 2012

It is Friday…that is the only thing getting me through this crazy monstrosity of a workday-sometimes I want to close my office door and scream because it’s legitimately true…I work with absolute lunatics. In a world of fast-paced deadlines, short turnaround proposals and such, I am normally capable to accomodate a hefty amount of stress. Yet these days, I know I need to be more kind to my body and I had to politely tell someone “no” today. My that felt good.

In wrapping up this week, I don’t have much to contribute just due to lack of time, so my apologies. I am so excited for a fun weekend in the works though!

  • Mom is coming over tonight to help me decide on nursery curtains so I can order them. It’s funny that I am that ecstatic over fabric these days, but I assure you, the end result is going to be pretty!
  • Tomorrow, I am going to spend the afternoon with my favorite photographer for maternity pictures…outfits are planned and props are ready, so bring on the fun!
  • Saturday night, we’re all celebrating the BFF’s hubby’s birthday…yippee for baked goods and loads of quality time with friends
  • On Sunday, it’s back to our normal routine at church and then Jeff and I are planning to have a day date he is planning…fun no doubt!

Hope you all have a fantabulous weekend, too!! OXOX

  1. ohh we have our maternity shoot feb 11th!! im in the outfit planning stage now! anxious to see what you wear!

  2. Allyson says:

    That all sounds so fun! I bet your pictures will turn out fabulous!


  3. You've earned this weekend! Working with loonies … not so fun. 🙂

    Have a fantastic time getting your maternity shots taken. I can't wait to see them.

  4. Have a great weekend! xo

  5. Awww fun weekend ahead!! And I hear on deadlines and proposals…it's good to know when to just say no! 🙂

  6. rebecca says:

    sounds like a packed weekend full of fun. how exciting to be decorating your nursery!!

  7. Julia says:

    Yay for maternity pics!! Also yay for baked goods and a day date woot woot!

  8. Shari says:

    Sounds like a fabulous weekend! Enjoy it! Happy Friday friend. 🙂

  9. Elizabeth says:

    Love your blog!! 🙂

    And I must say you and your hubby are the cutest things!

    Now following!


  10. Good for you!!! That was hard for me when I was preggo, too…. but you HAVE to do it. I'd often get kicked out of the office at 7 p.m. by a colleague — after awhile, I realized that was absurd and this momma needed to get her booty home and in bed! Way to know when to say "when"!

    And I'm excited to hear about your fun day date!!

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