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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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35 Weeks…1 Month To Go!


February 17, 2012

How Far Along? 35 weeks, 6 days…29 days to go! Today is exactly 1 month away from my due date!!!

Size of Our Sweet Caroline? She is one of my favorite fruits this week-a honeydew! 5.25 pounds and 18 inches

Maternity Clothes? It’s amazing what I am still “able” to fit into these days…I never thought I’d still be sporting non-prego clothing, but I can’t say it doesn’t help in the wardrobe department. Although I cannot lie, yoga pants + a long sleeve top paired with a

cardigan + a fun bold necklace could be my favorite “staple” outfit
Weight Gain? 26 pounds
Stretch Marks? Nada
Gender? If you read my blog for any length of time, it’s obvious what is about to come into our world…a mini-me!

Sleep? What’s that? We used to be good friends, but it’s like she defriended me or something…my nightly routine is getting old really fast. Down to sleep/up for bathroom break/down again/up for rotating positions/up for bathroom break/etc {you get the drift}
Food Cravings? Clementines, Fiber One cereal, ice cream, and powdered doughnuts…I think I might have a hard time saying hasta la vista to some of these cravings once little bit is here 

What I Miss? A full night’s sleep, endless amounts of caffeine, my energy, running, and alcohol…yep, I’m not sugarcoating it this week friends, I miss it all! Everyone tells me this is the final stretch-the hardest part to overcome-and I am feeling it in a major way. I’m just ready for Caroline to be here and I want to feel like me again.

Symptoms? I had my first weird episode Sunday night…I’m laying in bed watching TV and start feeling these sharp pains “down below”-so I kindly ask Jeff to come in our room and tell him what’s up. I then proceed to look online at baby websites for possible causes and then Jeff says “babe, don’t look at that…it’ll tell you that you have cancer.” Bless his heart, I just needed to know I wasn’t going crazy. I decide to call my doctor’s on-call service and let them know what’s going on. They ask if it’s my first baby, and then proceed to tell me it’s totally normal and that it’s either my body preparing me for what’s to come {oh joy}, or Caroline is resting upon a certain nerve that is causing the pain…either way, not fun and not comfortable. It’s since happened 2 additional nights, so I know it’s the name of the game. Other than that, I’m hanging in there…trying to stay hydrated so I don’t blow up like a blimp, trying to “relax”, and telling myself that crying every day is absolutely normal ;).
Belly Button? Half and half.
Best Moment of the Week? My 2nd baby shower! I promise pictures are coming soon from my fabulous photographer, and I cannot wait to show you just how gorgeous each and every detail was. My friends most certainly showered Caroline with incredible gifts and we played  fun games and indulged in so much food I almost went into a coma…it was the perfect day! Here is a little sneak peak of me and the incredible hostesses!
  1. Cute Picture! Your still as gorgeous as ever 🙂

    Can't wait to see your little bundle of joy 🙂



  2. Carolyn says:

    You look soooo good! 🙂 I can't believe you're already almost done!!! It went so fast! Can't wait to see little Caroline! (love the name BTW!) 🙂

  3. Kayln says:

    I can't believe you're so close!!! This is going to sound totally lame, but I hope you still blog as frequently once you have the little one 🙂 {although I can imagine you'll have much more important things to do once she arrives lol}

  4. Kaytee says:

    Your pregnancy is FLYING! You look beautiful.
    xo Kaytee


  5. Sarah says:

    I love that dress in your shower picture! You can't even tell your preggers! 🙂 Where did you get it?!

  6. Amanda says:

    You are still too cute! All belly! Can't wait for next month to see all of the baby updates!

  7. You're looking wonderful Natasha…so so close! And your bump is just the cutest! Can't wait to hear about your shower…love the necklace you're wearing in the pic! 🙂

  8. Mandy says:

    Ack! You are too adorable!! 🙂
    Getting excited for you!

  9. meghan says:

    You look fantastic. And don't worry, crying every day is totally normal. 🙂

  10. You're the cutest pregnant person I've ever seen. Seriously. That's all : )

  11. can't believe the due date is exactly a month away; so exciting!! at least we know that you are super prepared (love all your registry posts :)) for the mini-me to arrive. can't wait to pics of the shower!

  12. Andee Layne says:

    you look gorgeous! Im 35 weeks as well and having our first little girl too 😉 Love to see you shower details! Im sure you got tons of goodies for your little darling xoox

  13. JayeMarie says:

    You look so great my dear, and so happy! I can't believe it's so soon.

  14. Kristin says:

    So close!! It seems like just yesterday you were announcing your pregnancy! I can't wait to see sweet little peanut when she makes her debut! You are looking great — not much longer!!

  15. You are so tiny and cute! Glad you had fun at your shower!!

  16. Lindsay says:

    You are so cute!! I love that picture of you and the hostesses – you don't even look pregnant!!

  17. Katie says:

    Hi Natasha! I stumbled on your blog this afternoon, and I'm so glad I did…it's adorable! I'm right behind you at 32w3d pregnant, also with a little girl 🙂 You look so great, and I just know you're so excited to meet your wee one SOON! Anyway, just wanted to say hello!


  18. You look great! Can't wait to see pics of your shower!

  19. Eeeek!! One more month?! I swear this pregnancy hs flown by! Caroline is cookin' away and I'm ready to see this southern belle and all her swag!

    Enjoy the last few weeks!! 🙂 I'm thinking and praying for y'all!

    Hope you have a great weekend! Xo

  20. One month!?! Girl that is crazy!! I know you probably won't agree, but it feels like you just got pregnant!! Can't wait for the baby pics…so soon!

  21. Miss V says:

    It's getting so close! I have to tell you that I have loved "being on this journey" with you… so so so so corny I know… but hopefully you get what I mean. I don't think I've ever felt so excited for someone I've never met. (weird, maybe) so maybe this is the corniest, weirdest comment ever but seriously thank you for sharing the good with the bad, happy to see there has been so much more of the good and you are about to experience the best. Lots of love!! Happy weekend! xo

  22. ohmygosh, your little one is almost here. i swear you are one of the pretties preggo gals i have EVER seen. you just glow in your pics. caroline is going to look back on your photo's one day and be in awe of how gorgeous her mama is 🙂

  23. Friend, I am such a bad blogger lately and have not kept up with your updates…cannot believe you are SO close. Praying that everything goes so smoothly for you. Cannot wait to see your princess 🙂

  24. Jenna E says:

    You are SO BEAUTIFUL!!!

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